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Room for online video chats -Supermodel_

-Supermodel_live sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for live! sex video chat -Supermodel_

Model from:

Languages: en

Birth Date: 1998-01-28

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityAsian

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBlack

Subculture: subcultureHipster

Date: November 11, 2022

36 thoughts on “-Supermodel_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Having a temper is enough, I also do, but I think the big issue here is the antagonism. Having a temper doesn't make you paranoid and mean, and I don't know if it's the pressure of the current situation or what, but that needs dealt with. Anger management might be okay, but I think general therapy to get at why he acts this way is more to the point, because I'm telling you from a lifetime of experience anger problems themselves don't make you see everything through the wrong lens.

  2. Just a thought. Just bec it didn’t feel good to you doesn’t mean it didn’t feel good to her. You could’ve at least said hey can you do this or that also.

  3. You are not a snob for sure. Your friend should not make fun of your hobby that you enjoy. If you like her company, you will have to stick to what both of you find enjoyable. Do you generally get along well with her ? I would have been quite angry if someone got a spray bottle to keep me away from my books. Not the nicest joke to be honest.

  4. /AgeGaps will accept critical comments but not flagrant abuse. You should bear in mind this is a community which is generally positive towards relationships and hookups with an age gap, regardless of gender/ sexual orientation.

    Yeah, per this rule assume others, there's an obvious bias and it is a place to escape the more cutting criticisms.

  5. Sounds like you and your wife are good – that is the most important thing. Tell her your sorry your comment came between her and her friend.

  6. I was about to come offer my support in the comments but reading that you yourself are a cheater and seem to be very defensive (saying stuff like ”I was not over my ex” and blah blah blah, doesn’t matter, just shows how pathetic and uncaring of a person you are), I don’t have any sympathy towards you.

    ”But this is different, since there is a baby!!” Nah, it’s just karma coming back to bite you in the ass and that’s what you deserve. The only person I feel bad for here is the poor child, both of you suck and in no way should a child be put in the midts of two losers like you and your gf.

    Stop feeling sorry about yourself, find a spine and communicate with your gf. You guys have to actually decide if having this child is good for not only you two but the child itself.

  7. Y’all literally dont get it??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️ cant seem to get out of that idea and its so stupid??? its not about me trying to be her guardian,its about respecting the relationship and avoiding those type of situations. If it was to happen to me, lets say i go out to a club with my friends and a female gets all touchy with me and i turn her down immediately, know for a whole ass fact that my gf would lose her shit completely… but since its me, im a misogynistic, insecure, controlling dude right??

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  9. Sorry I forgot to mention, we haven’t been texting, that only lasted 2weeks. Tonight my husband dragged me to my parents house where my father told me that it’s okay for men to cheat, my mother said I was better off dead, and my brother said he didn’t want a divorcee family member. My husband informed my family that my IUD was making me crazy. I sat theough hours of lecture fr my family and them saying they’d disown me if I left him. This culture is disgusting. I told my husband I wasn’t ready to tell them but he took me there so they coyld talk some sense into me. I feel sick abt how he handled this whole thing.

  10. Ever heard of a white lie?

    If a girlfriend asks if she looks fat should I tell her yes?

    What good comes from being brutally honest to such a question? He was obviously looking for reassurance and she couldn’t read the room well enough to know he wasn’t looking for the truth; he was looking for comfort.

  11. i left my job and all my friends to be with him across the country. i do agree i am a very immature 22. i made so many mistakes and don’t know how to own up to them and just be honest and up front because i’m so afraid of being abandoned. sometimes things i do don’t seem bad to me until i realize they are to him and i panic. everything was so different in the beginning until everything was ruined and then also me so confused on what i want and stressed about me wasting my life away. i just feel like my mental health declined so much in the last couple months to where i am a shell of a person and everything brings me pain and anxiety. and i don’t know how to communicate properly anymore

  12. The gentle thing is to let him know now so he has time to prepare. Leading him on as if you guys will be together and he can keep depending on you then drop a bomb on him is kinda fucked. Assuming he doesn’t react badly.

  13. You and me both. I think his definition of virginity is basically just penetration. Which is funny, cos I guess lesbians and anyone who doesn’t involve dicks would eternally be virgins. Nice ??.

