ZoeColliinss live! sex cams for YOU!


8 thoughts on “ZoeColliinss live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Start finding meetup groups or pick up hobbies (art, yoga, Pilates, running, group sports rec leagues, music, etc.) to make friends

    Apologize to the wife in a way that feels genuine to start to you. Something like “I did not know this was causing so much distress. I’m very sorry. I will stop my breakfasts with (guy’s name) and stop talking to him.” You don’t need to say anything about flirting if you weren’t flirting. Just do not defend yourself. Only unhinged people text you like the wife did, so if you defend, it will get worse.

    Then stop contacting him and stop hanging out with him. Clearly his wife has an issue with him and is projecting it on you. Stay out of it.

  2. In the UK the limit for abortions is 24 weeks. In a lot of countries it’s less (14-16 weeks which is too little imo). They can do it after 24 weeks, if mother’s life is at risk or foetus has a disability.

  3. Choice, 1. go fetch my drunk GF from a party. Or 2. Leave her there with her drunk friends and others so that she could be sexually assulted or worse?

    You love this girl so you go for option 2 and what happens you get castigated for it.

    Dude I think you did the right thing. If it had been your daughter you did this for you would be a hero dad but no you're getting slammed for it.

    Does your GF live with you and are you in a monogamous relationship? If yes the you are even more in the right in my eyes. If I were her father I'd be thanking you.

  4. Guy sounds like a moron, you should probably not be with someone who reacts that way to accidents or misfortune. What's he going to be like when something worse or more serious happens? Just laugh at you or get super mad?

  5. How exactly are you determining that everyone thinks you’re a pedophile? Because I have to be honest, a lot of this sounds like paranoia and intrusive thoughts moreso than realistic behavior from other people.

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