Alice Gomez live! sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 16, 2022

21 thoughts on “Alice Gomez live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. So my suggestion is you don’t bring up sex again for a while. Make sure you’re picking up after yourself in the home. Do some chores you don’t usually do, take the kids out alone some Saturdays or Sunday’s and encourage your wife to reconnect with her friends. Motherhood can be lonely.

    Plan dates, including babysitting. Don’t ask for suggestions, just surprise her with an outing you know she’ll like. Compliment her (motherhood makes a lot Of women feel unattractive) and commit to this over a handful of months. Don’t mention sex.

    Think kind of “take charge” activity can really reignite spark in a marriage and encourage intimacy in a way that asking someone for sex all the time just doesn’t. Try this, and if it doesn’t work (and it won’t straight away, it takes time) consider whether her libido is health related.

  2. Thank you for your response these are all really good points. I really appreciate you taking the time this was really helpful!

  3. You're overthinking this.

    Rent 50/50, internet, utilities, etc. 50/50

    If you decide to visit your parents and fly to see them, duh, it should come out of YOUR money

  4. Couple counciling is probably the best bet. Cause either she's lying to manipulate you which is bad. She's telling the truth and you're lying and need some help.

    Or youre both wrong and it's just not working out and she's trying to make that clear.

  5. I can tell you what he does, he throws one hell of a hellacious fit, screams, cusses, and turns it back on me. I never want to find out the depth he will go to….ever.

  6. Actually I don’t plan on seeing him, especially after reading all the comments and messaging I’m getting. I’m just going to block him. I just don’t believe in ghosting so I’m just trying to find the words to end it.

  7. I think you're in the right, like you said, we know how us men think. From these guy friends it seems reasonable to me that maybe some of them are into her but have gotten friend zoned along the way.

    I went through a similar thing in university as well, there was this girl in university that had a lot of male friends but I didn't know it at the time. Went on a date with her a couple of times but nothing progressed on either of these. I do remember going to her birthday one year and it was all men that were there besides her ? guessing other men that had fallen for the same trap of trying to get with her but we're unsuccessful along the way.

    Maybe your gf likes the attention of men to the same degree as well, and that's why she is looking to be in males' company. Or, it could be that she finds guys to have better sense of humour and be more fun to be around than girls, so that's why she is primarily out with that group of people?

    The former seems more likely to me and you said it right, how would she react if you had a bunch of girls with which you were socialising constantly? She would either take you as trying to get with them or ask you were alright with you sexuality, as in you could be their gay best friend

    You are right to be pissed off imo and boundaries need to be set

  8. Will bring it up again, but he is more concerned about her right now since she just broke up.

  9. So does he want the promotion or not? That's where I'm ultimately confused. You can be good, respected management if you want to. That's something that is on you once you get in that position….but disrespecting management by turning down accolades isn't the move. He needs to decide wtf he wants…is he good with his job or does he want to be management? The new position comes with change.

  10. What does she do all day that makes it hot for her to go back to bed after your alarm goes off at 6am?

  11. All wants are valid. But if they come at the risk of disrespecting our loved ones feelings then they become more problematic. Maybe he needs to get his needs met with someone who is more comfortable with poly. You are not and your wants are equally valid. Also love is all about respect.

    You say he asks very little of you but this is a very big thing. What do you hope that you will somehow magically feel better about his wish to sleep with another person?

    I'm also asking you to reflect on your own sense of self worth here. You are not asking enough from yourself.

  12. In a sense, you're lucky. You're lucky that this man has told you, with total and complete honesty, how he sees you and what he thinks about you. Your boyfriend just does not think very highly of you, and he's making no attempt to hide that fact. On the other hand, I don't believe for a second that he really thinks he's a 10/10. Demeaning your girlfriend the way he demeaned you just smacks of insecurity.

    Anyway, I don't see how the relationship recovers from this. Break up with him.

  13. Your SIL is weird to have not come out before and coming out in this manner with parents like those.

  14. Please share with him how you feel, I feel like he may just misinterpret your recent relationship developments.

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