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tarivishu23live sex stripping with hd cam


43 thoughts on “tarivishu23live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. This is about as gross as drinking dirty dish water. It's “legal” but it's still damn icky and no one should want to do it.

  2. Claiming misogynism while displaying misandry, classic. A man experiencing jealousy does not mean he thinks his partner belongs to him. These are completely normal feelings. I wish them the best, but it sounds like he hasn't been able to get over it.

  3. What do you mean? What’s obscene about it?

    Kind of a NSFW topic- Last time we were intimate I asked him to do something differently bc I was uncomfortable (he was going down on me)

    He said “no”. I looked at him crazy. He went to the bathroom and came back and apologized. Said he was enjoying himself and felt criticized by me so that’s why he said no?

    Weirdest interaction I’ve had while doing the dirty with someone tbh

  4. A marriage is a huge commitment. If you aren’t there yet, don’t do it.

    Sometimes being married doesn’t seal the deal on commitment for everyone. I was with my fiancé for 11 years before we even discussed marriage. We had kids, a house, careers…Everything we wanted. We were children or divorce. My mom cheated on my dad after 25 years and my life exploded in my face. Messy divorce. I promised myself I would not marry and he had no desire to marry. In the end, my daughter I had brought in from a previous relationship wanted him to adopt her and he could not unless we were married. We decided there’s no reason not to be married anymore.

    I marry in April and while it’s nice, I’m glad we waited until we knew each other well and finished our own personal dreams before we decided to do it.

  5. A marriage is a huge commitment. If you aren’t there yet, don’t do it.

    Sometimes being married doesn’t seal the deal on commitment for everyone. I was with my fiancé for 11 years before we even discussed marriage. We had kids, a house, careers…Everything we wanted. We were children or divorce. My mom cheated on my dad after 25 years and my life exploded in my face. Messy divorce. I promised myself I would not marry and he had no desire to marry. In the end, my daughter I had brought in from a previous relationship wanted him to adopt her and he could not unless we were married. We decided there’s no reason not to be married anymore.

    I marry in April and while it’s nice, I’m glad we waited until we knew each other well and finished our own personal dreams before we decided to do it.

  6. If he thought it was a prank…why did he choose to message first? By his words there was obviously no prank back on his end.

    I'll tell you why – because it's a load of shit. Messaging him gave him time to come up and an excuse and the freedom of you not seeing his face when he was caught out.

  7. Nah I know she was engaged to someone before she met me and we have each other on facebook and video call all the time but you're right it's still weird. My only thought was maybe she didn't want people knowing she had moved on so quick and that's why she wanted to come to me instead but I don't know.

  8. Agreed. My GF have been together about the same amount of time. We’ve both agreed we want a house before we get married, but we will get married.

    I think a lot of people are stuck in this old fashion mindset where a man just randomly pops the question. It doesn’t really work like that.

  9. It is pretty much a male-dominated hobby, however, you do have a handful of females, a lot of them get into it, because their husband and her boyfriend got into it, there are some people where their entire family, kids included are certified ham, radio operators

  10. If he was in love with the woman and she wanted to be friends than I don’t consider them really friends, he was probably just waiting around for her to date him. She was probably his friends but not the other way around. She didn’t lose anything when he stopped talking to her

  11. You have a dead bedroom now. You will have a dead bedroom for the next 50 years. Do you want that? Now is the time to make a decision if you want to continue this relationship.

  12. If you hadn’t expressed the boundaries before you can’t be TOO upset when they’re broken. Yeah it hurts and sure it was unexpected and yea it was rude but you’re both young and learning and part of that is being a bit messy. One of my first sort of dates with my now husband he kept asking if he was cock blocking me cuz I took him to a pretty queer club and he knew I was new to the city and single. That night I didn’t do anything with anyone but him but before we were official there were other people – who I didn’t know as well or liked nearly as much as him – for both of us. It became obvious they weren’t the right ones the closer him and I got tho.

    Who knows if any of this will help. You are totally justified in feeling hurt but I’d say process it, talk to her (try to use I feel sentences instead of blaming) and set some boundaries if you wanna try to date for real

  13. She gains catharsis and emotional support. Her friends gain a warning to steer clear of an untrustworthy dude.

  14. I work in child development and I usually encourage parents to focus on discipline rather than punishment. Punishment is often arbitrary and too far removed from the behavior to accomplish any real behavioral changes. Instead, think about what you want him to take away from the discipline you use as a response to poor choices.

