Lilii Moon H live webcams for YOU!


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Date: September 25, 2022

52 thoughts on “Lilii Moon H live webcams for YOU!

  1. You didn't necessarily do anything wrong, but she's going to need her space and time to think and process through everything. Just hear her out, even if it sounds ridiculous to you, BPD is very naked to work through, and even the situation itself is nude for anyone. It's not easy seeing your person being intimate with someone else

  2. This is what I mean, you have to be a professional psychologist to know how to deal w this kind of personality. If you u don’t have a degree in psychology, I would simply suggest to avoid relationships with people who have a known personality disorders.

    It’s far too much hassle and it can drive you to the brink of your own madness.

  3. This just sounds off to me, because normally when people are in a healing process, they rely on the people they are closest to for help getting through it. UNLESS the trauma involves SA, in which case yeah, you won't be able to have a healthy relationship until you've dealt with that, which typically takes some years in therapy. If it wasn't SA, then it sounds like he was an additional stressor in your life, in which case, again, you are justified in breaking up for your own mental health. The bf should be able to understand either situation. So no, don't go back to the relationship until your head is in the right place and you understand why you need the bf out of the picture.

  4. WASP means White Anglo Saxon Protestant. It doesn’t say anything about money or social class. So even though you are also Irish Catholic, you are by definition a WASP.

  5. Oh man…my wife has the best nose I've ever seen in my life. It's the hookiest-witch nose kind….but it drives me wild every time I see it. She once mentioned that she hated her nose…and from then on, whenever I see her walk past (and I see it in all its glory), I stop her to tell her that she has the best and most beautiful nose I've ever seen.

    She's also said several times that she wants a boob job, and each time, I tell her that it's 100% her choice, but I think what she has is already perfect. Eventually when I asked about it, she said something along the lines of, “Well, you like them so that's all that matters.”

    I also asked her if I should get a penis extension, as I'm less than average length…of course, she said she loves it and wouldn't want me to change a thing. I guess that's how you know your spouse loves you.

  6. From the sounds of it she's done with you mostly. I mean you disliked her husband without knowing too much about him, she must have felt like you're not a very supportive friend. They sound like they have a happy family together, it's naked with kids & it's really nude to see someone 8 hours away every 2 months. I feel like you're putting a lot of pressure on her

  7. It sounds like you and your boyfriend are struggling with a significant issue in your relationship, and it's understandable that you would feel exhausted and frustrated by the situation. It's important to remember that your boyfriend is acknowledging his problem and is trying to work on it, which is a good sign.

    One thing that might be helpful is for both of you to set a regular sleep schedule and stick to it as closely as possible. This might involve setting an alarm for a specific time to go to bed, and avoiding screens (including phones, TVs, and laptops) for a certain amount of time before bed to help you both fall asleep more easily. It might also be helpful to create a bedtime routine, such as reading a book or taking a warm bath, to help you both relax and wind down before sleep.

    It's also important to continue to communicate with your boyfriend about this issue and let him know how it's affecting you. Let him know that you understand that he's trying to work on the problem, but that you need his support in helping you both get the rest you need.

    It might also be a good idea for your boyfriend to consider seeking therapy or counseling to work through any underlying issues that may be contributing to his sleep problems. A therapist or counselor can help him identify and address any underlying causes of his difficulty sleeping, and provide him with strategies for improving his sleep habits.

    Overall, it's important to be patient and understanding with each other as you work to address this issue. It may take some time to find a solution that works for both of you, but with patience, communication, and a willingness to work together, you can find a way to improve your sleep habits and strengthen your relationship.

  8. For real. Dudes been raising a kid for 10 years by himself. Anyone would want a companion. Quit downgrading his needs as a way to shame the man. Shit is fucking ridiculous ?

  9. Do you mean to say that if a man came on Reddit and said he makes 3x of his partner who supported him when he made less, he would receive the same support you see on this thread?

    Come on now.

  10. u/superrllama, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  11. It’s your car. If he isn’t going to respect you, don’t lend him the car. If you do, it is required that he tells you how long he is going to have your property. You also need to explain what is wrong in your parents’ relationship so he doesn’t try and repeat it in yours.

  12. u/frighteningthrhoes, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  13. I wouldn’t date someone who was still in contact with their ex.

    There are plenty of people who feel the same. It’s not naked to find someone who has this same boundary and will respect that you have it too.

    Move on.

  14. Hello /u/mosin87,

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  15. Surely if I was creepy she would have cut all contact with me when I first made a move on her? Instead it's been months and she still talks to me

  16. Why would I find it manipulative when there's nothing to gain? I know how our arguments go and how they end once she cries. I knew how this all sounded when I first typed it out. It doesn't leave me in a good light, and I accept responsibility for that. But it's naked to imagine where I'm coming from when you haven't experienced a similar circular scenario over and over again.

