Melody (AKA Mel / Melly) the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Melody (AKA Mel / Melly), 22 y.o.

Location: Virtual Little Tokyo

Room subject: My heart is as big as my imaginary dick. 🙂 — pls follow

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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Melody (AKA Mel / Melly)

Melody (AKA Mel / Melly) on-line sex chat

Date: September 22, 2022

135 thoughts on “Melody (AKA Mel / Melly) the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Also, tell him when you both have kids you wouldn’t be comfortable to have this person around for their safety. But definitely preventing him from seeing his cousin I don’t think would be effective and it’s probably going to just wear out your relationship.

  2. I agree… what bothers me the most is that she was ok being his side girl for so long. She was probably in love with him and vice versa for the affair to last a year or two until she got into a relationship with someone else.

  3. U can be friends with ppl ur not attractive to but if they flirt with u even once. It was a probl to test the waters to see how far can they go. They probl like u. Or maybe they like to flirt. I for one have never flirted with someone I didn't like a bit lol

  4. No, it makes sense to care about this kind of thing even if you don't have anything to hide. It's about your privacy and your personal space. People who trust each other don't do that shit, and first and foremost people who don't discuss it prior and do not agree to have full access to each other's phones don't break that boundary.

    Just because I'm not a criminal doesn't mean I'm gonna invite policemen into my home to watch what I do 24/7. Same situation really. It's nobody's business what we do in our private space, unless we willingly agree to let them in.

  5. He “cried” because he got busted! You won’t be able to see past this every time he checks his phone for messages moving forward. He will always look shifty in your mind even if he doesn’t do this again. You have to have a real heart to heart and agree to part as friends or risk this relationship becoming toxic and ugly. Explain to your friends and family what has been going on as people May takes sides if they don’t know the truth. I wish you well and let us know how you get along. Stay strong ? and remember this is not a rehearsal, don’t waste time on cheats! Have an awesome weekend buddy and keep smiling:)

  6. Days? Are you both teenagers living together? I go months without talking to my brother without issue.

    If 5 days is so long that you start freaking out and wanting to drop everything to accommodate her I get your husbands reluctants.

  7. Yep, this.

    Plus, your home should be your safe place, so It's fairly standard to not want to have last-minute houseguests appearing… a person should be able to rest and relax in their own home, but for many, especially for introverts, having guests means that relaxation/ being able to unwind, will not be happening.

  8. Relationships often require compromise, but usually on something less fundamental. If being married is important to you but he blows it off, I would consider what could happen down the road when resent builds. Crazy how he would make you pay for the whole thing.

  9. I disagree with that I’ve had mine glitch so many times. The streak thing is weird tho cause the fire emoji could mean he was snapping her and one of them broke the streak or it simple was a glitch

  10. Depends on how you define cheating. I saw one reddit poster define cheating as when her former bf looked at other women.

    Boomers like me tend to stick to the traditional definition of cheating, adultery. I'm sad to say that the answer is that most people have cheated, women and men.

  11. How would you define a “perfect moment” to share this information? When he is happy and his life is going well, why ruin it? When he is struggling and has other problems, why add to them?

    If you analyze this you will see there is no good time to share news like this. (Well, there was a good time, but that ship has sailed.) Just get the news out there. Be clear about what you want or need — if anything.

    Honestly it isn't the worst news. It sounds like there was no infidelity involved or anything, so this is a surprise but it doesn't have to be a trauma. Just take care of it already.

  12. I know it may seem like demanding your money back would be transphobic, but, in fact, I would argue NOT demanding the money back would be transphobic. It would basically be saying trans people should be treated differently for no reason other than their identity.

    As long as you would treat your partner the same if she was not a transgender person, it is perfectly valid to stand up for your own rights and not get stomped on. Your rights matter every bit as much as hers.

  13. This is a hard life lesson for you, don't have sex with someone you wouldn't want to settle down with, no matter how safe you think the sex is, I don't feel sorry for men who will happily use women for sex but then complain they don't really want her, reap what you sow YTA

  14. Believe me or read all the posts here – so many people talking about how they moved in with their SO and it’s a total nightmare ?

