Emmily-cortes live! sex cams for YOU!


emmily-cortes chat

Date: November 8, 2022

10 thoughts on “Emmily-cortes live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Sometimes I wonder how serious these posts are. It seems like half the time the responses lack any actual care or emotion. Atleast from what I’m seeing.

    Do you want an open marriage or not? If goes against YOUR boundaries than you get a lawyer and get the divorce going. Stop thinking about her feelings and start thinking about your own. Cause she sure as shit isn’t giving a damn about yours.

  2. i think sex tends to wax and wane in relationships, and it sounds like he's really stressed with a new business. I wouldn't take it personally right now, but if down the road the business is under control and he's still not there for you the way you need, then it's a problem that needs to be discussed and addressed.

    You cannot and should not force yourself to stay somewhere if you aren't getting your needs met.

  3. I'm getting slightly toxic vibes from your girlfriend. She seems to think men should be able to handle anything while you can never insult a woman. The behavior of her friend is plain bullying and abusive.

    Have one last serious conversation with her. Really be clear on your stand on disrespect and that it's relationship ending if your partner just going let her friend continue this behavior. Also point that her friend is an abusive bully.

    If she doesn't listen break up and walk away.

  4. My mind I weighed the Sunk-Cost Fallacy (The fallacy that when loosing 3k at the casino you can gamble away some more money because “you already lost so much”) and “Just fucking leave her”.

    I asked chatGPT, and it said that you should try to talk to her, otherwise do what's best for you:

    Unfortunately, this is a difficult situation and there is no easy answer. You can't force someone to get help – they have to make that decision on their own. The best thing you can do is be there for your girlfriend and be supportive. Talk to her about how her drinking is affecting your relationship, both in the present and in the future. Encourage her to seek help and make sure she knows that you are willing to do whatever you can to help her.

    If she is unwilling to seek help, then you have to decide what is best for you. It may be that you need to take a break from the relationship or even end it. This is a very personal decision that only you can make.

    No matter what you decide, it is important to make sure you take care of yourself. Seek out support from friends and family, and consider speaking to a therapist or counselor to help you process your emotions.

  5. Where did you get this at all from what the OP said ? He literally has not eluded to any form of hot feelings or jealousy at all. Fair enough if this was all withing a couple of weeks I'd understand you tryna spin this angle but cmon, a year and a half on he's just now realised he's hurt ?

    What's best here is for OP to tell her partner that she's potentially a cheating scumbag then let him decided if she actually cheated ir if they were broken up ect.

  6. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I (30f) have been dating my bf (37m) for a little under a year. Currently I am in the process of moving as my landlord gave me notice to leave my bachelor apartment, stating that his son wants to move in. My boyfriend has also been in the process of apartment hunting (we agreed it was a little sudden to go into moving together and would rather it be gradual), however I found a place which I signed for yesterday. My boyfriend says now that he doesn't want to date anymore until he finds his own place also because it makes him feel inadequate (he lives with his brother, sister in law and nieces in their home). I feel like it's bs because I feel like he could find one if he took some initiative. My landlord also divulged my boyfriend's yelling and stuff were factors in why he evicted me because I had been fine for years beforehand. I'm not sure how to feel about this or go about this situation, should I just say screw it and give up on him?

  7. Most families have to make certain topics “off limits” just for the sake of maintaining relationships. So ask her if she can agree to do that. If she can't/won't then at least you'll know you tried. But also know that this (largely manufactured) chasm between people can't go on forever. It will soon cease to be politically expedient and will fade just like everything else does. Leave the door open for when more important things occur. This isn't something you can ignore her on the death bed over.

  8. I think they just liked the idea of being supportive, of a fun puppy that they could indulge in… but also not be at all responsible for.

    Sort of speaks poorly of their view on relationships. They didn't see this as inevitably a team effort. Is that the kind of dynamic you wanted?

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