Charlote-sweett on-line sex cams for YOU!


11 thoughts on “Charlote-sweett on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. One night flings are very different than giving somebody a picture of your full hard body. Maybe she’s just uncomfortable with somebody having that revealing of a picture of her. Who knows what could happen with it.

    Have you tried talking to her about this?

    Or what about meeting in person? 2 years is a long time to not meet

  2. He was the one that liked me first, that texted me all day and all night, that told me he fancied me so much and wished we moved closer, I used to on-line 1.5 hours away. He used to tell me he was lucky and missed me all the time. Then a few months ago, I started to notice him givin me evil death stares when He parked my car and I asked him to reverse it as he can’t park there, so when I did it myself and the look he gave me was horrible. I had insured him on my car hour, as he didn’t have one, so it annoyed me that He was like that. And all the niceness stopped the day that I told him my future goals, to have kids in my 20s. And now it’s like this and I don’t know what is wrong with me

  3. Couples therapy. This isn’t a dry spell, it’s a desert. Fight for your marriage. Touch matters. Sex matters.

  4. People keep acting like this is something “women do” and I might point out something – for almost the entirety of human existence, women’s sexuality has been hidden or left undiscussed and so very often times, this is the first time or space women have to discuss sex. It’s a way for women to understand their sexuality better in a space that is safe for them that they may not previously have had.

    Men’s sexuality, on the other hand, has been depicted, displayed, celebrated, etc. men have not had to seek out examples of sexual behavior because they have been presented to them. For women? That’s often not the case and having a group of women to discuss those things, it isn’t about being catty or denigrating to men, but truly a space that the focus is on what women want in bed. First time some of them ever get that.

  5. If you aren’t 100% sure, then you should wait because you can’t undo it. You still have time to have the abortion. Cancel the appointment and only reset it if you are 100% sure after you’ve had a conversation with your boyfriend and a therapist, separately and possibly together.

  6. You’re too immature to be dating.

    You really broke up with a woman because she had longer labia? That’s the most pathetic thing I’ve read all day.

  7. I mean, people in relationships have sex and “do stuff”. if he's pushy about it that's not okay, but you also need to make your boundaries known.

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