  15. Here's something to consider. You should NEVER vent about relationship issues to friends who you want to like your partner. They'll only hear the bad stuff, and won't remember the good stuff.

  16. my partner does not want to ever get married.

    So break up, and find a new partner.

    Or stay with this guy, and continue to feel increasingly resentful until you're ready to leave

    You cannot force someone to want to marry you

  17. u/chopstickglock, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  18. But Tucker Carlson is just asking questions. Loaded questions. Questions loaded with disingenuous BS and brainwashing propaganda.

  19. Hello /u/trulyoffthechest,

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  21. I think what I'm trying to say is when we got married and continued to be happy, it was because of what we were to each other. We were venting partners after a long day of work. We were cooking partners and Taco Tuesday experimenters. We were avid show watchers with our faves coming on Thursdays at 8pm. We were partners when our friends played videogames Wednesday evenings. He was my random dance partner while we waited for the chicken to cook in the oven. And my nighttime buddy every single night. He's not anymore. And I've been dealing with that (i am still his venting partner since I am home when he gets home, and I sometimes stay up while he makes his dinner or eats what I made to help but can't eat late due to gastrointestinal issues). So I have been compromising because I gave up a lot of that so he could have a happy job.

    So its a gut punch when he can't seem to give up much in return.

  22. These behaviors are called gaslighting and ghosting. This man has set up a situation that makes you feel like you are either in the wrong or crazy for thinking something is not right. On top of that, he has ceased all communications with you for no apparent reason. These are not the actions of a person who cares about you. This is the machinations of a manipulator.

    This relationship is over. Do not engage in any further actions with him. If he wants to treat you like the relationship is over, then you do the same to him. You will never get closure in this situation, so don't look for it.

  23. You can, just depends who you're both willing to compromise on and avoid discussions about. It's harsh but true.

    Ok, he's a member of a different political party… that means his political views and personal values are different.

    Does he want kids? How would raising them work when two parents disagree on a moral issue?

    Do you want to be able to confide in him about some political news without risking an argument?

    It's not just him being Republican, these labels have meaning and it reflects who they are as a person.

  24. The underlying reasons why they don't believe or do believe something are the reason to break up. So it's about delving deep into all these questions.

    For example: Some people automatically assume if you are are welfare you are lazy. People that think like that are also known as pieces of shit. The reason they are pieces of shit is because not a single study supports such ideas but they still exist in the realm of the “political arena.” If they latch onto that type of an idea without exploring then yea, that's fundamental incompatibility. You literally refuse to look up facts or studies around your belief to understand it. The “FEELINGS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN FACTS” narrative cannot be changed.

    So it basically comes down to logic and reality vs idealism and ignoring reality as well as science itself.

  25. Hello /u/Acceptable-Turnip794,

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  26. Your wife has to share a bed with the kid while you get your own room? Hell, that extends her workday by another ten hours. That is responsibility. Not to mention that she’s probably exhausted and touched out, and of course she doesn’t wasn’t sex with all that. You could have tried giving her some space and an equal place on her own house, but apparently that didn’t occur to you and now it’s too late.

  27. She hits you, you should be out the door.

    She clearly doesn't love you, care for you anymore, and doesn't feel attracted to you. Time to move on

  28. Hello /u/Fujiko15,

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  29. Yikes I would never pick weed over my wife and kids and I have been smoking for 14 years. Alcohol is legal too and that destroys families everyday. People act like smoking is harmless but when you let it get in the way of your life you are an addict like any other.

  30. Yes, sounds to me like you are right. My advise would be to move on. If he is also hiding stuff from you then another red flag. I know that sometimes it takes a while for someone to move on. I have been there. Was married to my first wife for 9 years. However, I never did any of this stuff. Move one my dear move on.

  31. I’m a night owl too! Hell I answered this Reddit at 2am. If you’re a night owl, get in your car and go for a drive. Stay up late and watch movies. I cook full meals at 1am. But if you’ve love in a city and don’t wanna go out because you’re being harassed and surrounded by situations that are uncomfortable why tf would your boyfriend force you continue doing that? And then call you pathetic for being afraid?

    I honestly consider this abuse of some sort. This guy is not in his right mind and is treating his partner like garbage. We all know people are crazy and night time is really dangerous in lots of parts of the world.

