Amely the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Amely, 21 y.o.


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Amely on-line sex chat

Date: October 8, 2022

22 thoughts on “Amely the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Kanye West stuff aside, Id say this is less about that and about how you felt disrepected and a little man handled by your husband and maybe about his buddies weird attitude. This just seems like you both need to sit down and communicate, at the end of the day you cant control Adam, but you can control your own actions and how you react. Im not saying you have to be okay with it, you can disagree and dislike it, but yes you probably started to come off as controlling and took it a little far. Personally, I think Adams behavior paints him as a little bit of an aggro guy to begin with, but thats simply from my perception of the details you've provided, surely theres more to him than just that

    But overall, especially with drinks Im sure everyone was perhaps feeling a little extra already as it was and then this kanye west issue touched a nerve with you and possibly your jewish friend as well. I think you overreacted a little in the heat of the moment and then your husband didnt handle it well either and overreacted to you. Adam is adam, if it were me, Id have let him have it way and possibly make an ass of himself on his own, to avoid such a scene as this or at least the awkwardness. At the end of the day, you can't control what he does/says, but you can control how you react to his actions/words and you can control how you comminciate boundaries with your husband. Tell him not to grab you so hard, tell him to use his words or give him some suggestions as to how he can better communicate with you when in a social situation like this one, and hear him out too.

  2. Is everyone going to ignore how she literally was stalking her bf's twt account tryna find something juicy? Looks very suspicious to me. Rather I'd not have my s/o literally stalk my live! profiles. Better off deleting the account.

  3. She’s using you for money, and seems quite lazy. I’m sure she’s going through a lot, but this is real life, it doesn’t stop for her while she goes through it. I think you need to leave no matter what, and you can decide whether to forget about the money and move along, or take some sort of legal action to get it back. Legal action may be difficult without any written agreement that she would pay it back.

  4. I am a lesbian I have deeply loved men Sex was good, fine, tho.nothing I would choose today

    It's not like disgusting for some of us

    Don't do that to yourself

    Also look up mixed orientation marriages

  5. Maybe she thinks you aren't spending enough on her and wants to compare. Which is stupid, but I can't think of any other reason why she would care.

  6. Sounds like you're expressing your view along with your reasoning, and she's just immediately slamming it as “You don't see women as equal.” without even considering your viewpoint. You set a clear boundary- and she says it's not good enough. How she doesn't see the difference betwen sex with either gender is odd at best, and I say that being bi. There's a clear difference in sexual dynamic between two: non-sexual organs such as fingers or a tongue, as well as toys, VS penetration with an attached primary sexual organ.

    You need to really consider whether or not it's worth working out this kind of major viewpoint difference in a relationship, let alone the part where she's trying to say your boundaries are somehow wrong. I advise a civil dissolution of the relationship, but that's my opinion. Have a good one.

  7. If she was sitting there first, you sat next to her, and then ate the food in front of her, then you should apologize for rubbing her favorite dumplings in her face knowing that she is on a diet because that is being inconsiderate (but don't apologize for not ordering her food or for not sharing food). However, no apologies for anything if (1) she was eating her diet food next to you while you were eating or (2) you were sitting there first while eating, and she sat next to you.

  8. We often priorities each other in our schedules, it’s just a situation where I can’t do that for him over the next few weeks even if Ide like to, it’s not a consistent thing though. Do you think that’s an issue still?

  9. I am a woman who games a lot. A lot of my closest and oldest friends are guys and we’ve never been anything but friends. Men and women certainly can be friends without it being sexual or romantic.

    I have a good friend I met live! (and donde in person) and for a long stretch of time we were both playing the same game together a lot. His wife never liked that game, though she does game. We never had any issues, our friendship never hurt their marriage – and it’s definitely because when she wanted her husband’s time and energy, her husband never refused it. Maybe if we were in the middle of a game, sure, he’d ask her to wait til it finished, but even if we were on a big winning streak or super into playing ranked games til we dropped, if she wanted his time, he gave it. And perhaps equally as important, I never wanted my friend to do anything to hurt his marriage so like I said even if we were on a roll and I wouldn’t have just opted to stop playing, I encouraged my friend to go treat his wife like the queen she is.

    I believe it’s possible he is technically behaving like they are just friends, but something is off about the both of their behavior because neither seems to respect you. And you deserve respect from your husband and people who claim to care about him/be his friend!

  10. My dear OP,

    I’m willing to bet that your girlfriend has been lying to you for a long time. She probably dropped out after the second year and is now stressing because she’s backed against a wall. Her lies are getting exposed and that’s why she’s dodging. Same thing happened to me. She’s probably not who you think she is and maybe the relationship has ran it’s course. Go travel and live your best life, don’t stay to coddle someone who doesn’t want to help themselves or trust you to guide them.

  11. If he’s really into this fetish as much as he says, he might be doing these “extras” I mentioned for money but honestly it might just elevate the thrill since OP isn’t doing it as frequently as he wants. Posting the video on amateur sites for likes might be what he’s really jerking off to

  12. Would you eat food you're allergic to just to appease him? Relationships are about being open and honest. I'd be sad as your fiance if you're struggling to approach me on something as simple as this.

  13. You can tell her she's free to experiment, but it will come at the cost of your marriage.

    It doesn't matter if they are the same sex. Being with someone who isn't your partner and you don't agree with it, it's cheating.

  14. Not only he is a pedo, but he gets to fuck other women while you just sit in your lalala land crying. Get an abortion, leave his ass, and get therapy. Having this child will only tie you to your abuser.

  15. Being poly isn't a sexuality that you might or might not be. It's a choice.

    You want to have sex with other people, whether that's important enough to you to discuss with your wife is up to you.

  16. I'm just stuck on the he told her he's sterile and can't have kids part. There's a reason he would say something like that and generally you have to get a semen analysis to know for sure or several pregnancy oops with orhers that you have zero knowledge of … especially being with him so long that's definitely something that you should have known about long long ago my dear.

  17. She definitely could have said it better to you, but the gaslighting is the biggest issue imo… How can she lie to you with a straight face??

  18. I can see that. My wife and I was in therapy for a while because of our parents. When we were telling her about some of our past and later what we have been up to she said that it sounds fake but made sense. We were under strict rules and controlled for so long that we are now “expressing ourselves in a manner opposite to which we grew up.”

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