Silvana-gomezz on-line sex cams for YOU!


4 thoughts on “Silvana-gomezz on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Dude I am quite worried he is going to sexually assault you. He keeps kissing you when you clearly aren't interested. When he knocked at your door to talk you told him to go away and then ended up talking to him against your will because he wouldn't leave. When you had sex he continued to be rough when you asked him to stop and were clearly in pain and not enjoying it.

    This guy has internalised homophobia. He hates the part of himself that is attracted to men. He is attracted to you and hates that he is because he's homophobic. He also hates you because you are openly gay and living life, something he can't bring himself to do. So he tried to instigate sexual advances with you but violently. You should order one of those doorstops that sounds an alarm when someone tries to open the door. Because he is going to escalate his sexual advances with or without your consent under the guise of being “confused and figuring it out”.

  2. It's treading another humans most effing basic rights with ones feet.

    On the grounds of being married!

    OP… what he says is that YOU ARE HIS SLAVE, because you married him.

    Hadn't you, it were rape.

    Now that you did… hands clean. (HIS saying!)


    It's lying to you and gaslighting you into submission!

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