  32. Good point. He will still have to get a paternity test. Just to point out though. The other child/children are bi racial and don’t look like the so. Discussed. But ya. He does need to check all of them

  33. Change the locks. You can buy a new barrel and keys for the lock for less than £20, it takes 5 minutes and a YouTube video to work out what to do and you’ll have it all done in another 5 minutes when the lock arrived.

    I changed ours when my husband snapped the key off in the lock and stood there handwringing about getting a locksmith. Dead easy!

  34. You're an idiot for not using condoms from the getgo with this guy. No wonder you're worried about him cheating, when you're being so lax about your own sexual health.

  35. cheated on me a couple of times in the past

    Dude why are you still with her?

    she got mad saying I'm trying to make her feel guilty about the trip and that she's not responsible for my insecurity.

    She kind of is responsible though since she's given you a pretty good reason not to trust her.

  36. Unlikely to be the other woman if she's met his parents. It's likely that there's something on his phone he doesn't want OP to see, it could be just what he said, he could be messaging other women, he could have been discussing proposing to her with a friend. We know which one is most likely.

    Talking to him about it is ultimately what needs to happen. OP could go through his phone but he would have deleted anything that shouldn't be there (unless he's an idiot). Could try and catch him in a lie about what he's up to, but that kind of distrust will kill the relationship whether he's done anything wrong or not.

    Talk about it, let it sit for a while, make a decision on how to go forward based on whether you trust him or not. You can't have a healthy relationship without that

  37. You have right be upset about being publicly humiliated by the slide show and your boyfriend's cheating.

    What's to understated? He cheats on you and insults you. Why are wasting any more time interacting with this dumpster fire of a human being?

    Have some self respect and dump him already.

  38. This stuff is weird for sure, but from the way you described it, it doesn’t sound like the type of writing for personal pleasure (like erotica) and just more an exploration of edgy depraved writing.

    I appreciate that it’s something that you find disturbing and if this kills your relationship for you, then leave him for sure.

    I don’t think the fact that he wrote stuff that you don’t like means you have to deal with anything other than how you feel about your relationship.

    What he did may embarrass him, may seem disturbing to you, might be disgusting, you mention he’s a writer and sometimes writers do explore darker themes and if this is strictly literary then he’s done nothing wrong .

    If he’s into this stuff sexually and using a conduit for his desires – yeah there could be some concern there.

    I would ask yourself if there is anything outside of this that indicates he’s into any of the things he’s written about and if he’s showed any sign of misogyny as his writing does sort of read in that way. Look at his actions and words outside of this writing and make a judgement yourself.

    In terms of relationship – If this has soured things with you and you can’t get past this then dump him. It’s also worth noting that it sounds like you went snooping round his room? Which is something to reflect on as well -not a judgement on you, but I would ask if there was anything you were expecting to find.

    This really is a difficult one because this isn’t a normal thing to find and I think it’s not as simple as judging his character on it or presuming that he is a certain way. I would definitely look at his actions and words in general to judge his character rather than just rely on his writing.

  39. Yeah, both my partner and I hate surprises. They put so much pressure on you to react appropriately, which is hard when you're, y'know, surprised. Plus if I have a plan for how my day is supposed to go it's very difficult for me to readjust quickly.

    So we have surprises that are okay, and surprises that aren't as much. Surprise sandwich? Surprise dinner? Sneaking up on each other from behind doorways? Excellent. Surprise trips or multiple-hour plans? Surprise big gifts? Hell no.

  40. I also have a hard time thinking “there's a wet/sticky/gooey spot on my pillow – SEMEN” is a good mental jump.

    I'm not sure how to say this, maybe a professional can help me out. But in a way you're right that it's not a mental jump people make unless they have reason to. Someone whose mind has not just intrusively/accidentally thought of this scenario, but who feels they know what happened, usually has reason to. Please notice, OP didn't describe it as a wet/sticky/gooey spot and therefore probably semen. That is your description of her thought process. And it is probably is your description of her thought process because her freaking out over drool is a safer scenario for you.

    A lot of incest abuse sounds outlandish to people who have happily never experienced it. But it is really common. I usually find there is no point in talking about it because people don't want to know, will put words in your mouth to try to make it seem like you're freaking out over nothing.

