BootyCallEver on-line webcams for YOU!


BootyCallEver Public Chat Channel

Date: November 7, 2022

9 thoughts on “BootyCallEver on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Oh man, I'm so sorry this happened to you. You already know what I'm going to say, but I don't think you'll “feel” it yet as broken hearted as you are. I suggest you give it some time. You clearly care for her and need time to grieve. Firstly, I can 100% guarantee you there's NOTHING you could've done to change this outcome because it was always out of your hands. Being loyal was her responsibility. She actively chose to cheat on you and discard your relationship. There's no “whoops, I'm having sex with someone's that's not my bf, how did this happen?”. Actively and repeatedly over the course of that time, she decided you were not worth her effort and that's HER issue to deal with. You deserve someone that returns as much as you give. On top of that, there're so many things she could've done to redeem herself, like admit guilt, come forward immediately, try to make it up to you, etc. Maybe it wouldn't have been enough to save the relationship, but would've been a good indicator of her character. In reality, not only is a she a cheater, she's also a cowardly, disrespectful POS. I also get the self doubt/loathing, and unfortunately it's completely normal. I promise it'll pass. Please, think about it: what if the other guys were hotter? Would that change anything? What if they were UGLIER??? Would that make you feel better? I sincerely doubt it. Competing for someone's affection like that is unhealthy and leads to little to no rewards in the end. I think you need to cry it out, mourn the relationship you wanted, learn from this and move on. Distract yourself, be alone when you need to, seek help from friends and people you trust. Don't be ashamed the relationship failed, you clearly did your best. If that wasn't enough for HER, that's her problem. You'll find someone that deserves you. Take your time, and take care.

  2. He should have been with you. A decent partner would have called friends the day your brother passed and told them he needed to be there for you and to change plans for another time.

    I lost my mother 16 years ago and I still have days of crying, shows I can't watch because they were shows we watched together.

    He is selfish. I bet when his grandpa passes he will expect you to drop everything and be there for him. Unless you leave him. Imagine what your life would be like with him 5 years from now. How supportive would he be if you had a miscarriage? I can imagine him saying something like, “It's not like it was a real baby. The boys and I are going bar hopping tonight and I will be home tomorrow.”

  3. Assuming that everything written here is true and not exaggerated , he is a narcissist who accepts no criticism and a manipulative AH , did this happen before?

  4. Hmm, go get an STI test, also don't just believe they're 'return to our app' notifications. I get those kinds of notifications on installed apps for games I haven't played for a while, not apps I deleted or uninstalled.

    I admit I don't use a Pixel, but a Samsung Galaxy S series phone, but I would expect Android platform phones to all kind of work in a similar fashion.

    Honestly, it's down to your instincts. How long you've been together, how trustworthy he is, if you've ever caught him telling lies… is there a pattern that indicates he is or isn't trustworthy?

  5. IMHO breaks just make zero sense: in the end your still the same people who get back together, and a short time apart shouldn’t change a person fundamentally, so what changes?

    If you two went through a break then the relationship is in no way ready to move forward. If you two almost broke up once (without a mortgage, kids or any “real” stress in your lives atm, how is it supposed to survive the really serious yet day to day stuff of real life?

    To me, once a couple calls a break it’s a sign it’s over, after all, one person (right or wrong, regardless of circumstance) is effectively bailing on the relationship. If people get back together it’s usually with caveats, conditions or ultimatums, none of which have any place in a healthy relationship

    Edit: After reading the OP’s edits this relationship sounds toxic, just end it.

  6. You dated for 3 months, then moved in together and immediately the situation youre describing started ? And how long has it been since you moved in?

  7. It's best to communicate these feelings. The further you try to keep them bottled up within you, the more harsher it's going to fester and lead to an eventually explosion. Or the distance you're creating will also hurt him too.

    Look, clearly you love your husband and he loves you too. He had an idea, and as soon as you expressed your disinterest he let it go. He hasn't gone and done anything about it (I'm assuming because you haven't mentioned it, or talked about suspicions). So clearly he just wanted to think of ways to spice up the marriage and he didn't have the right one.

    Couples counselling or individual therapy or both may help too. Either way, DON'T continue living in the pain by yourself. It's not doing anyone good. Remember, you have young kids involved. Don't put them through a broken home. Make conscious efforts to save the marriage now. Before it's too late.

  8. You think you gonna go your entire life w someone and not fart or use the bathroom around them? Please leave this guy so he can find someone who find him sexually attractive.

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