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Sarita-candylive sex stripping with hd cam


17 thoughts on “Sarita-candylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Her invasion of privacy is astounding. It’s quite frankly really, really weird to read through your partners messages from their friends. Her issues from being cheated on in the past are her issues. She’s making your friend pay for something he didn’t even do.

    I don’t really have any advice tbh, your friend is the only one who can really do anything. He either needs to set a strong boundary and tell her that his phone is out of limits or at least your messages or he needs to break up with her. If you and your friends are starting to distance themselves, the situation will evolve eventually.

  2. Where in the world is there a gender bias? Because I recognise the genders in OPs post? Nice try and making it something it isn’t. It’s the same for both genders. My comment was to reflect THIS situation. OP said that was previously, before she even knew he liked her. That’s not ACTIVE that’s PAST. Active means in the moment and considering she’s just found out about it, there’s clearly not been any other moves he’s made other than asking OP to break up with her partner. I don’t know if English is your first language but I have not a clue what you’re claiming I’ve said is malicious intent. Unless you mean what I said about her current partner? I also never said you’re against females having male friends. English either can’t be your first language or you’re reading comprehension is limited because I clearly stated for you to agree this situation is okay from OPS POV you would have to deduce that she should have no one to turn to but her boyfriend ie be isolated from everyone. There was no gender specified.

  3. this all im tryna say lol. i just dont wanna be hopeful she'll change then 5 years later im dealing with the same thing

  4. I'm really torn because his plan makes a lot more sense than yours does. The timeline for him to get the kids on the bus and get himself to way is way too tight – and the idea that trying to reach your sister and mother once the school actually figures out that they are going to make him seriously late for work is way too stressful and chaotic.

    However, hiring a morning helper that you don't even know about is deceitful and suspicious.

    So this is where you need to be very very honest with yourself. Do you give him a very hot time when he has a different plan than you do? Do you routinely try to push things onto your family? If he sat you down and very clearly said that he needed a morning sitter and was arranging one would you have readily agreed?

    While communication is always better, it is a two way street. If you tend not to be receptive to your partner's solutions that may indicate that this is a sensible innocent plan that he just didn't want to argue about.

  5. The porn industry feeds fantasies. So long as their customers understand the difference between fantasy and reality then everything is ok.

  6. You aren't addressing the question posed by the op, because your puritanical judgement breaks your brain and makes you only see the age difference. Why is it questionable? They're both adults, right? Did they meet when she was underage? Did he raise her as his stepdaughter? I'm having a very hot time seeing why 2 adults dating is “questionable.”

    Different people have different relationships.

  7. She says: she helped him look for jobs, he was on the verge of homelessness, it was a significant relationship in her life.

    I think I’m mature enough to know its not black and white. Although I don’t stay friends with ex’s, I know most do.

  8. I don’t exactly have anything in mind, but it could be just tell her or straight up go for and try kiss her if I saw any opportunity, kinda depends on how the situation goes. I also accept suggestions.

  9. A real polyamorous relationship has rules. Everyone needs to know everyone involved in a relationship with. It's a complex web. Now… The part where you were told you can't see anyone else… I feel like that is a deal breaker. This dude just wants extra pussy around.

  10. Tell him only if he gets penis enlargement surgery first. Its a fair trade but I think he'll reconsider.

  11. Because with exchange of money there's an understanding of “this isn't a relationship to be taken advantage of but a service paid for”.

    Instead of manipulation, its direct compensation.

    In dating, the younger person would be manipulated into staying or feeling like things are their own fault. In SB/SD situation, she can walk away from the business arrangement at any time.

    Less emotional manipulation. It's a business deal.

  12. I’ll try to figure something out. I’m not gonna call her out in front of friends, but I’ve told my boyfriend about it and he was disgusted too. Everyone is disgusted..except her.

  13. Wow your poor wife, she gave you 25 years and you cheat on her with a women you met on a cruise and are actively trying to pursue an affair, you want something new a shinny leave you poor wife, because when she find out and she well, it will break her heart and destroy her beyond repair. I think you need to have more respect for her either cut this women off and tell your wife the truth or leave you wife for a 4 minute hook up. Instead of playing with her heart, being cheated on is one of the worst thing anyone can go go through. Poor wife

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