Petite-kute on-line webcams for YOU!


Welcome to me room dear,muah! [4975 tokens remaining]

Date: October 4, 2022

7 thoughts on “Petite-kute on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. While I completely agree with you that what he did is absolutely disgusting and is illegal in many places (and where it isn't, it should be, for both genders), a lie by omission is still a lie and in this case she still lied (regardless of how valid her reason).

    I also think your reliance on the medical information disclosure kind of beside the point as it's generally accepted that people who are romantically entangled will share those sorts of things eventually (this is part of the “getting to know you” thing). On top of that it is pertinent as these 2 phrases are subtly different.

    1: I don't want kids – This implies that at some point the mind could change. 2: I can't have kids – This doesn't disclose medical issues as you implied (although why be with someone if you don't share important things about yourself) but illustrates that the decision will not be changed as she is physically incapable.

    I'm not comparing the 2 situations because obviously what she did was minor in comparison to what he did (as someone who was babytrapped as a teenager, I have a dim view of people who do that) but to claim that she didn't lie is absurd.

  2. You literally tried to blame your exes behaviour for your cheating.

    You're a grown fucking woman, and a mother. Take responsibility for yourself you foolish girl.

  3. The truth is you cannot solve this kind of problem unless both parties actually want to solve the problem and are trying to do so. It's been four years of her not trying and dismissing your concerns – she's even said straight up this topic isn't important to her. You can't change that. You can't make her care about sex or about the fact the sex & intimacy is important to you. If she did care about it being important to you, she would have taken steps to address things or talked it out.

    At this point, 4 years in, you can either accept the status quo or leave. Because she doesn't want to fix this and you cannot fix it without her.

  4. It is his right to ask her to work and help cover bills so that he can bond with his kids. It's not her right to tell him he needs to keep his current schedule when his kids don't even know who their dad is. If they start working opposite schedules then they would be in equal caregiver rolels anyway, so the primary caretaker argument would be moot.

  5. I didn't know that. That's so cool! I mean, I'm glad my mom tried the regular thermometer method. ? But it's neat that this is now a more trustworthy option.

  6. I think it’s okay to have feelings for him now despite what everybody is saying. Attraction is important and he’s a dream boat these days so why not take your shot.

    What I DO NOT think is okay is intentionally booking a 1 bedroom AirBnB to try and force him to be close to you. Listen, if it’s going to happen, it will happen. Don’t try and manipulate it into fruition. Just tell him how you feel and stop playing games. It’s not right. If he doesn’t have feelings for you, you’re forcing the man to sleep on a couch for no reason.

    You should sleep on the couch and give him the bed at this point. This is -NOT- the way.

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