Velvet-XtraThickChocolate on-line sex chats for YOU!



Date: October 5, 2022

16 thoughts on “Velvet-XtraThickChocolate on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. What is your stance on cheating? Unforgiveable because trust has been broken? Or mistakes happen and at least she owned up to it?

    In my personal view, if everything else goes well and she really made a one time mistake, give her a second chance. But make sure to really talk through why it happened.

  2. Imagine your sister/close female friend’s boyfriend hit her over the head with a vase and caused her to bleed. What would you tell them? Ditch this bitch.

  3. Don't propose to someone unless you've had frank discussions about getting married and know that you are on the same page. “Implied” doesn't cut it. If you aren't 100% sure your partner will accept, don't propose.

    Now, this man will almost certainly never marry you. You can accept that, or move on.

  4. From an internet armchair not-psychologist, this sounds vaguely like bipolar? Not enough to even be confident enough to tell you to have her talk to someone about it, but enough that you should definitely be telling her talking to a professional is definitely going to be part of the conditions for not leaving her asap. She could have just have been drugged by someone, or too drunk to think clearly and regressing to a less mature age (featuring an overbearing father possibly), or any number of other different mental health issues. But she needs to talk to someone professional just for her own safety if nothing else.

  5. A bit late here but I think your bf doesn’t want you to go. He lied about the number of people allowed. Why didn’t he add you then when he saw that a bunch of girls & guys were invited. He’ll drink and want to have a good time without you.

  6. What the everloving fuck, does he have a receding hairline? Maybe he is peanut butter & jealous?

  7. Sounds like she wants to baby trap you op. Tread carefully and if I where you, I'd skip the offer. You don't want to be stuck paying child support for 18 years to this women.

    She's way too old for you. Don't date the creepy older women.

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