Victoria-Will live! sex cams for YOU!


victoria-will chat

Date: November 5, 2022

6 thoughts on “Victoria-Will live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. It sounds like you just got blackout drunk and acted like a fool. Have you ever acted like this sober? If not, then I doubt it's some hidden demon lurking in your subconscious or whatever. If you have, go get some therapy. Work on yourself. Maybe make a promise to yourself not to drink until you're blacking out?

    If you want to break up with this guy, you do you. But don't use this as the excuse for why you're dumping him.

  2. Your bf molested you as a child and is a predator. You can deny it all you like but the fun thing about facts is that they don't give a flying shit about your opinion of them. They're still facts. He groomes you and brainwashed you. Sit in denial all you like but it won't change the fact that YOUR BF was FUCKING A CHILD (you) loooooong before you were legally of age even after finding out your real age he was like “oh well gonna keep screwing a KID”. In what universe is that NOT a predator? You're 22, the age he was when you claim he found out your real age and you were 15. Would you hook up with a 15 year old rn? No bc it's gross and wrong, right? So how was it ok he was hooking up with you when he was early 20s and you were 15?

  3. He's not her NEW boyfriend. She's been with him a while just making sure he's what she wants. Sorry mate. You don't go from zero to living together in a couple of weeks

  4. Ignore the out of touch doormats, you did the right thing. Don't let yourself be taken advantage of. Get a divorce and think of it as cutting away the dead weight.

  5. That's a lot of pressure for a young relationship.

    But you've got a specific time line, age you should be dating people who have similar goals.

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