Lucie, ⭐ the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Lucie, ⭐, 18 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Lucie, ⭐

Lucie, ⭐ on-line sex chat

Date: September 27, 2022

58 thoughts on “Lucie, ⭐ the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Honestly this is a lose lose situation. It sounds like you’ll always be second to the said cousin and if she were to tell him to leave you he would. It sounds like you’re just a cover up so they can deflect that he has a GF so you have the title but nothing else. I’d leave tbh that doesn’t sound like there’s a future there for me cause I’d want to be #1 to them not an after thought to her. Is she single? Has she ever dated?

  2. You said that it can be up to 3 days between when you have sex, so yes, that’s not enough for him, you stated that is how he is thinking? I don’t understand how you don’t get that. I never said that you reject each other, I said that the sex can be good and everything, but ultimately the frequency is a huge part of the incompatibility. You don’t have to change it if you don’t want to, but you not acknowledging that it is an issue for him, it literally part of your problem.

  3. You belong to the streets, what kind of narcissist hangs a very hot photo of themselves above their bed lmao

  4. How would he know what company she has purchased life insurance from without the documents? She could have several policies on him.

  5. He wants to be a father, but only when all the work is done and without paying anything or supporting the mother in any way

  6. Yes, get him out before it becomes too difficult to make him leave. Tenancy laws can be a problem depending on where you online, especially here in the US.

  7. If you don't want to, don't do it.

    Since she's being a bitch about it, I'd tell her to kick rocks, and would find someone actually worthwhile to be with, instead.

  8. ?Do your future self a big favor and leave him. Love-bombarding on the one hand (the word marriage after only a couple of weeks????) and yelling, cussing at you on the other point to manipulation Very hot and cold is the best way to break someone's character. He is already succeeding… You're questioning yourself whether it's your fault.


  9. His father passed away 3 weeks ago and you're bitter that he's spending more time with his mom?

    Read that out loud and think on your feelings there

  10. Choose carefully, dont introduce to kids unless committed and definitely birth control. Adults need to adult sometimes just keep your priorities straight and be safe.

  11. Imagine your life without either girls. If you like it, break up.if not, stay. Don't break up just for some new girl you met. That being said, high school relationships are always kinda flawed, and you'd almost always end up with another person, one way or another. You're just too young to know what you want. And factor the family out, they're not the ones in the relationship.

  12. She immediately thought you were crying about her.

    If you didn't notice her leave, you were completely overtaken which can be really disturbing to be surprised by.

    The fact that you were hiding it until it exploded out is not a good sign that you can control your emotions.

    Saying you were holding it in to be strong for her sounds disingenuous after you said she asked for you to open up more.

    If I was in her shoes, I'd be freaked out too. You just randomly burst into tears and started sobbing and crying uncontrollably after lying and saying you were OK. Not much to be cool with there. The things Racing through her mind was probably about you cheating or if you don't love her or even just whether or not you're losing your mind.

    To keep your emotions all locked up until it explodes in a really abrasive way and then say you really could've used a hug….. next time, ask for a hug before you scare the shit out of her.

    There's no need to talk about it. Learn. Forgive yourself. Move on.

    Good luck.

  13. u/goofygoogaga, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  14. This is one of those life lessons. Introducing a new pet into any living situation is a 2 yes 1no scenario. Either both parties say yes and you get a pet or 1 party says no and you don't get a pet. A pet has a huge affect on any living situation. You say you were the only one who took care of your cat, but that's a bit disingenuous. Was your cat fur free? Did it online solely in your room and never come out?

    It's time to wait. Wait until you can move somewhere that a new pet will be welcomed.

  15. Hello /u/throaway32423423421,

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  16. I'm a bit confused. You admit that she cries when emotional. Fighting is an emotional situation. Of course, she'll cry.

    I could see it being a manipulative move if she normally doesn't cry, but does when fighting to get an apology.

    You should've simply not let her crying impact the resolution of an argument and continued on knowing that's how she is.

    What's funny, though, is that now she is manipulating you. She took a statement specific to crying during fights to she'll never be around you when she might cry. Now you're left back paddling and being the bad guy.