    An example of punishment vs. discipline: your son bullies another child for being poor and not having nice clothes. Punishment would be grounding him or taking away a device. Unfortunately, this doesn't really teach him WHY his behavior was wrong. Discipline would be signing up to volunteer somewhere and bringing him along. That gives you an opportunity to explain to him why some people have less than you do and that when you have more, it's important to be a helper. It's still technically a consequence for the behavior, but there's a positive lesson attached to it. Discipline should, whenever possible, connect directly to the behavior you're disciplining. If you have the means, reaching out to a child psychologist might be helpful for you if you're struggling to put together ideas when these incidents occur.

  15. And how well would you like it if you disclosed some the things that haunt you from your time in the military, and your wife said, “Ew, now I have to live with those images”?

    I saw your edit. Look, man, you’re not getting the answers you’re looking for here, because you’re coming at this hypothetical from a totally different angle than all the commenters (and, I suspect, your wife). You’re trying to examine this literally, and everyone else is way more compelled by the emotional dialogue behind the scenario.

    What you hear your wife saying: Sure, I’d have sex with a home intruder. Sex isn’t sacrosanct to me and this wouldn’t be a big deal.

    What your wife is ACTUALLY saying: I love you so much that I’d subject myself to pain and humiliation to save your life. Even though there’s no guarantee it would save us from this terrifying situation, I’d take whatever small chance I could to keep you safe. I would be traumatized, but I’d do it for us.

    What you think you’re saying: I’m not convinced that’s the smart move. We could just as easily get killed anyway, so why subject ourselves to the psychological consequences if we live!? Why are you offering yourself up to the home intruder if it doesn’t even make logical sense — is it not a big deal to you?!

    What your wife hears you saying: I don’t love you as much as you love me. I wouldn’t put my body on the line for you. I’m not moved that you care enough about me to take a sexual assault for me, and in fact if you did make that sacrifice for me, I would consider it disloyalty, like you were disrespecting our marriage, and I would be disgusted.

    That’s why this has blown out of proportion. It’s not about what’s actually a reasonable response in a home intruder scenario (though anything you can do to buy time and appease the attacker is usually considered the right move, and if the intruder had rape on his mind, you wouldn’t be able to simply decline). You should apologize your wife, explain that you were having two different conversations, and reassure her that you love her and would do anything to protect her. She needs to feel safe with and valued by you.

  16. Girls love confidence.

    Here’s the problem with young people. They think that rejection is the absolute worst thing of all time. But it literally means nothing.

    Young people would rather live in purgatory of not knowing than shoot their shot and move on with their lives.

    This is what you do.

    “Hey, it’s been really awesome chatting with you. I know this great spot that has great food “RESTAURANT” are you free Thursday evening, I’d love to grab dinner with you.”

    Just type it, and send it, and don’t over think it.

    If she says no or doesn’t reply, she doesn’t like you anyway so fuck it. Go find someone who does.

    If she says yes, then congrats you have a date.

  17. He isn’t being controlling and this has nothing to do with insecurities.

    But you made me laugh at the ‘obey your demands and will resent you in silence for it,’ so thanks for that…

  18. At the end of the day you do what your gut tells you, if you don't think it's right and you are wasting her time them I would do it sooner rather than later.

    Just think about whether or not you will get the same treatment in other relationships, if she is a certain way that you think no one else would be like then maybe you can try to work on it? Find new ways to get that spark back kinda thing?

  19. To be fair every post I've seen like this where the guy wasn't a cop , echo chamber consensus is tell the wife.

  20. It sounds like she's taking advantage of you, I would dump her. If you want to stay with her you should at least tell her you will not be paying for and planning all of your dates going forward. Her reaction to that would tell you all you need to know.

  21. It certainly sounds like it was very sweet. Knowing that you both discussed and agreed on the future of your relationship really only leads me to one other possible explanation being that whatever emergency she and her roommate have/had is absorbing most of her time, feelings, and thoughts right now. It seriously sucks that you don’t have an answer to the sudden change in her attitude toward the relationship.