    Please don't imagine a minimised scenario and hope you're right. I know it feels like helping. But it's what everyone does.

    If I read you right, you might appreciate some decent books written by qualified experts (i.e. not pop self-help books). And more information might help recalibrate how you choose to receive such information in future.

  41. I run up to her like a puppy dog and give her a big hug.

    Sometimes I have to help her drop off her bags before then.

    Sometimes I'm super tired and zonked out on the couch

  42. First of all, YOU DID NOTHING WRONG. You have nothing to take blame. He and she are sick in the head. They ENJOY their dirty “little secret”.

    Secondly, I’m glad you kicked him out. Now talk to a divorce lawyer. Get an STD test. Find a therapist for yourself and if the first one doesn’t click with you don’t hesitate to change your therapist. It’s okay, we do not click with some people. Talk to a professional about how to tell your kids about the divorce with the real reason. DO NOT LIE OR HIDE THE REAL REASON FROM YOUR KIDS. Otherwise kids might blame you for ruining your family considering you’re the one who initiate divorce or their dad might fill their heads with lies. So be honest, just age properly.

    Wish you all the best. You’ll be fine.

  43. Divorce, broke your trust, messed with your medication and then you don’t even know how long he was doing it for.

  44. You sound depressed. He can’t be expected to make you happy. You clearly aren’t happy in life. You’re going to drive him away unless you get help for your depression…you’re looking for problems and expecting him to parent you. He’s a partner that has a life outside of you. Take him at his word and allow yourself to know you are enough. You deserve good things so let yourself really know things are good with him but the rest of your life and your internal world needs work.

  45. Sometimes that’s what it requires though. Sometimes I’m laying there on my phone waiting for them to fall asleep. Sometimes my husband is. The other one is never waiting for the other one to watch us clean, and because of that standards are set for what it means to relax. You may find that you can set these standards that way and your wife will begin to not only expect them but maintain them also.

  46. Yeah I think she was trying to trap me to an extent because I confronted her before she was pregnant. I’m still responsible for getting her pregnant tho, but I didn’t know she actually cheated on me and we’ve been together for 10 years. We were already thinking about starting a family.

  47. In one fell swoop the two most important people in his life simultaneously betrayed him and left him alone. Shame

  48. Thank you so much. Everyone around me was telling me it was the right thing to do but I just didn't feel like it was. I just needed someone to tell me the truth

  49. Your income difference is not enough to merit you paying a greater amount, especially since you are not married.

  50. You know what? You are absolutely right! Is that what you want to hear?

    OP can just walk away and build a life with anyone else who is willing to actually share a life.

  51. You know, this whole gaslighting thing is one of the worst aspects of all this. I try to be as supportive as I can, not be one of the excessively jealous types trying to control who she can be friends with etc., so I end up lingering in this mental gray zone with plenty of doubts and anxiety, while at the same time thinking maybe I'm just being a bit paranoid.

  52. Take his phone, all the evidence, and give to the police.

    MINORS!! FFS. Your husband is not well.

    Get a divorce and get therapy.

  53. Thank God that man is free. It would be a long road and it seems like you could use some couples therapy. I suppose you could try to reconnect.

  54. Looks like ex-husband had his trash threw itself in the dump. Please just leave him alone, he don't deserve someone like you.

  55. Forgiving her will tell her its ok for her to do so again bc u wont have the nerve to do anything about it. She made her choice when she cheated… u deserve better

  56. Not much advice, but solidarity! I am an average cook but an excellent baker. My husband and his family have the palates of six year olds. I could make my husband whatever he wanted for his birthday, and I do – box mix cupcakes with canned frosting. I’ve brought homemade croissants to dinner with his family and been told they compare favorably to Pilsbury. My apple pie is “almost as good as Marie Calendar’s.” His mother won’t eat butter and his father tried to micromanage me making chocolate chip cookies.

    Good luck!

  57. How about not letting him stay? That’s insane. It’s a movie plot. Truly, being honest is okay.

    “Man, we wish we could put you up, but we’re both working from home now. Plus we have the puppy. We just don’t have the space. Sorry.”

