Nycdiamond on-line sex chats for YOU!



Date: October 6, 2022

18 thoughts on “Nycdiamond on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I wouldn't find it hurtful, but I would not find it workable. “That won't work for me. Visiting people is fine, but I'll always want my own place.”

  2. I wouldn't find it hurtful, but I would not find it workable. “That won't work for me. Visiting people is fine, but I'll always want my own place.”

  3. She is toxic and will continue to do this to you if you don’t cut it off now. Not even just the phone bill, she’ll start randomly asking you for money because you are afraid to be harsh towards her… she has you wrapped around her finger and you don’t even realize it

  4. Why didn't you just save the food and have leftovers? I can't fathom why you'd just throw it away and waste it.

    Anyways, he's wrong for yelling and you need to tell him that he cannot talk to you like that. You need to communicate with each other and the communication described in this post is unhealthy

  5. Ah well I’m fairly certain my bf doesn’t use reddit so I doubt this is a wacky crossover moment, but I’m sorry you’re experiencing the same problems. Please don’t blame her; if she’s like me then she’s not doing this on purpose.

  6. Add this to your post, so others can stop advising you to try and make it work when you need to cut your losses and move on

  7. Maybe! That’s a good idea that I have not thought about. We’re currently both taking a bit of time to mull over the situation and planning to have the big talk this week about plans. My mind is 80% leaning towards accepting the position as I don’t know the next time this is going to come along. I appreciate your perspective.

  8. Because I had bad experiences with men in my own sphere, mainly due to classism, sexism, being obsessed by career and money, aggressivness, I am very sick of it. I have found quite the opposite in this new sphere

  9. Start making dinner for yourself only. See what happens.

    Wife and I both work, have separate accounts, we share house duties, we cook our own meals 90% of the time, and clean our own dishes.

    I want an independent partnership that makes us both better, not a maid that also happens to have another job.

  10. I am pretty sure it just stems from my own insecurities but I just really don’t want to mess it up

  11. That's entirely your choice, you don't have to be in a relationship that you don't want to be in, be it a friendship or something more.

    Personally, I think if you'd not wantto be with someone who finds cheating aborrent, that speaks to your own morals.

  12. Actually I am 28 ans he is 25, I made a mistake in the title. It’s his first true relationship so I wonder if it’s just a mistake because he was in a crisis and wanted to seek advice. I know I did it in the past when I was younger. But the problem is the extend to which he went about it. It’s just insane to me and I would never feel confortable sharing intimate stuff with him again.

  13. I was reading the descriptions of what the guy is into, and it was like.. wait for it wait for it, I know it's coming.. AH! There it is! “He says borderline racist stuff and tells me we (black ppl? Minorities?) make everything about race.”

    Imagine what the group chats are like between him and his buddies.

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