  22. Several possible reasons. 1. She doesn't want to talk to you. 2. She's not really extroverted, but well practiced in certain situations. 3. She has a crush on you 4. No offense, but based purely on the fact that you're asking Reddit for advice, it's probably reason 1

  23. If he's gonna pay 1/2 the mortgage, he should get 1/2 ownership with the exception that if the house sells in the event you break up, he gets half of everything EXCEPT the amount you put down to secure the house. ?

  24. I have been in no contact since the 26th of Feb to focus on myself and my trinity of health, wealth, and relationships.

    Continue doing that.

  25. And let's be honest, she's hot, probably out of his league and gives him perfunctory sex that keeps this mess going every six months.

  26. All wants are valid. But if they come at the risk of disrespecting our loved ones feelings then they become more problematic. Maybe he needs to get his needs met with someone who is more comfortable with poly. You are not and your wants are equally valid. Also love is all about respect.

    You say he asks very little of you but this is a very big thing. What do you hope that you will somehow magically feel better about his wish to sleep with another person?

    I'm also asking you to reflect on your own sense of self worth here. You are not asking enough from yourself.

  27. Take a deep breath. It sounds to me like you were taken advantage of. You were far too inebriated to give consent, and your sober friend likely knew that.

    You have a few options for your next steps. You can go to a hospital and have a rape kit done. This will gather any remaining physical evidence. It does not mean you are reporting this or pressing charges, but the evidence will be there if you decide to use it. This will likely also get you in contact with the police, who will ask you questions that you can choose to answer or not answer.

    You can contact a hotline, such as RAINN, to be directed to resources in your area. This includes support groups, therapists, etc. that can help you to process what you have experienced. They may also be able to help you figure out how to tell your bf that this happened to you.

    Whether or not you choose to report this is your call. But just know that this wasn’t your fault, and you are not stupid. This guy sounds like a predator.

  28. I’m just saying I don’t think she’s being truthful based on her follow up questions, sounds like she’s projecting and DOES want to go out with the guy. She probably have him her number and personally I’d wonder why he felt like he could ask her out. If she’s pregnant shouldn’t he assume she’s taken and if it’s no visible shouldn’t she be talking enough about you for him to already know she has a bf?

  29. I guess I’m just so hung up on the fact that if she split everything evenly that’s $40 total which would be insane. My other friend confirmed that she didn’t charge the third passenger either so it just seems unfair

  30. Not my experience, but I have brainstormed two proposals for you to try.

    First idea. I'd offer her a bargain, in which you agree that you will forever make absolutely no claim to the fruits of her labor, so long as she agrees to make no claim to yours. That whatever she gets is hers to enjoy as she likes.

    If she agrees, then you can propose that the fruits of our labor include whatever we get, whether in cash or in kind. “In kind” are such things as health plans and other insurance, wellness plans, retirement plans, parental leave, bereavement leave, sick leave, and paid PTO.

    If she agrees, then you can propose that a shortened work-day now and then is such a benefit. Just as her money is hers to enjoy as she likes, so is your shortened work-day.

    Second idea. Tell her that both her distrust over money, and her disgust over how you spend your free time, are disrespectful. But you're an understanding guy, and perhaps she says these things cuz of high anxieties. So you are prepared to allow her to go on with this behavior without pushback, only you expect something in return when she takes such exceptional liberties against you.

    So from now on, if she sherlocks your finances again, it will cost her $X. Reminding you by word or deed that she doesn't trust you not to take her money will cost $XX. Telling you that you're not spending your spare time as she thinks you should will cost $XXX. The penalties don't have to be cash, so long as you agree on what they will be. But if she's as obsessed with money as I suspect, the cash penalties will be the ones she'll try hardest to avoid incurring.

  31. “she is the closest thing to Vietnamese out of any of them”.

    Haha, and? That means nothing. She isn’t Vietnamese. that sttement is not a moral high ground or victory.

    Your girlfriend is a flat out racist, dude, and not a very smart one. Ask her about the Uyghers in Chinese camps if she tries to shame you about your race again.

    Why are you with her?

  32. And you are continuing to respond to me as if I said that no mastectomy patients are admitted, which I did not do.

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