Nicki_thick live! sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 7, 2022

7 thoughts on “Nicki_thick live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. I think it's even odds on the older kid noticing. The younger, no, but the older? Possibly. Especially since it's such a known thing that if you wonder, just get a 23andMe Kit for Christmas. It's a THING.

  2. Speak to a lawyer, your marriage is over, you can't live your life properly, she has now turned physically violent. When you divorce she will get something. But it is not your responsibility to work out what she will do. She is an adult and needs to do that for herself.

  3. It's been less than 2 days. He's not really had a chance to show you who he is. Likely he's a bit taken by surprise but interested. I don't think you can really judge yet if he's assertive or not at this point. You initiated and maybe he is busy so far today and going to contact you later on, ya know? I wouldn't put too much thought into it yet. If it's a huge deal at this point for you I'd do like someone else said and just say give me a ring or text tomorrow when you get a chance or something similar.

  4. Totally agree. I’ve tried convincing my parrot NOT to invaded Italy while on acid, and temporarily named him blue ally. Yet.. I’ve been in a room with strangers/friends without my partner and never ONCE crossed any type of line with them! Substances sometimes bring out the worst in people, aka.. what’s already there beneath the surface.

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