    You SEE all of the bad things that are going to happen. Do not let his suitcase through the door.

  58. You’re only giving me the option to speculate, because you don’t give a full picture. Was it CP related? ISIS related? I’m leaning more toward the first??? Leave him.

  59. Get over your inappropriate guilt here, and let him be mad because he was pinching your boobs (!) while you were trying to sleep. (But you're already told you you don't like it, and he still does it! What do you make of that?)

  60. Is pregnancy like a drug?

    I think for some people, pregnancy and having children gives them a sense of purpose, helps them feel fulfilled. That's a very intense need for most people. Some get it through marriage or other relationships, some get it through work, some get it through a hobby or something, and obviously some get it through children.

    I mean, it's not like it's that crazy… if people didn't have some innate desire to have children, there wouldn't be any more people.

  61. You're husband sounds like an asshole. Your body your right. I would never tell my partner to get on birth control or be upset with them if they wanted me to use a condom. You are not some object. You deserve to have a loving, considerate, compassionate sexual partner that respects you and your boundaries. Sex is a team sport and sounds like he's treating it like it's all about him and his needs. Gross

  62. It’s not unreasonable that a SAHM with two young kids is tired. But setting that aside for a moment…

    If he talked to her directly, like I am saying, it would quickly become apparent if she is not tired and is just using it as an excuse.

    You have only supported my point that he needs to talk WITH HIS WIFE.

  63. This seems very irrational. People tend to act irrational when they can't communicate what they are truly feeling.

    You will need to facilitate the communication, because it seems she doesn't know where to start.

    You should try to understand why she doesn't like your best friend and what her concerns are with your trip. You need to not dismiss what she says and understand her point of view. If you can address her concerns properly then tell her how it made you feel when you realizes that she knew the date would interfere with your trip, and that it hurt you to feel so unsupported.

    Then talk to her about rescheduling her surgery.

  64. Your feelings are normal. I think therapy might be the only way through this especially if you keep the baby. I would, to be on the safe side, get a paternity test – you never know. I would also Consult a lawyer I don’t know the rights a rapist has to the child.

  65. It does come across as a kind of 'revenge' because she couldn't handle it not working out.

    I will say though: kind of doesn't matter. In a lot of ways trying to get in the head of someone this willing to be wishy washy is a fool's errand.

    She has proven herself at the very least a mediocre friend. Whatever sympathy you might have had for her she spent, just thank her for her time and advise you'll not be talking with her and move on.

  66. My interpretation of the situation is that she wants to explore, something many young 20 year olds tend to want. She hates herself for it and knows she has a good thing in front of her, but is not necessarily at that stage in her life yet. You know, that “this is the man I want to spend every waking moment of my life next to” stage. You must first acknowledge with yourself that this is normal, this is real, this is what life is and why relationships are complicated. You could love someone to absolute pieces, literally to death, but the fact that you aren't on the same page is what shatters the foundation. Rather than trying to glue things together, hoping that this fragile house of cards will stick, mature and honest couples sometimes take this opportunity to spend time apart.

    It seems as though you're holding on in fear of losing and never loving again, and she's holding on in fear of hurting you and losing a good thing.

  67. I am so glad you are getting help making a decision here. B is a drug addict and will do and say anything to “turn” you against the folks that care about you the most. I wish you all the best OP, good luck with the birth of your baby. 🙂

  68. Yes – I don't think he is doing it out of malice though. Worried about escalating an already worsening team dynamic with him

  69. With all of your updates, I still think you should dump this man. Kink or not, he should be able to reach climax because you’re his partner and he’s supposed to love you and find you attractive. Idk it throws me off a lot, my partner has a very low libido and he doesn’t do all of this stuff in place of doing stuff with me. On the rare occasion he wants things, I’m what he wants, he doesn’t turn to porn. This is just such a red flag OP

  70. Ouch. And I had to check the ages because he is way too old to think that outsourcing love letters is a good idea instead of expressing himself.

    I don't think he is capable of having the kind of relationship and connection that you are looking for.

  71. Yeah I couldn't even get past your first paragraph, got to the part where you were upset your boyfriend walked out after your father spit in his face…really? No only would I not make an effort with them, I wouldn't make an effort with you.

