Perla-car online webcams for YOU!


6 thoughts on “Perla-car online webcams for YOU!

  1. Yeah I didn’t say anything and I think we still had a nice time anyway. I’m just being insecure, it’s been awhile for me too

  2. You need to move on. Love does NOT conquer all, unfortunately. His anger has slowly escalated over the years and make no mistake it is only a matter of time before he hits you. Your relationship is textbook.

    The best advice I can give you is to make sure someone in your life knows about his anger and his violence prior to ending the relationship. Be careful when you do it and maybe do it in a public place. Do not go over to his place or be in private with him.

    I sincerely hope you don't live with him, but if you do get a new place ahead of time and get a plan together to move out safely.

    You'll get through this and find love again. Just know it's going to suck in the short term. Embrace the suck as it is your route to freedom and happiness again. It sounds like you've had 4 hellish years.

  3. I think it might be that he doesn't see I'm suffering at all, and simply sees it as my job? I'm not sure anymore. 🙁

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