Molly Williams live sex cams for YOU!


HARD SPANKS [Multi Goal]

Date: November 2, 2022

55 thoughts on “Molly Williams live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Thanks for the answer, i thought the same thing and i found myself getting manipulated. However i don’t want to “hurt” her even more, i wish her the best really but this is affecting me as well, negatively.

  2. The funny thing about your comment is we on-line in a 3000 sq ft beautiful home on the water and have multiple rental properties and great jobs….I get the jab though. ?

  3. A lot of different things this could be chalked up to, but narcissism wouldn't be my first explanation.

    Just sounds like an inability to pick up on social cues. How do they handle it when you tell them that you aren't particularly interested in a topic?

  4. That’s what I’m saying. Like he sort of behaves like he cares a little more about me than just a girl he’s having sex with. But also I can tell he’s a pretty decent guy who doesn’t want to make women feel disrespected so maybe that’s just his way of showing that he cares about me as a person and not just my body even if it means he doesn’t feel for me romantically.

    But even looking back on our interactions it just seems very unforced the way he behaves. So if a man just wants sex and that’s it and the girl is receptive of that, what’s the point from a male perspective of making attempts at acting like this lol

  5. You date in order to find out what sort of lover you've got, and whether you can have a mutually satisfying, supportive, and sustainable relationship with them. He was none of these things when he compared you unfavorably to an ex.

    As you see, some writers have suggested that you answer him in kind. I'm not a big fan of vengeful farewells, but that's a question of taste. As a moral matter, you may do that with a clear conscience. Still, I caution you that it could launch an exchange of insults that will only embitter you both. I see it as beating a dead horse.

  6. Oh I definitely won't, it would destroy her. I'd leave before I ever actually cheated. I've been battling this urge for over a year now after many failed attempts to talk to her about this and I've not so much as kissed another woman.

  7. Exactly, he most definitely was planning to hook up, and playing it off to his wife as a simple “oh we're just work colleagues”

    OP Needs to kick this guy to the street where he belongs.

  8. You break up and be friends do you have ANY IDEA how RADICALLY opposite your religions are are you phucking MAD. and do forgive me.if this is wrong my only information is period dramas didn't your faith sacrifice WHOLE people for their Gods? My dude I say this with love break up with her do not FAKE anything that toll is too high a price for you to pay END IT are you even thinking beyond her? How are you meant to raise kids look at the dynamics of her family

  9. Hello /u/ThrowRA6300,

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  11. Leaving the house without having legal counsel review the situation first is the worst possible step to take. It gets the ball rolling and sets precedent in the wrong direction which is very very hot to course correct afterwards.

  12. Hello /u/ThrowRA360issues,

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  13. Divorce him. There are men a million times better than him. They actually like satisfying their SO. So he's nice and respectful. He's a selfish ass when it comes to sex. That is a huge issue. Life is too short for bad sex.

  14. I'm sorry OP, you deserve better than this. Don't let any one treat you like that. It's time to take this trash out to the garbage bin where it belongs.

  15. I'm glad that you took an interest in my experience and that it may be able to help in some way.

    My ex had much more mental issues than her, much more trauma and she left me like this so I guess this is why I’m scared.

    Take this with a grain of salt, as your ex likely had a lot more to work out, and people handle these things differently. However, I completely understand the fear and know that you're not alone. To my knowledge, the woman I'm with understands that my multitude of messages is from trying to reach out to her so she knows she is not alone.

    I don't believe you've done anything wrong either. You've just been trying to clarify her feelings and talk about the things she has asked you to talk about. That shows emotional maturity.

    I wish you luck, and happy holidays.

  16. Things like this are much easier to see when your heart isn’t on the line. You don’t deserve any less love and respect. Don’t stay in a bad relationship out of fear of the unknown.

  17. She's 100% getting off on being desired and unobtainable to you.

    I'm gonna bet that you actually did a great job of not expressing attraction and just being a friend after she turned you down. Which is the right thing to do, but doesn't give her the satisfaction of continuing to feel wanted.

    Unless you left out some other major flirting incidents don't get excited about this in the slightest.

    If you'd like to flip this game back on her just be completely unreactive to her flirting. Just glance at the nudes and be like “huh, yeah, those are alright” then change the topic.

    If you express interest in another girl to her she'll probably start flirting intensely and saying she wants you, but only to compete for your attention. The moment you would try to take her up on it it'll vanish again.

    (Only listen to this if she is treating you as an utterly platonic friend in every way except for showing you the nudes.)

  18. Please talk to your therapist about this. You are really insecure. I couldn’t deal with someone who behaved the way you are but you’re young and haven’t had the benefit of a lot of life experience and therapy.

    You’re way out of line here though from a “mature and healthy adult” standpoint.

  19. I guess I refer to him as that because we’ve been together so long. He is my boyfriend lol. He just has done some really shitty things

  20. I did back in November, that’s when he came up while his gf was at work and after she quit her job a few days later he just stopped man, I’m gonna see how it plays out, but in his last relationship it took me to tell him what he was doing and he only listened after they broke up, like I said the last thing I want to do is cut him off but I need to have some respect for myself in the sense of putting effort into something that isn’t really gonna work out in the end.

  21. Ask for what you want. You don’t really want to leave your boyfriend with her at game night. Why offer that as the solution? You want him to shut her down & tell her she will not be invited to game night or anything until she apologizes to you both & corrects her behavior. Tell him that. Hoping he’ll do it on his own when you’re offering him the easy way out of you just avoiding it isn’t going to be effective.