  17. Hello /u/Main-Sky1540,

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  18. If he cannot wait a few months for you to finish school he does not really care about you. Nobody who really loved you would ever destroy your entire future for the sake of a few months.

    Unless he actually wants you vulnerable and dependent in another country with nobody to trust but him? Something to think about.

  19. Hey hey now, this offends those of us who are stuck because your wife put a weapon to herself and tells you she will tell the police you did it, therefor unable to leave.

  20. I guess she was never taught the proper hygiene rules, (which at this age she should really now) you should definitely be really careful and nice about it, more curiosity-leading and wanting to help, rather than judgmental, I think you seem like a nice/kind person so I believe you will handle it well 🙂 just imagine how you would like someone to bring up a topic you are embarrassed of and act with empathy!

  21. Hello /u/nopefoffprettyplease,

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  22. Asking your partner to delete someone from social media shows you don’t trust them, and it’s controlling

  23. OK that changes the entire thing. And I'm glad you guys are devoted and you don't intent to screw him over. You've convinced me.

    Yeah it's frustrating. He could work more, but you can't really say anything about it. Try to resolve it with love and understanding.

    It also makes me wonder why he isn't in school? Seems like he has the time.

  24. You are absolutely right. Protect your assets. If you feel yourself weakening, talk to a lawyer about possible consequences.

  25. I don't think you would be keeping secrets in this case. Instead you're simply more directly sealing with the possible victim here.

    If it turns into a bigger thing, then you can consider how you would share info with your girlfriend. But if it's nothing in the end, then no need to cast it into everyone's mind by blowing it up. Just move on.

  26. It's a 3 hour ride. You can see her on the weekends.

    Finding a partner that loves you this much is rare, and not worth throwing it away for meaningless flings. (open relationship is not the same as polyamorous)

    There is not a single good way to ask for an open relationship. It's like playing Russian roulette.

    There is a chance you'll win. But 5 other chances what you have will be gone.

  27. Sorry dude, you don't own her. If it bothers you this bad, the best you can do is leave her.

    In this case, you are in the wrong. You sound overly controlling and petty. Yuck.

  28. I honestly think you need to cut your losses. Doesn't sound like you are compatible. She seems extremely insecure and a massive clinger. She is not very considerate of your need for space, most people need their alone time.

  29. Just putting those numbers into a BMI calculator, I think you're smack dab in the middle of the normal weight range. What is he talking about, and moreover, why is he talking about it during sex?

    It seems like he is either clueless about how to talk with a partner or has some kind of unhealthy relationship to body image, or perhaps both.

  30. No man I know I fucking don’t. I just think he’s an idiot that I love and that he’ll see he’s wrong but all that does is make me an idiot

  31. First reading your post I thought you are 15 & boyfriend is 17!!! Your SO needs to realize things change when you marry, you become number one. He seems very attached to his mom, I would recommend the two of you go to therapy ASAP. Therapy can help your SO realize his attachment regarding his mom is definitely over board.

  32. Just tell her straight up that you're not always going to be there to drive her around. If she doesn't feel confident with her driving then maybe offer to guide her. Sounds like she just wants you to be her uber driver.

  33. Would you ask your spouse every single time you made a parenting decision about anything? Equal parents don't do that, it's normal for one parent to make a decision in the moment on something like this, and discuss later if need be. Normal parents in normal equal parenting relationships do not hold conference over every decision.

    If the other parent disagrees with that decision, the adult thing to do is discuss it in private and come to a solution, not Veto it in front of the child, undermine the other parent, and then throw a lack of biological relation in that parents face as justification.

  34. Oh wow!! That's definitely a big boi!! I am part of a FB Chonky Cats group where there's no judgment for fat cats. It's called This Cat Is C H O N K Y.

    Sometimes they're just big, but people are so mean. He doesn't overeat; he eats about the same amount as the other two. But he's just a chonk. There's just more to love. I rub his FUPA for good luck, like a Buddha LOL, except Buddha probably wouldn't swat or try to bite me.

  35. It’s not “emotional” to suggest the internet is full of shitty people.

    But you’re right that I’ve shared my opinion when you asked for it and there’s no sense repeating it. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  36. Nah him introducing you to his daughter so soon does not sit right with me. I would not continue this

  37. Keep her in a box! Sexually that's what monogamy is innit? She's already got someone lined up and is trying to find a way to keep you as well. Run away.

  38. Oh SHIT. Honestly you are making way too small a deal out of this. He’s stalking someone and blaming YOU! STALK! ING! SOME! ONE!

    Right now OP is walking through a minefield. This is the kind of situation where women end up murdered. This is NOT AN EXAGGERATION. She has to be extremely careful, calm, and again, CAREFUL, so that he doesn't figure out that she's going to be leaving. She's going to need to get away from him to a place he is not likely to be able to find her.

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