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sehar-111live sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat sehar-111

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Date: October 25, 2022

25 thoughts on “sehar-111live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I would love that… but she is big on christmas. Last year it was something like $4-5000 debts on afterpays while she didn’t have a job due to having a young bub (1year old) if i had it my way. I wouldn’t going this nuts for others. She buys things for basically everyone. We have a family of 5. She buys for at least 27 people off the top of my head. Not including work friends now also this year.

  2. What makes you believe, she’s doing it to get male validation? And “it shows she still hasn’t changed”, why the fuck would/should she change? He knew who he was dating, so either love her like she is, or gtfo. You both sound dumb and insecure as hell lol

  3. She may not have done anything, but she’s playing with fire. Drinking to excess and staying the night at a former hookup’s house is a bad play.

  4. This honestly sounds like a few things (not a professional). But generally, it sounds like your husband has OCD. The controlling and the demanding sounds like possible OCD symptoms/ exhibited behaviors are passing the baton, so to speak, to something that would affect his fear of uncertainty, leading to a sub/conscious want or need for control. Wanting OR needing to control life, ESPECIALLY feeling the urge to control others, is unhealthy at best, and downright dangerous and damaging at worst. I think he should sit down with an IOCDF-certified counselor, or at least look into meeting with an OCD specialized psychiatrist, to look into testing for OCD. OCD is more than “my desk is so clean, I'm so quirky” or “I absolutely HAVE to do a task a certain number of times” – but cleaning/ contamination OCD is a thing, and Counting/ repetition is as well. Thoughts that seem like leaps on logic, such as “You need to wear your sandals correctly” may be coming from a place of fear that you may injure yourself, or that something negative/ bad may occur at all.

    IDK like I said, not a pro. And this is not singularly OCD-based behavior, IF he is indeed experiencing and struggling with OCD. But communicating with professionals, INCLUDING marital professionals, would be a must in my opinion, if you are looking to 'fix' your relationship, or to continue being with him. It matters, too, how he responds to any form of counseling. There's something going on in his head that an unbiased, trained professional should speak with him on regards to.

    Best of luck no matter what OP, having someone on your life that is trying to control you is horrible. I hope you can get what you need out of this thread, and that you can get to a positive outcome in this relationship.

  5. Dude. Why would you do that to yourself? And to a a fucking narcissistic cheater of all things? Do you have no self respect?

  6. OMG! That's not love. He wants to control you. He's gonna try to get you pregnant and force you into being a SAHM. You need to run. A man that loves his gf wouldn't hide her birth control pills and wouldn't try to force her to be a SAHM when she doesn't want to be. The more I read the worse this gets. Again he does not love you.

  7. The only options you have are to leave your GF and start pursuing this new woman or leave the new girl be and focus on your current relationship. Obviously you can't have both since your GF clearly stated she doesn't want that.

  8. Thats not dodgy because you wernt together.

    The more of your comments i read the more i think this is a fake post. No one could be this stun.

  9. Well, you are making sense. Maybe my opinion really sucks here but I know for sure I'd feel the way OP does.

    Even if the parents have all the right to do as they want it's definitely something they should have consider imo. Family comes first and if a decision like this brings distance to family relationship it might not be worth it despite all the beautiful emotions that the parents feel towards each other.

  10. I am speaking as someone whose husband is just coming out of some serious health issues with a couple of hospitalizations and long term at home care. I know what I am talking about so you should listen:

    Granddad coming home from the hospital after a stroke is most decidedly NOT the right time to meet your girlfriend. I get that you are young and so you have been insulated from the stress and anxiety and your mom and grandmother (and other family members) have been going through. They probably aren't sleeping well. They aren't eating right. Their nerves are frayed beyond what you can imagine. They are physically, mentally and (most importantly) emotionally exhausted.

    Your mother is processing the reality that her dad is getting older. Your grandmother is confronting the reality that she may have to live without him. This is what is happening around you behind the scenes and behind the smiles and behind the 'we are so happy he is homes'.

    And your grandfather? He is busy confronting his mortality and his worry about everyone else.

    Wait at least 6 weeks to let everyone get their feet back underneath them before introducing someone new. Please. For the love all that is holy……wait.

  11. Your relationship with your family was strained before this happened wether you know it or not. They're abusive and didn't treat you like a daughter. I see alot of people on here cut contact with their family over that, and I'm sure your husband would do the same if the roles were reversed.

  12. Electricians and other trades around here make over 100k a year. Also tend to be self reliant and can make their own home repairs.

  13. I’m always torn in situations like this. I had a neighbor growing up that had a medical condition that kept her very tiny and very young looking. Her brain was “normal” no mental delays. But physically, she looked like a young teenager.

    She fell in love and got married, couldn’t have children though. But the whole community was pretty grossed out. A huge part of me understands it’s not her fault, she deserves love and happiness. But another part couldnt understand how he could be attracted to her. He must be a pedophile. I only add this to explain what everyone is probably thinking.

    There’s no solution here. You either develop thicker skin or you end it.

  14. Hmm. That's terrible advice. Either you accept your spouse as is or you leave. If that means accepting she doesn't want kids and make peace with that or start over. She has the most invested in this decision and if she accidentally got pregnant she could have an abortion.

  15. Yeah he can do so much better than you.

    You don't deserve him.

    If you actually care about him, end it so he can find someone who won't lie and deceive him.

  16. In comments OP clarifies they lived with his parents initially and got their own place after their child was born. It's never really spelled out if this financial set up was in place before getting their own place but I am thinking it was. So now they have additional bills not living with family and it's strained his finances. I suspect it's not new behavior on his wife's part and they will have to have several discussions on budgeting and equal contributions.

  17. He hasn't seen his parents in 3 years.

    He sees you everyday.

    No offense but his priorities are fine here. You guys can celebrate your graduation when he gets back.

  18. Definitely, if he loves her as much as he says consider not getting legally married, have a ceremony with your closest friends and family and wear rings. Then his credit wouldn’t be affected

  19. I agree with the first two points the third I don't know… I feel a position of power is usually someone who can change your life easily based on whatever they want. A piano teacher doesn't really change your possibilities, it's creepy and disgusting and since he's older probably has the power to manipulate younger people but I am not sure that means he's in a “power position” at least in the conventional way. This is of course, my humble opinion

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