    Sit her down and apologize. Explain why you're apologizing based on what I said above. Hopefully, that will bring her back around to being a wife vs. a distant roommate.

  17. I could never use it because I don’t wanna think of grandma when I’m using a vibrator oml. I don’t have much advice but talk to you husband I guess

  18. Hello /u/20162026474,

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  19. I'd struggle with not being with her for that amount of time.

    Ld isn't easy, but it can teach you a lot about yourself and your relationship. It'll force you to become more independent, it'll force you to learn how to communicate properly, it'll help you reflect on what you want in a relationship.

  20. Hello /u/Heyyaa_-,

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  21. Hello /u/Indie_head04,

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  22. I’m so, so sorry this is happening to you, but I am glad it is happening now. Both of you can move on and find someone without wasting more time.

  23. Of course a lot of age gap relationships last long, no groomer want their gromee to leave, and the younger person that was groomed doesn't know better. A lot of them leave when they get to certain age and realize how gross their groomer actually was. Not saying this is your father & his wife, but it usually how a lot of age gap relationships work. Maybe 1 in 100 actually last.

  24. I didn’t see anything in the post where she said she told him exactly how it makes her feel and behavior he needs to stop? She said “he knows it makes me feel bad” but didn’t explain how that came about

  25. She was only honest after confessing her feelings to the coworker so NO, she didn’t handle it perfectly.

  26. BS, he enjoys something and he's exploring that. From what OP wrote he respects her boundaries and talked to her about what he would like. That's healthy and that's the way to go.

    They're experimenting and they're finding out what works for her and what doesn't. Everything is done with consent and it's okay to decide that it's not for her. He's still allowed to be into it.

  27. Yes! You put my thoughts into words. I don’t think he’s that kind of person in general, but this definitely felt like a manipulation tactic.

  28. He admitted to that lie. But then he told another insane lie about the bra being from months back and just magically appearing on the door.

  29. I totally agree with this. He is well within his rights to be mad about her lying to him. However, that's not what OP is mad about. He's literally mad about the number. The fact that he isn't mad about the lying tells you that they had no business getting married to begin with.

  30. Do you guys share all of your bank accounts? I have one grown child and my husband has no children. We are in our 50s and do not share bank accounts. He is not much of a saver and spends all his extra money on cars. I have had my will done for awhile and have left everything to my daughter. In New York State if I die first, he is legally entitled to a 1/3 of my estate. I have verbally let my brother know that I am at peace with this and if I die first to just cut my husband a check.

    You should look into the laws where you are from and determine what he is legally entitled to. Now here's the thing. I have also ensured that all of my accounts either name my estate or my daughter as the beneficiary. Named beneficiaries trumps your will or lack there of but does not trump what your husband is legally entitled to.

    Do your own will and leave your money to who you want. Your husband doesn't have to agree with it. Keep it business like and calmly state your position on the subject. You are being more than reasonable. You may have to favor your own children to protect their rights depending on what happens.

  31. I don't understand the people critiquing you. The issue at hand is not whether or not you should be letting your son win, the issue is that you and your wife BOTH AGREED to not go easy on him (you said in a comment it was her idea!), and you know that her skill level is such that she should be beating him every time, and yet she is telling you that she is not going easy on him. You are offering to change your strategy for playing against him, and she is denying that she is going easy. Wild.

    Have you played against her yourself recently? Can she still easily beat you? That would be my next step, I think, to see if she can beat you. Because answering that question narrows down what is happening. If she isn't able to beat you either, despite always historically beating you, I honestly might be worried that she needs medical attention, although it would be odd I think for something to manifest solely in her chess skills. It would be more believable if she's behaving out-of-character in other ways.

    If she can still beat you, then I think the options are seemingly (1) she has some type of emotional reaction to playing against her child that makes her play poorly or (2) she is deliberately letting him win and is lying to you.

    If she is otherwise trustworthy and this is really out-of-character, I guess I would let it go. It's really weird, but I don't think escalating the situation is going to get you anywhere at this point, unless you genuinely think something could be wrong with her such that she needs medical attention.

    I don't know, it's a really odd thing to lie to you about when it was her idea to not go easy on him… But clearly she is not going to address this situation, so this might just be something you have to let go.

