Midnight-Madi online sex chats for YOU!


Make me moan , ? #LUSH #Natural #Squirter

Date: September 25, 2022

57 thoughts on “Midnight-Madi online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Doing all of that today, as well as my boy. He said somethings tonight after I called him about her, that don't sound normal.

  2. OP also states that sister has repeatedly refused help and “goes on benders”. She is at a point where OP’s help is going to be inadequate. She needs to get proper help. This is more than on-off suicidal tendencies.

    To be honest, the post is lacking a lot of context that is likely extremely important to understanding the situation properly, but from the information we’ve got, OP cannot help her sister to the extent she needs.

    If I were OP’s husband, I wouldn’t want someone coming into my home knowing that at any moment they could suddenly feel the urge to want to harm themselves or “go on a bender” and start drinking or doing drugs to a dangerous extent. OP’s husband is very reasonable not to want Sister in his home for the night.

  3. This issue is her right now, not him. And we clearly have different things we value in relationships and that’s ok. I,for one, will not accept my girl kissing another man. And it’s an issue if she expresses it out to the open because words have meaning and we give them life once we speak them

  4. While behavior like this is common, it is NOT okay and this guy deserves to be fired. He's using taxpayer dollars to commit a crime.

    That said, from a female perspective: taking action may be more dangerous than ignoring it. Retaliatory action may result and he may escalate from “annoying” to “threat” and make your lives hell. I think you should read “The Gift of Fear” by Gavin DeBecker, then sit down with her to discuss her fears. See what it would take for her to feel safe enough to report it.

    If you do decide to do it, I would contact the state DMV agency director so that you know that nobody with close ties to that employee will be able to lose the complaint. Explain that an employee at X location has been using their government access to obtain personal information and inappropriately contact a female client and suggest that the agency may want to conduct an audit of that location to make sure there haven't been other security breaches. As a government agency, all of their activity is likely being tracked and logged. A person that is willing to violate law and policy like this is probably doing other behaviors that put the agency's data at risk.

  5. You spend your day arguing on Reddit and being passive aggressive lol. Acting like you don’t know what I’m talking about is weird and kinda sad. Honestly I feel bad for you now. Hope you can get it together, one day 🙂

  6. Op I’m super late to the game, but I’m hoping you’ll see this because I think it’s something that could be very useful for you. This is a concept from the advice blog captain awkward called the sheelzebub principle (from a commenter on the blog). Basically it’s a way to help you figure out where your metaphorical line in the sand is with him.

    Imagine for a minute that you knew with 100% certainty that he was never, ever going to change, no matter what you did. If things were going to stay exactly as they are now, forever, how long would you stay with him? Six months? A year? Forever? (I’m betting not forever, since it sounds like this conflict is making you quite unhappy). Figure out what that answer is. That date is now your deadline. Write it down. Put it in your phone’s calendar. Ideally, tell someone else so you’re held accountable to it. He now has until that deadline for things to improve. If that deadline comes and things are still the same, you owe it to your today self to leave.

    It’s up to you whether or not you want to communicate that deadline with him. Sometimes, knowing that he’s risking losing you can be a big push to encourage him to change. Sometimes, people respond very negatively to what they view as an ultimatum and dig in further to their behavior in defiance. Sometimes, people will use the deadline as a way to temporarily half–ass change but will drop it after. You know him better than us, so you probably have a better guess of how he’ll respond.

    This exercise is really helpful for these types of situations, because it’s really easy when you love someone and have invested a lot of time to just sort of keep floating along letting things be, even if you’re miserable. You’re clinging to the hope that things might someday change, and without any sort of endpoint or deadline, it can be hard to get that final push to act.

    I will also say that I’ve watched a bunch of my friends go through this same situation. Every single one ended in a breakup, and every single one told me they felt so relieved once they got over the initial mourning. Most of them ended up fairly quickly finding much better partners who genuinely respected and appreciated them and were therefore willing to contribute equally.

  7. OP, Jesus fucking Christ, just dump the loser already!

    He might as well have said to you in so many words “I don't give a shit about your trauma; I don't care about your feelings AT ALL, in fact. All I care about is my pleasure.”

    Get away from this guy; he might be compounding your trauma. And please get therapy if you're not already doing it.

  8. Hello /u/throwawaysadromantic,

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  10. Thank you for replying! I agree, I think he saw proposing as a way to make sure I stayed with him and stayed loyal but the thing is I’m ready to get married and he’s the one who isn’t anymore. We had discussed getting married when we decided to be in a serious relationship, and we both were on the same page at that time. a year later I feel our life views are different, proposing WAS his idea originally but I’ve just seen it as a jail sentence where I’m only with him but he never intended on getting married any time soon.

  11. No, I think they have plenty of issues in their relationship and don’t seem compatible at all. He’s not comfortable with her raving or taking drugs. She’s 21 and if she wants to experiment with these things she can. They probably should just break up because they aren’t on the same page but jumping to “she’s cheating” is classic fucking Reddit.

  12. Are you serious? It’s absolutely not established terminology. An example of established terminology is labeling a medical episode “diabetic shock” in a physicians desk reference. That’s established terminology.

    Hooking up, friends with benefits, fuck buddies, seeing other people, all of it, isn’t really clearly defined. You see that when there are posts here from men and women asking what everyone’s idea of each term means. Don’t be obtuse.

    The fact is that she mislead him about her current status. The way their relationship started is based on a lie. The vast majority of people commenting here, whichever side they’re on, agree with this. The issue is whether it’s a big deal or not.

