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SpiceHeadlive sex stripping with hd cam


13 thoughts on “SpiceHeadlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You are taking the quote out of context and exagerating, i wrote that to be sincere and express what goes on my mind, to explain what goes through my head.

    Obviously i never said that to her or anything similar

  2. I would ask her out and not suggest coming over. A dinner out is a break. Dinner with kids is just another night. If she’s interested, she’ll happily take a night for herself.

  3. Knowing most guys, I have a feeling the boyfriend probably didn't like the idea of a “guy” best friend. Seeing that, yeah… hot to come back from that.

  4. Your post about the sandwich makes him sound manipulative and this post isn't any better. He doesn't care about your feelings.

  5. Thank you so much for this. It gives me a much more balanced view on how I'm feeling. I really needed this!

    I'm concerned that the negativity and judgement coming from Rob about little things my boyfriend is changing is going to cast doubt on our relationship. I feel a little anxious that since I've come into his life, Daves lifestyle and habits have changed a lot and with a life-long friend making comments, it makes me uneasy that growth (in my opinion) and change of life view is a bad thing.

    Hope that makes sense?

  6. no your husband it not just a pig because pigs would never do this

    What he is though is a married man, acting as if he's single. Maybe he did send that to yoru sister by accident – that I can believe, but either way he meant to send it to someone who is not you.

    You were considering separating before this, for me it would be a trigger. You won't be any worse off in terms of caring for the children will you?

  7. Y’all just seem ready to throw a lot away over a drunken/drugged kiss. If they banged sure. But just making out? Drunk!? And drugged… y’all are too sensitive.

  8. Sounds like he's baby-trapping you. You bought condoms, but he “didn't WANT to wear them” so he'll just pull out …which he either didn't “WANT” to do, either, or did do and we all know it's an ineffective method to prevent pregnancy.

    So, he's FINE with marrying you after only 4 months of dating. And he's FINE with you having a baby after only 3 months of dating which will keep him in your life for a minimum of 18 years.

    These are the reasons you NEED an abortion and you NEED to break up! There is nothing wrong with you and you will find the right man to be in a relationship with. But this guy is not that man! He is desperate to stay with you via a quickie marriage and an even more quickie pregnancy! Woman, any man who is this desperate to keep you around is someone who is very scary! A really decent man wants to ensure that the relationship is right for EACH OF YOU!

    Please get out! You can't find Mr. Right until you dump Mr. Red Flags.

  9. It doesn't sound like there's been any actual compromise. It sounds like you're reaching far outside YOUR comfort zone to please him and he's put his fetish above his respect for you by secretly indulging in it. If he's going to jerk off to robots anyway, then why should you continue with the fantasy at all? Also, the control aspect is a huge red flag and when sex is involved, it can get bad very quickly. Sex is an important part of relationships, especially as you get older together and the most important thing a couple needs in their sex life is mutual respect and trust. If you don't feel like you do, then you should probably think about breaking things off.

  10. If she dumps you which I would if I were her; it’s time to work on yourself. You can’t let yourself be that controlling and jealous

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