Ariana-queen on-line sex cams for YOU!


Ariana-queen Public Chat Channel

Date: November 1, 2022

5 thoughts on “Ariana-queen on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I agree with the other guy, you’re very annoying.

    Believe it or not, it IS different visiting family or working overnights. For one thing, most people don’t visit out of town family every single week. It’s more like once or twice a year.

    Going out on the town once a week (more if he could) and leaving your partner at home with three young children is not cool and is totally unnecessary. She wasn’t isolating him socially either so don’t pull that crap. He saw his friends EVERY WEEK. For someone in their late twenties with three children that’s more than fair. He’s not a teenager. He’s married with kids.

    Working overnights is comparable either, that’s their livelihood. That’s how he’d be providing in this hypothetical situation. And even then – if his wife felt like they weren’t getting enough time together or with the kids, I think she’d be within her rights to sit down with him and talk about other job possibilities.

    This has nothing to do with your ability to have kids so lay off the guilt trip.

  2. Then be friends and help him that way. But please think of what your relationship would be like. There will always be connections out there. But you deserve a boyfriend who will be able to emotionally invest in you aswell.

  3. No one remotely said you did.

    I asked a question. You don’t have to answer. But you also don’t have to twist yourself in knots to justify not answering.

    It’s just very telling that NO ONE can answer this question in a way that doesn’t involve saying trans woman aren’t really woman. Which is inherently transphobic.

    And we all know rather than self reflected on if there was a reason for that, we must throw temper tantrums about being called out.

  4. You are like that. You are exactly like that, hence this situation. Of course he feels vulnerable, someone he cherished just told everyone he was abusive and that their marriage is regrettable and that they wish they could get away…for laughs.

  5. You guys weren't even friends – you were in the same study group. She's noteworthy to you because she's your only female friend, but who are you to her? You guys clearly don't spend time alone together socially because otherwise you would have been able to segue into that from there instead of in the study group.

    You cannot offer her anything substantial – you are not able to even humanize her. Being your FWB is not a job title you created – when people are important to each other they negotiate what that means together instead of creating a role for people to audition to.

    You have never even tried to gauge her interest or interact with her like an actual friend. You don't know what's important to her, what her values are or anything. And the only information she has about you now is that you think she's attractive enough to hook up with but are very disinterested in her as a person. That's not a friend. You are not friends, you two were at best friendly in a group setting.

    And incidentally, just for future reference, every single time I've had a FWB relationship it always began with a cup of coffee and expressing interest in each other as people and being able to be friends outside of the hookups. You were not offering to be FWB, you were offering her sex with someone who has no experience or interest in her as a person. It would be guaranteed to be disappointing to her, because at least one of those things are key to having a good sexual experience with someone. And it might even be unsafe for her, because again, she doesn't know you or trust you because you are not friends.

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