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Birth Date: 2002-10-24
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Date: September 5, 2022
As someone who has dealt with family members who have mental health and abuse issues. They aren't looking for help, they are looking for last resorts to take them in. The wife is an obstacle to her sister getting the help she needs. You don't know what the husband has or hasn't done but either way it is not the responsibility of the husband to take care of a grown adult.
Why would you? None of your business and feels like just a way to inject drama into someone else's life.
I was in a vaguely similar situation. My main tip is to not wait, but for a specific reason: those days will either be sad, but honest (although it's going to get better with time) or be happy, but fake. It's either a short term sad or a long term sad, and you end up being the asshole if you choose to leave her in the dark. Brsk up the sooner the better. You have no le intent, and that is good. But what is best for her is that you do it now.
You’re a useless bellend.
But yeah, go ahead and leave. Hope she lawyers up and gets a solid child support agreement in place.
Bf needs to talk about this with a therapist without involving you. If he's not willing to do that he's actually demonstrating that he's not willing to fix it. People do this stuff for all sorts of reasons but it's not your burden to carry him through.
Also quantify it by saying you would have to work two weekend shifts to recoup the expense.
Glad to help. Hope it works for you
I have great and stable bond with my family. I have a very hot time in relationships though as you said
You don't have to get a lawyer. It CAN be amicable.
This is actually a good issue to go to counseling for. Him I mean because they’re a good marriages we don’t see them on Reddit because they don’t come on here complaining. I would suggest that he goes to counseling to work out some of his issues around marriage. If he doesn’t change, then he doesn’t want to get married and you’re in a predicament. However, he may realize that some of his stuff is really fears of what happened to his parents happening to him because that’s what it is fear
Yup, two reasonable people with healthy communication — it's so refreshing.
The short answer? Boys are dumb 🙂
He’s young and immature and probably just got caught up in the moment and wanted to play it cool or didn’t want to make things awkward, and he didn’t think it through / wasn’t considering your feelings.
It sounds like he didn’t intentionally do something that would make you uncomfortable, but it’s totally valid to tell him that it did and ask him to try to look at things from your perspective in the future.
If I were in a similar situation I agree with the comment above; I’d forgive this mistake, communicate clearly that it bothered me and why and how I would prefer something like that to be handled, and give him a bit of grace.
Hopefully he will do better in the future, and if not, you reassess.
FWIW my parents are in their mid-60s and my mom still calls me sometimes like “your father did such-and-such dumb thing, WTF is wrong with him”. Lol. Most men do get a lot better about doing the dumb shit as they mature though – there is hope! 🙂
Definitely and remember, moving homes is about practicality. So before you ask, make sure you spend some time thinking about how this will impact her quality of life.
Will she be closer to work? How far away will she be from friends? What will he commutes be like? Etc
You may need to suggest that you find a new shared home to live! in. Good luck!
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Idk how to work this so imma just update y’all here. We agreed to be friends and work ourselves from there. We do live! together , so yea that’s the state of us rn
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Finding a therapist that vibes with you is like finding friends: it's the second-hardest social relationship to form, behind romantic relationships. If your boyfriend finds that this therapist works for him, he is well served to keep working with them.
When you think of it this way, your complaint sounds a little different. “Oh no, my boyfriend is still friends with people who knew his ex! What a disaster! After all, there's no way they could have a relationship outside the context of his romance with his ex! They couldn't just be friends in their own right!”
And finally, this therapist is arguably biased in your favor the way a different one could not be: they know your boyfriend's past history and can call him on his bullshit when he mischaracterizes or is unfair to you. (Which everyone is, in therapy, because we are all human and we are all subjective.) That wouldn't be possible with someone who didn't have the same extensive historical knowledge.
Ahh so your friend is more important then your boyfriend sure checks out….
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He's not going to change. He's stringing you along and even if he did go to AA and see a therapist because you pushed him to do it, the change will only be long enough to keep you around and he'll revert back to type. He needs to realize that he needs to go and he hasn't hit that point yet. And sadly, he may never reach that point. You can't live! your life hoping he's going to change.
Go take care of yourself. Grow from this experience. But don't hang around on the periphery hoping he changes. He has his battles to face, you need to face your own.
They aren’t interested. Leave them alone.
He sounds like my ex. He had no problem with doing what he did, until he got caught. He then excused his actions, instead of being accountable for shitty behavior. He's not sorry. He's only sorry he got caught.
Mine apologized for years. Kept trying to insinuate himself into my life. When I finally agreed to speak with him, he claimed I was his soulmate blah blah blah. His wife had separated from him blah blah blah. They were working things out because I taught him what love is blah blah blah. He then proceeded to put the moves on me, for nostalgia. He's not sorry
ok thank you, I'll go for it
He showed his true colors. In the future it will be a slap or a push.
