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samanta ( 19 years )- cameron (23 years) – mathias (20 years)- byron (22 years) (alex leal mod), y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms samanta ( 19 years )- cameron (23 years) – mathias (20 years)- byron (22 years) (alex leal mod)

samanta ( 19 years )- cameron (23 years) - mathias (20 years)- byron (22 years) (alex leal mod) on-line sex chat

Date: September 20, 2022

12 thoughts on “samanta ( 19 years )- cameron (23 years) – mathias (20 years)- byron (22 years) (alex leal mod) the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I remember hearing Dr Drew and Adam talk about threesome stats on Loveline 20 years ago. The advice at the time was that for most people, they aren't ready for the emotional changes that come with the threesome. Almost always it results in jealousy, or embarrassment or something that ends up driving a wedge and breaking the relationship. If you value to relationship long term, then it's best not to do it.

    that being said, you may be the small percentage of people who it works for. But if your partner is pushing this, then you may be past the point of no return. Either you partner is going to push for this, and you refuse, so it drives a wedge, or you do it, and chances are it also drives a wedge.

  2. So your husband is an ass. He treats people exactly the way he wants without regard to their feelings. Y’all have already talked about this and he hasn’t stopped. So yeah y’all both suck!

  3. No I wasn’t connecting it to my friend at all. She’s out of the relationship now and working on healing and that’s what I was telling him about, how relieved I am and how much pain she must still be in. Me and him always had this joke together during our whole relationship, that he teases and is “mean” and I must regret marrying him. It just happened to be during the same phone call again today.

    Usually I let him take the teasing further than me but today I wanted to tease him back. And I guess I didn’t realize the limits, which is my fault. It was insensitive and I didn’t think about how he might process it, especially after we just talked about my friend and him being a man too. I was stupid to not realize what could’ve happened and took it too far. I will work on thinking about his perspective more next time.

  4. Ok, I get the “my problem” part (I'm sleep deprived and can't go to sleep yet). I didn't mean you can't help. But the only way is to talk with him and ask him what could help aside from you dropping your friends. But in the end these are his feelings and insecurities that he has to deal with, you can only do so much and sacrificing yourself in a process isn't going to help in a long run. I understand that jealousy is a feeling and those aren't logical, but he doesn't trust you to the point where he is “sad” for a whole day…?

  5. You really need to get over yourself and into therapy. You chose to work and go to law school. Many of us do the same thing. Like do you want a cookie? Your bf is ALSO working and going to grad school. Not an easy path. But you seem to think he has a walk in the park. Which makes you an AH

  6. You'd do anything for her to stay, but you'd be wasting your time with her if she left?

    Do you love her, or are you just feeling pressure to settle down before 30?

  7. If there was no feelings it wouldn’t bother her, in fact she would’ve been happy for them if she’s not one to hold grudges. Ditch her mate you’re not number 1

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