Soycatalina online webcams for YOU!


suck fingers [Multi Goal]

Date: October 31, 2022

31 thoughts on “Soycatalina online webcams for YOU!

  1. I think this is the naked truth I’ve been trying to deny. I know that we have little to no chance for a future so I’m not sure why I’m holding on really.

    As far as sexual performance goes, it’s not exactly something I’m worried about because she made it seem like a big part of it is her claustrophobia and PTSD so she gets bored of doing the only two positions she likes. That being said, I might look into finding some new ones that could solve the issue. I’ll give it a week or two and see if anything changes or gets better

  2. It seems she doesn’t respect my feelings. ?

    Of course she doesn't. She didn't respect her husband's first wife when she had the affair with him. She certainly won't respect yours.

    At this point, you don't have to respect anything about her. She gets off to taking other women's husbands. She's gets to “feel good” about herself thinking she's better, prettier, sexier, whatever. She knows she's trash.

    I wouldn't doubt if her husband's ex wife left him when she found out about the affair and she knows she's the consolation prize. People who are not trash don't do this. She knows she's trash and she knows she likely won't “keep” this guy. Of course she gets jealous. Healthy people don't do this.

    Also, healthy people with integrity, IMO, don't hang out with unhealthy people who have no integrity, and this couple don't have integrity OR fidelity.

    YOU BET she'll continue to disrespect you, your husband, AND your marriage.

  3. How would you feel if you were me?

    Well, I am a bit simple in cases like this. Just be practical, you dont really want to do anything after a dental surgery, so i wouldnt worry about cheating. I think it is good to talk about this with him, but I would just keep the things close to myself, tell him it makes you a bit uncomfortable because of their history, but that is it. Plus it might be an idea to get to know the ex, i mean if they are still friends, why not?

    Just be open and honest about how you feel and what you think

  4. I'd see him suffer until he learns responsibility the naked way, if I could make sure he doesn't drag me down with him.

  5. sometimes the process of dodging a bullet is neat and clean, with no bloodshed; other times, it is messy and you barely escape with your sanity, and/ or life.

    but in either case, the bullet is still dodged and you get to live! on.


    He was always late, couldn’t sometimes control his temper and was very impulsive when it came to breaking things off with me. When we fought, he always wanted to break up

    there was never a very hot set reason to break up.

    the second statement doesn't mesh with the first. someone who can't control their temper and suggests breaking up at the drop of a hat is giving you reasons to at least consider splitting up. those are not healthy parts of a functional relationship, and this is after only

  6. That's what I was thinking. I've always been the ugly girl/ need and I've had more boyfriends by the time I was 20 this guy at 30. It can happen. But when you factor in the behavior OP describes, something is not right here.

  7. So she doesn’t want sex anymore and when you bring it up she cries? That’s indicative of something deeper going on here. Was she assaulted, or attacked? Made to feel unsafe somewhere in her life? You need to dig deeper on this, but do it in a gentle and loving way. You need to know WHY she doesn’t want sex before you can decide what you want to do here.

    The issue could also be medical, if sex has become painful or if her desire has just vanished, she needs to see her gyno to make sure she’s ok.

    Good luck and the best to you both.

  8. So she doesn't care about YOU being homeless? Time to pack her back to her parents and get a room mate or another job or escort again for the time being (if it is something you are OK doing at this stage of course) but do not settle for a selfish partner because that is not an actual partner.

  9. I'm going to make a couple leaps here so let me know if I'm wrong. 5 years in, he spends 90% of his time there yet still “lives with his parents”? I would say he's actively avoiding contributing to the household. I'm also picking out the live! gambling game detail, are you sure he has money to help? He could be spending all his money on that with nothing left to help you out or pay for the resources he uses while at your place. He doesn't move in so he doesn't have to pay bills so he can continue gambling.

  10. Why do you care about someone who has blatantly lied to you? Move on, leave him in the dust where he & his lies belong.

  11. Talk to a lawyer. It may be illegal for you to put her stuff out like that if her name is on the lease. You've tipped her off as to your intent. Time to start protecting yourself. Remove half of the funds from any joint accounts now before she takes it all.

  12. I usually time my shits with my showers because I don't have a bidet and wiping to a satisfactory clean just rubs my ass raw. Much easier to just take 60 secs to rinse off.

  13. Very happy to hear are one of the ones that got out with your life, even gladder to hear you did not wind up stalked and terrorized so you could begin your healing process in peace.

  14. I don't do hypothetical questions. It's like lying to my brain.

    Seriously though, I always tell my kids that “what if” can be stupid because you can make it about anything.

    They'll say “what if my leg falls off and I can't go to school?” I just answer with “what if a meteor hits earth and destroys the planet? Then school won't exist.” They look at me confused and I just tell them not to worry about what if because anything can happen.

    I know my example is silly and for children, but I hope I'm making my point to them.

    She needs to understand that getting upset at hypothetical situations is very immature. Unless she actually plans on doing something like this, which is even worse.

  15. I have considered this. It’s a possibility… it sounds crazy but since this has been brought to my attention I’m wondering if I was brought into this situation to serve as a connector even though we like each other

  16. You’re not wrong. As I read your comment, I think I’m making the realization that I’ve basically been in denial on multiple fronts. The truth, as you correctly point out, is that I’m not her priority, she did hurt me substantially already, and she will be the demise of my current relationship if things continue as-is. Thank you

  17. your level of self awareness of your own actions and feelings is incredible, i think youll be fine in most relationships with that level of emotional intellegence.

    however, i think this is a complex issue. meaning i think its related to a pshycological complex. i think your brain is tricking you into wanting them times back due to the excitement. it was a rush, it felt exciting, but its a trick. the intense situations filled your brain with chemicals that are addictive and leave you wanting more (that is quite litrelly their evolutinary job, think gambling addiction) but there are a million things you could replace that rush with, that are safe and healthy. like extreme sports for example.

    i think you have a very secure and reliable partner who really loves you for who you are, and that is rarer than you might expect. i think there can be an excitement found in a comfortable and reliable relationship, you can do it in healthy ways. you just need to find which one fits best.

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