Genuine question why are you with him? Based on your replies you don’t seem to even really like him or think he’s capable of changing in other ways? Seems like this is a symptom of a bigger issue for you
On the surface, I’d say to just let this go and give it time. You made a joke, it didn’t land, and you apologized. There should be nothing more that needs to happen.
However, clearly there’s something else behind this. I can only guess at the inferences he’s making though because you didn’t give us a lot of detail. Why is it so gross to joke about sex? Why does he think it’s disrespectful? Does he think your past sexual behavior is gross and disrespectful? Is he repulsed by bodily fluids? Is he so insecure that he can’t deal with the fact that you’ve had sex with other people before?
The part that’s weird to me here is that you made a joke you thought was funny and then when your boyfriend didn’t like it you totally spun out and reversed course, like of course he would think that was gross and you never should have joked about it and you really messed up. There’s something about that dynamic that feels odd to me but I can’t quite put my finger on it. The only two explanations I can come up with are 1) your humor is a consistent sticking point and you know your bf doesn’t like gross out jokes but you make them constantly anyway to provoke him on purpose, which makes you a jerk. Or 2) your bf regularly has such over the top responses to your innocuous comments that he’s trained you to immediately bend over backwards asking for forgiveness every time he gets upset, which makes him a jerk. Does either of those patterns sound familiar?
To be honest, in my half a century of life, this is my first time seeing a grown ass woman sexualizing diaper changing on anyone. All other times it was preteens that might come close to this. Shows just how mentally stunted this woman is.
I also want to add that November 17 was Ten days before our two year anniversary
You can still love someone and not want to interact with them though. OP made a choice that, it was a choice his mom forced but still a choice.
I thought the original post was bad, but the text exchange you posted was even worse. Your husband does not respect you as a partner nor as a person. The fact you complied when he dismissed you from the livingroom and keep pouting waiting for an apology that will never come is frankly shocking. From what you have posted, your husband is emotionally abusive. OP, please seek therapy to develop the realization you deserve better.
First step is to take accountability for your actions. It is no one’s fault but yours that you got pregnant. She didn’t do this to you. You did this to her. Stop looking for someone to blame and look very very hot at yourself and even just the words you’ve written here. It’s very clear you owe your daughter a huge apology and some deep hard conversations, where you LISTEN not defend.
She has looked through my phone right infront of me and I've done the same, she has taken my macbook and looked through pictures I didn't want her seeing without my permission too.
You're an adult, you can reach out
It is pricey when you’re the one always paying
You THOUGHT she wasn’t with her ex? Seriously? You don’t know? She’s married.
You have one life to live! and it’s yours. DO NOT let your mother dictate your decisions. Parents are there for advice and consult, but so often a parent oversteps as an exercise of their own ego and, yes, selfish desires for their children. As for your friend, why can’t you at least both choose a city you might agree on and you move first to get a life started there? Sign a one-year lease and then reassess when he’s ready? Or …maybe you could become a nomad for a year? Pack light and meander across whichever country you’re in opting for short term stays here and there? A crucial step in growing up is realizing you can do whatever you want. Piss your mother off. It’ll be good for you.
The odds of google being wrong and picking that exact address out of the hundreds around it just seems insane. You mentioned the coworker lived near her job, Google may have mistakenly thought she was there because she's previously visited before. That would explain the oddness of it. I'm not saying she's having an affair. But is there any justifiable reason, for her to have visited his place in the past? You may have been wrong this time, but she must have gone over at some point for Google to mess up this bad.
Was she never planning to tell you about the pregnancy or that she miscarried?
If you are a guest at someone's home, you need to suck it up and eat what they serve you, without complaint or suggesting they serve something else. It's rude to refuse it.
We first met I was already 18 and have some in common, mainly we work in the same industry. My boyfriend doesn't give a damn about his kid (unfortunately) and he only speaks of him as a “duty” or a “liability”, and said repeatedly that if he could've let him live with the “crazy bitch” (kid's mother) he would've. He doesn't know him and hasn't paid any attention to him in the last 10 years. But he also, argues that if thee kid is to live! with us, better it be the best experience possible.
Okay, how do you make friends from other countries?
This is terrible advice. Growing up its called kids fighting, as adults its called assault and battery.
Girl, do not settle for someone who does not whole-heartedly want to be with you. I can tell from your post that you are kind, loving, and empathetic. You are the prize in this situation; why are you acting like HE'S doing YOU a favor by considering staying with you? You should not have to convince him to be with you. There are so many people out there who you would not have to convince to love you. Date yourself until you meet one of them.