  32. I wouldn’t call you the “bad guy” necessarily but you are being very judgmental of your friend.

    Your values may have changed but her’s haven’t. If she is being safe and proud of how many guys she’s slept with – It’s her business.

    Why is it annoying to you when you admitted you were doing similar things not too long ago?

    It’s interesting that when your friend said “she kept touching me” your initial reaction was “i don’t care she’s touching everyone” … did you make sure he wasn’t uncomfortable? If it was a mutual thing between them – it’s between them. Do you have feelings for your guy best friend? Is that why you were annoyed in that moment?

    Based on this post – you are judging your friend’s choices – lean into that and think about why it bothers you so much?

    When it comes to her touching your friends – I would a million percent approach her about that. It’s her business when it’s randoms but when it comes to your friends – I would feel uncomfortable with her acting like that (especially if that wasn’t the vibe of the party). I get that she is in her hook up era and that’s totally fine but gotta make sure it’s all mutual and everyone is comfortable.

  33. And what about his body? Does he workout and eat healthy? Does he have a 32″ waist? I'm so sorry you're going through this. I wish you all the best with your babies.

  34. He's being gross even by UK standards. I say this as someone that has lived there for 15+ years..

    Never really met someone older that fucked teenagers and that their older peers didn't judge, we all knew they were creeps. You know it's a very specific set of person that does that. But hey you do you. You don't care. Your friend (who i assume is also a teen) said it's fine so it has to be fine.

  35. I’m sorry, but I’m an adult woman, not a naive teenager who’s being groomed. I’ve made an autonomous decision for myself that you don’t agree with, but it’s still my decision. He didn’t “make” me do anything. I can leave if, somewhere down the line, it does become too much. He’s not forcing me to stay. Although, I do thank you for your concern, I guess.

  36. Really curious what an “appropriate” reason for this would be. She sounds completely aware.

  37. Yes and that's why uts obvious because how can he go weeks without seeing and talking to a romantic interest but remains attached to the hip with a female friend?

  38. You obviously don't ONLY want sex in a relationship, but you DO want sex in a relationship, like most normal people. I think the meaning of your 40-year old woman comment was clear, though perhaps a bit insensitively stated. You spoke in frustration at the lack of dates and the lack of sex and her lack of initiating. That said, she seems like she's over-reacting, breaking up and blocking you for this after a three-year relationship!

    The question here is: Is she actually breaking up with you? Or is she blocking you to punish you and make you beg for forgiveness? Either one is a possibility. I recommend writing her a thoughtful, compassionate, and carefully-worded letter that explains how you've been feeling, why you said what you said, how much you love her, what your needs are in a relationship, and state a desire to meet her needs too.

    And then hope for the best. Good luck.

  39. it sound like you are sure so do it, but watch out for red flags. lot of e people move into together and make it work.

  40. Well if you want to throw him out then just do that. We can’t do anything to help you with that. It definitely won’t help with your relationship with him and most likely won’t help his behavior, but hey if you don’t care then do you.

  41. If what your saying is true and her friends are actually bad for her in order for her to cut them off she has to realize by herself that they’re bad for her

    For example when I was a few years younger than you my ex had a friend from kindergarten that was simply a horrible person I noticed it but she didn’t and I brought it up a few times to no avail and it took for that friend to bring multiple guys to their hotel room after prom to try and get her to cheat on me for her to see what everybody else saw and cut her off

    If you try to make her cut her friends off your being controlling

  42. Don't sleep with her anymore. Have her take a pregnancy test, not one from a drug store, but one done in a doctor's office. Make sure you're there with her when she goes to the doctors and when she gets the results. Look at them yourself. Don't take her word on anything.

  43. I have been dating her for almost 3 1/2 years now, but it feels like for the past almost 2 years, our relationship isn't really progressing. She has yet to move in despite us talking about it for a couple years now, I don't really see her but for maybe a couple days / nights a week, and our sex life is at an all time low, in part due to our wonderful governor Greg Abott and the Texas Legislature's forward-thinking policies on sex health /s, but for other reasons as well.

