Panther-B1ack-oficiall online sex chats for YOU!


help me make my big cock explode [100 tokens remaining]

Date: November 21, 2022

12 thoughts on “Panther-B1ack-oficiall online sex chats for YOU!

  1. u/BuckfastAndFags, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. I couch surfed with a male friend in high school and his mom (and baby sis) until I graduated. We told people we were siblings so it wasn’t weird but most people knew we weren’t. I had to constantly emphasize that these were my platonic guy friends. I lost contact with him back in the MySpace days when he got an insecure girlfriend and I haven’t heard much of him since. We were always platonic homies and idk what I would have done without him but fuck does it suck to remember that I had to mitigate that stigma while living the life I was forced to online as a teenager

  3. Forces you to go on walks at night. Tells you to stop being pathetic when people are actively harassing you.

    This dude should be your ex.

  4. The thyroid is a tricky organ indeed! From OPs description it does sound like her lifestyle choices are more to blame in this case though (although I completely understand it's very hot to make healthy choices under her current circumstances).

  5. Do you really believe the stuff you're saying or you're trolling? This isn't rocket science my guy. If your partner did this you'd be understandably pissed.

    You're into your friend. You're not gonna make any progress if you're not going to be honest with yourself. Also who sends money to someone they only knew two weeks?

  6. What was her reasoning behind confessing to the guy? What was their relationship like before hand? Any flirty texts or meeting outside work?

    Sounds sketchy to me ngl

  7. Every time this exact situation comes up here It seems to backfire… Using an open relationship to fulfill one person's needs is selfish. Making somebody feel like they are lacking in fulfilling JUST YOUR needs that you are now requesting to receive it from other people in order to save the relationship is never a great place to start with an open relationship. Open relationships are not for one party to be able to go sleep with whomever they want because their significant other can't fulfill that part of the relationship. It's for people who truly need or want as a couple to open their relationship together. Whether both participate or not is different. However, how would you feel if it was actually you that was a crux of this problem for her and was the problem and she ended up stepping outside the relationship that was now open as well? I feel like in most of these situations, the person asking didn't even ever think of this option because all they're thinking about is themselves. You're looking for a short-term solution to a long-term relationship ending problem. No relationship is going to be perfect, but trying to force it through outside forces when you are not sexually compatible and that's a deal breaker 99% of the times ends in the destruction of the relationship from what I've seen. There is absolutely nothing wrong with open relationships that are done correctly… I just feel like this new age version of it skews what it's actually meant to be and then people are shocked when it doesn't work to their advantage and destroys their relationship.

  8. Ooof. As someone who did a PhD I feel for him but his reaction is still not good. It’s basically a minimum wage job with insane stress and expectations. Finances are going to be a continuing source of concern if you pursue things.

  9. I have another concern. A dog that is repeatedly abused may start to protect itself. Your dog may turn on him, or on other family members. Your dog knows that you cannot protect him, so he will not see you as his friend. This is a really dangerous situation.

  10. Yea that language was weird. You don’t “help” your wife with your kid. You parent your kid. When she does it she’s not “helping you” she’s just being a parent.

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