  22. i’m starting to second guess myself but at the same time i KNOW the video is real

    this is called cognitive dissonance. idk why so many women do this to themselves over a shit man – the evidence is right in front of you but you still won’t believe it and choose to gaslight yourself instead. JUST WHY?

    it’s obviously an extortion scam but he also did those things in the video, like BOTH CAN BE TRUE – life ain’t black and white.

    just like your husband can be a a LOVING supportive partner and also can be getting off and exposing himself live to (fake) cam girls

    women do themselves such a disservice by refusing to confront reality and deal with the pain that comes from betrayal, bc the partners behavior will escalate and the pain will be even worse later on

  23. I am not trying to defend him I just don't want to not accurately talk about my relationship problems when I am looking for advice and leave out details.

  24. Just telling her the truth- that you do t feel the same way and aren’t interested should be enough.

    BUT if you just want to avoid the drama, the fastest way to get everyone to leave you alone is probably to just start mentioning another woman’s name and basically saying/implying that you’ve started seeing someone. No one will bug you about dating your coworker if you’re already into someone. I know it’s a lie and it shouldn’t have to be that way but I always found it was the fastest and easiest way to give the hint and get people to just leave you alone.

  25. The question, why are you not invited? And why does she want to travel to a different country without you? Why specifically with a group of people she does not know?

    This all adds up

  26. I think you know what to do. He’s a two faced user. You deserve better and being alone is an upgrade to tethering your life and assets legally to this person of highly questionable morals and ethics.

  27. he called her an “8 out of 10” – but this was before he wanted to give her dating advice. He didn’t mean anything ill by it.


  28. I did the same thing with my ex-husband. We all deserve to be happy and to have a compatible partner. I agree with everything you said.

  29. move on… it's the best for the both of you, but definitely you. It will be very hot at first, but you will meet someone that will not be afraid to give themselves to you as you are willing to do. Move on, it is the only way you will be able to find a partner that will meet your needs. Otherwise you are prolonging the inevitable

  30. Lol I was 15 dating a girl my age and this is what I went with because I had no concept of boundaries or red flags my first relationship ever. Lol I couldn’t be friends with girls couldn’t follow girls, she was free to be friends with anyone( she literally told me that) and she was cheating the entire time while I was just blindly happy in my own world. Lol and when she did break up she said it was because I was “too nice” which to me make no sense like how do you want me to treat you I would feel like shit if I was just a straight asshole to someone but man lol took me a whole year of question myself and my character because of being “too nice” which I see a lot of people in this sub getting broken up over for being so I guess it’s a real thing but i just don’t comprehend what it means. Love is great but I won’t let that happen ever again but hopefully one day I can find someone.

  31. This is a preview of the rest of your life … At least, as long as you stay with him.

    If you want to be his mom forever, go for it. I can tell you from experience, this doesn't get better.

    Him saying “what are you going to do about it?” is his way of telling you he doesn't think you will ever leave, so he doesn't need to put any effort in.

    Do not move across the country with him unless you want to continue to on-line like this. I dumped a manchild over a decade ago, and he's still in the same filthy rooming house he moved into when I dumped his ass. Your boyfriend has zero intentions to change — except maybe to get worse.

  32. It sounds like she was just trying to make a clever retort based on the context of what you’d already been saying to each other. Uncalled for, sure… and it seems you should have a conversation about keeping things respectful even during an argument. But I don’t think what she said was meant to be taken literally.

  33. Is one month too early to be worried about this? I don’t know how to be normal in dating anymore. I’m starting therapy but just looking for a realistic window here- at what point does hanging out with someone turn to dating?

    How about you work through your issues in therapy before dating instead of being selfish?

  34. So what did she expect was going to happen?

    It boggles the brain as to the mental gymnastics people put themselves through when they ignore their own actions and their own role in the way their lives turn out.

    I mean, if you tell your partner that you no longer love them, go out looking for a replacement and then breakdown when a divorce is dropped in their laps because of this??

    What the hell did she think was going to happen?

  35. I’ve seen this happen often. I know there are more people doing poly but we need to talk about the gremlin in the room. Unicorn / dragon hunting is harmful and it doesn’t get talked about enough.

  36. He hasn’t had a GF in years, and I’m starting to see why.

    Exactly. He hit you with every colour in the red flag rainbow [all shades of red].

    Aggressive, dismissive, prone to hounding, hypocritical [demands 50/50 but also you to drive ie not 50/50], even snuck some gaslighting in with that 'sensitive' drivel despite his clear lack of empathy and/or compassion. Like three months in he is making it clear that this is the dynamic he wants, a toxic one where he is in control and he thinks he is so swell that you'll be terrified of the idea of him making it only casual.

    Call the bluff. Walk away. Let him know his demands are futile and that no, you won't revolve your existence around him. He can go be sad and alone for another few years to clear his head.

  37. Lot of great advice here so take it. Whatever you do, keep it moving and don't get weighed down. On to the next and show that you can handle the setback and still be awesome.

  38. I mourn what our relationship will become.

    What it will become? Don't you mean what it already is?

    He is my rock, and my stability.

    Girl, you need to seriously get some perspective. I could suggest that you see this is a relief. An easy end to a shit relationship. A new start to life that it is not too late to start anew.

  39. Ask him if/when you move in he will agree to use some of your rent money towards a warmer/cooler house and tell him how important that is for you. All of this well before actually moving in.

  40. My ideal relationship with him, with no changes to our core dynamic, would be maybe 3-4 phone calls a year and seeing him every couple/few years (he doesn’t on-line close). I don’t need or desire any more than that.

    I’m HUGE on guilting myself and when I get weekly voicemails “hi call me back as soon as you can,” I eventually guilt myself into calling. He’s even done the thing where he makes it sound super important and I call in a slight panic, fully expecting something like a cancer diagnosis, and then it’s nothing important whatsoever. And I hate mental games like that.

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