    My experience is basically limited to girls, kinky and oral stuff. That being said, all of that was me either when I was a young teen or non-consensually. So yayy me. My hymen is still intact though. By his dumbass definitely that would make me a “heterosexual virgin, but lesbian non-virgin” (his words, not mine).

    But your right, this is definitely a conversation that needs to be had.

  14. It’s pretty silly to expect him to let you win. But really winning isn’t the issue it’s that the game is the only thing he will do with you and doesn’t make an effort to plan anything else.

    I would remove the game from the discussion and just be up front that you expect him to plan a non video gaming date every now and then. If he can’t do that then you should just end it

  15. I'm 39 and could probably still do 2 or 3 in a day, but my afterburner is definitely not at the same setting it used to be, and I'm not ashamed about that.

  16. Read your title again! You're admitting she's hurting you. And unfortunately people chose sides during break ups. If it gets so bad that your reputation is being influenced then you should do what I did when my ex and I broke up and that's get a restraining order taken out against her, or you should sue her. But go for restraining order first

  17. Your marriage was unhealthy and so were your actions in how you ended it. Consider individual therapy while single for the sake of yourself and your children.

  18. Why do you both act like teenagers but are both over 20? Your BF needs to grow up and treat people better and you need to grow up and learn to drive. Like wtf your church is 2 hours away and you rely on someone else for this?

    Breakup, take some time to grow up and then look for another BF

  19. Could it be that he gets some weird kind of sadistic pleasure/ sexual gratification from inflicting his shit on other people? I'm really struggling with the fact he manages to clog the toilets bi-monthly – I haven't managed to do this even once in 48 years – and at his adamant refusal to have his shit removed by any other means.

    Anyway, this would be my hill to divorce on, if it came to the worst. He is inconsiderate and disgusting and trying to teach your kids bad habits and forcing you to deal with his shit in a far more literal sense than any spouse should ever have to.

  20. Well i looked through your post history and you are absolutely anti-women. You are a part of hate filled subreddits and seem to love hating on everything women do. You have a very toxic mindset so you should break up because she deserves better

  21. You're right. I always regretted not dumping my last ex before I actually did. I'm so mad at myself for not doing it sooner. And I see the same thing happening here.

    But somehow all of this is making my anxiety so bad… I'm on the verge of tears.

  22. Eh sounds like the dog is in there. Pets are bonded to their owners and don't likely care what the owner is doing but are happy to be there. The dog isn't participating so I wouldn't fret. If anything say Fido can scoot out for a minute and toss a cookie to the dog in the hall and let him back in when it's time to sleep.

  23. Eh sounds like the dog is in there. Pets are bonded to their owners and don't likely care what the owner is doing but are happy to be there. The dog isn't participating so I wouldn't fret. If anything say Fido can scoot out for a minute and toss a cookie to the dog in the hall and let him back in when it's time to sleep.

  24. Eh sounds like the dog is in there. Pets are bonded to their owners and don't likely care what the owner is doing but are happy to be there. The dog isn't participating so I wouldn't fret. If anything say Fido can scoot out for a minute and toss a cookie to the dog in the hall and let him back in when it's time to sleep.

  25. I would wait to tell the son until dad has had more time to process, the only exception to this being is if you think the ex will use the info to be cruel to the son, in which case I would tell him sooner than later because you want to make sure he knows he’s loved, no matter what.

  26. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My partner and I (well, now ex-partner) separated last week (not married) and we have a 4 y/o daughter together. I earn a decent wage, and take home circa £4,000 a month. She has been a stay at home Mum to our 4 year old and works 2 days a week taking home around £700.

    Anyway, she broke up with me because she wasn’t happy. I did nothing wrong as such, she just didn’t feel like she loved me anymore.

    She asked me today for a chat, and it was a financial chat. She wants me to pay well above the child-support guidelines of £500 a month, and pay her around £1000 a month.

    I think this is unfair, as I also have to pay for my own life etc now she’s separated from me. What should be the best approach to this situation, how can I say no without her flipping a lid?

  27. IMHO, you should just get it done.

    It’s not a time for his ego.

    His role and lack of control is a serious problem longer term. But also a separate issue when time & money are in the line.

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