  13. I agree about posting helpful comments, but do agree that many posts are rage bait.

    I pm'd a guy that was low 20s dating a low 40s woman. Didn't want to disclose personal experience a public forum.. He replied saying the post was fake and he was a college kid with a cougar fetish. Even his reply had some rage bait commentary, so made me even wonder how much of that was truth.

    Simply put, some people love to troll.

  14. Maybe it’s the way you came across? It’s easy for readers to read what you’ve said and imagine the scenario with you being genuinely curious and not at all suspicious but that may not be how it really seemed to him. Or he’s just being an asshole lol

  15. And she's not allowed to use a tone of voice to him when he's watching porn while she's stressed and in the room? That relationship is so unbalanced it's crazy

  16. Honestly with the abuse you’re experiencing your best bet may be to call Adult Protective Services to talk about this.

  17. Thank you, I appreciate this thought out response! The hard photo was not of the ex, it was of what appeared to be some sort of a cam girl (well too posed/lighted of a picture to just be a random selfie). The hard was in the screenshots I saw, and is a totally different girl than the ex. I assume she was “posing” as someone to try and trap him/ruin the relationship.

    I think the part that still gets me is him playing into it too long, and responding maybe in a context where the girl was clearly referring to nudes. Thank you again for the reply though, it’s quite helpful!

  18. It depends. How much does he use and how often? What is he like when he does? I come from a place where weed is legal so honestly, to me it’s the same thing as drinking but less harmful because alcohol is a known carcinogen on par with tobacco. But even with weed, I think a little is fine but too much (in either quality or frequency) is indeed too much.

  19. It seems incredibly naive to assume that he only went through your stuff just because he misses you. If he just wanted nudes, he could have asked you for some instead of invading your privacy. Also, if he just misses you, why would he need to send himself your ex's nudes as well?

    This is a major violation of your privacy. Who knows who he could be sending the nudes to? IMO this is totally breakup worthy.

    Don't make excuses for him by inventing improbably benign reasons for his actions.

  20. A lot. All of them if they would have a little patience with it. Physiologically, gay men and straight men are just the same.

    The reason straight men are obsessed with anal sex is they are too scared of their own butts. If people could lose the stigma, men could do it without hiding it.

    Just ask any ER nurse how many people come in with unsafe objects in their asses.

    This girl should either tell the guy to spread 'em so she can fuck him, or she should dump him.

  21. Bam!! Nail on the head!

    If he left his sister in a dirty diaper, she could get a damn UTI and/or a rash from sitting in shit. If he hadn't changed her diaper, that would be straight up neglect.

  22. Then stop being close with her. You don't need to approach anything with her… but you WANT to, because you want her to know that you are purposefully going to pull away from her. That is manipulative. And stop masking this in some random twitter trigger word like “values.” Nothing you said has anything to do with values. You are just jealous that your friendship is taking a backseat to her developing a relationship with this new guy. You are the definition of a hater. Be happy for your friend. If you want to pull away… go ahead; but don't act like you have some noble cause by wrapping up in a word like “value.”

  23. Given she seems to go out, get drunk, and dump her responsibilities on you, she may have a drinking problem, or at least a respect problem.

    You should show her some of the replies in this post.

  24. You’ve gotten some good advice already, but have you considered how difficult it would be to move across the world with a one year old? To take them away from the life they are used to and accustom them to an entirely new country with an entirely new language and a father who will essentially be a stranger to them? It would be far better to move while pregnant.

    I understand you had a timeline, but the circumstances have radically changed. That timeline needs a revision.

  25. If she has an android phone, open up her maps app and scroll through the history by day. If her maps shows she's been going to the restaurant, I'd reach back out to the ex coworker to start getting all of your ducks in a row.

  26. Honestly, you’re 20. You hardly know yourself at this age and will both change so much in the next five to ten years. If you’re unsure now you need to speak up, put the wedding on hold for a while and just experience life.

  27. Are you even poly?

    You definitely aren't in an ethical polyamorous relationship.

    They were trying for a baby and you didn't even know?

    Your “wife's” response was “does that bother you?”

    You need to divorce this person and find an asexual person to on-line your life with

    This ain't it OP

    You have no rights to that baby anyway legally.

  28. Unfortunately since you have examples already of him not being consistent, he might not be worth it. But ultimate that's your decision because you know him more than any random Reddit user. My 2 cents, from everything you've said just gives me the impression that he isn't worth it. It's much harder to leave a relationship when you've invested a lot of time in it too, I get that part.

  29. Yeah, those words were brutal. Shows his true intentions. He wants to see himself as the golden child he was told he was, but has realized there is a huge blemish on his record due to his horrific treatment of OP.

    So he's trying that clear that mark. Of course, he doesn't care at all for OP, he only cares to get that forgiveness, so he can go back to thinking he's perfect.

    I wouldn't give him a moment of my time. Continuing to cut him off is the only reasonable choice.

    You can do it directly “My life has been great since I cut you and Mom out, and I don't see any reason to change that.” Or you can do it with a reference to what he said, which is what I'd do, to show him that he's not the perfect person he's trying to be, and that he gave you reason to not open the door to any reconciliation. “Apparently not being ready to reconcile with you at our fathers funeral meant I was 'still being the little bitch,' so I guess I'll continue to be that same bitch and refuse to talk to my abuser. I wish your family the best.”

  30. What? We need more content but even without it…he is too old for you…you are barely just legal and he is a pedophile in my eyes

  31. We have just talk for one month..out of that approximately 10 to 12 days were like this so everything is unclear….

  32. …so you want her to not talk to half the population because you are insecure?

    There's literally no reason for her to delete anyone.

  33. I don’t think that joke was anything too over the line, that is if you were friends. I think your misstep was in assuming that, not what you said specifically.

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