    I had been living with my mother for the first year and a half of our relationship while I saved for a house to avoid having to pay a rediculous amount of money on rent each month on my own. It's what allowed me to afford my own place at 26, and she was excited that I finally had my own place and talked about moving in, but only after “a few months” of living on my own so I could “discover who I was”.

    Well that was two years ago. Shortly before I moved out, her lease was up. She had been living with a college roomate she had known for years. Because he was agoraphobic and anti-social, she never introduced me to him in our first year and a half of dating because she didn't want to cause him stress (still haven't met the guy, who is one of her best friends). In fact, she only ever let me into her apartment twice, once just to pass through from the garage to the front door after a date, and the only other time was because he was out of the apartment so we spent all of a day together at her place. So most of our time together eaely on was either out, or at our parents' places (she would go to her mothers sometimes over the weekend).

    I thought that whole situation was very awkward, that my GF was living with a guy she wouldn't let me meet. And I did tell her that and she was understanding, explained he was gay, I didn't have to worry. And I genuinely think that's true. (I did a bit of snooping to find his social media and he does just seem to be a very anti social, quite person, but I really have nothing to go on but faith there).

    Anyway, getting side tracked. Her lease was up right around the same time I was getting the house, figured it was a perfect time for her to move in and we could try living together. Well, she instead moves in with her mother, partly to take care of her, partly to save money. And as previously mentioned, “to give me time to find myself”.

    Alright well fair enough. I haven't lived on my own before and could use a little me time.

    A few months come and go. She still isn't quite ready to fully move in. She had at this point moved in half her clothes, setup a desk to work remotely, and was spending maybe half her time here, them going back to her mother's. At that time she was saying she felt bad because she couldn't afford to help contribute to the bills yet, despite me offering to let her stay here without having to cover any bills.

    All this while, we still really enjoy each other's company, going on dates when she is over having a great time. I figured now that I am not at my mothers place, we would probably be physically intimate more often. But coincidentally, after I moved out and got my own place, Texas reversed it's support of abortion protections so she is understandably worried about having an oopsie, and coupled with the fact that she stopped taking birth control while she was on certain medications, and doesn't like the feel of condoms, and I don't want to have to have a procedure done, we aren't really having sex but maybe once a month.

    And that's not really a big deal for either of us, and we still have other ways of being intimate, but it has just felt like a step backwards.

    Fast forward to today, it's been two years since I moved out. She actually got a job working at the same company as me six months ago, we were talking about being excited to carpool together and she was saying this would finally push her to move in full time, and she could afford to contribute to the bills… but it hasn't happened. I still only see her maybe a couple times a week.

    We've had a couple talks about it. Her reasonings are that she feels guilty for not being with her mother, ever since her dad passed away 4 years ago. She feels obligated to take care of her. She also up and leaves the house and drives there, an hour out of her way, if we are having even the most minor of arguements. I think she has an unhealthy level of anxiety and is used to being able to just run off to her room to be alone. It leaves me feeling hurt though that she doesn't feel she is comfortable staying here to work out our differences.

    And she has ramped up the amount of time she is at the gym(s). She does gymnastics at some fairly high end venues, and spends so much on the equipment, various gym fees, etc, and on a relatively expensive car payment, that she can't even break even at the end of the month yet she makes six figures and isn't carrying a mortgage and a ton of bills, so I am learning she is bad with money.

    But she had up until recently been paying what I joking called child support to her ex roomate for her cat that she left there. Which I almost would take offense to since she hasn't offered help around my place, if it weren't again for the fact that she is only here a couple days a week. It does leave me feeling almost like I have been taken a bit advantage of.

    She says one day she would like us to marry, but we both agree that we need to online together first and I am left wondering when that is going to happen. Especially since she has cited that she always preferred the “European” style of dating where marriage wasn't even a thought for ten years (not sure how accurate that is).

    I worry that really she may just be affraid of committment. It certainely can't be fear of losing her assets in a divorce since she has been almost obnoxiously up front about having me sign a prenup when the day comes, and with how bad she seems to be with money it's not looking like she is gaining much financial wealth any time soon. But I would sign it in a heartbeat regardless if the time were right because I care for her deeply but worry that this could drag on for a while.

    And we have talked about all of this, and she is understanding of how I feel and has said that things will change. I just don't know when.

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