  72. Your own trauma is biasing you here. You suspect the system let him off the hook, rather than suspecting the accusers were lying.

    Because yes, false accusations are very much a thing that have destroyed alot of men's lives. Even the ones who eventually got exonerated rarely manage to recover their reputations and are always looked at suspiciously by many people for no just reason.

    So chances are somebody who's been through the trauma of false accusation isn't keen to volunteer that information for fear of people reacting exactly the way you are reacting right now.

  73. Wow, just wow. Not 1 but 2???

    Acquitted just means there was not enough evidence to convict him without a doubt.

    I'd be running from that guy like my ass was on fire.

  74. You are looking back with rose-colored glasses. That relationship did not work, and odds are it would not work this time if you tried again. Your feelings are normal, especially given that he was your first real boyfriend – you feel you have a connection that you might not be able to replicate, but you will and even better.

    My guess is these feelings have come up because of loneliness in your long distance relationship. Is a long distance relationship right for you? Especially given your need for physical touch? If you really want to make it work with this guy, talk to him about these feelings and what can be done. Do you talk on the phone or facetime?

  75. It is a good thing that his name isn’t on her birth certificate. Because if his name is on it and I leave with her and not come back, I would get kidnapping charges and would get arrested. That’s why he can’t do anything legally if his name isn’t on it. And I say “every girl needs her daddy” because I needed mine as a little girl and I don’t want her to deal with not knowing if daddy loves you or not.

  76. It is a good thing that his name isn’t on her birth certificate. Because if his name is on it and I leave with her and not come back, I would get kidnapping charges and would get arrested. That’s why he can’t do anything legally if his name isn’t on it. And I say “every girl needs her daddy” because I needed mine as a little girl and I don’t want her to deal with not knowing if daddy loves you or not.

  77. It sounds like if he leaves, the trash will be taking itself out. I fall to see the downside of this.

  78. They are trying to make this about how petty and jealous you are, but it's really about how petty and controlling they are. He is mad you are not bending to his will, that's all.

  79. That's shady. I see three possibilities: 1) he doesn't respect your time and is inconsiderate, 2) he's already in a relationship and is inconsiderate, or 3) he's just not that into you and is inconsiderate.

  80. Forget the Horoscope.

    You've been married 5 years and have children

    Humans are complicated, emotional and sensitive.

    Give each other space, don't “poke the bear” because may be just annoying to him.

    He calling you B”*tch.. that's usual?

    Name-calling is something I'd be hard pressed to tolerate unless there's an almost immediate apology but I know people usually don't apologize.

    You know if that's a perspective or the truth anyway. Have you called him an a””Hole?

    If you're not happy and think would be more happy single/ divorced. Leave. But think it naked

    And I would speak to him about the things that bother you like he doesn't caring there's visits to yell, etc . and explain you were trying to be funny and sorry if you were annoying but you're hurt he name called you.. maybe..

    or.. forget about it as you probably will.. since you're only posting because the fight was recent.

    What do YOU want? safety? a lover? peace of mind? someone to talk to? someone to trust? being alone? meeting someone else? all of that? you don't know?

    follow your head and your instinct.. if you're too unhappy with him consider leaving..If things can be lovely again, you both may need to hear some harsh truths about each other..give them with compassion.

    good luck

  81. When were the good times for y'all? Seems like stress and ultimatums all the way through. Toxic and destructive. Break free and heal, this isn't good for your soul.

  82. either she has a mental trouble akin to compulsive habit, or she is unconciously fighting something about your common life (and sabotaged it).

    is it a first time out of her parents' home ? it could be a security routine she adopted when kids. I have know a girl who hide knife everywhere to be able to protect against her abusive father.

  83. Kinda seems like he’s probably always thought this, and is happy to finally have a chance with you and be able to tell you straight up he thinks you’re gorgeous

  84. Yes I read the post. First, I don't know/care what kind of men you are into, it's irrelevant. And he is just following some models on instagram. He is not pursuing 22 year old ladies at the club. He is just looking at some pictures on a screen, something probably his wife does too. Definitely not a creep.

    And even more so if his wife is overweight. What do you expect him to do? Men have urges. You think he is gonna look at 45 year old overweight women?

  85. Your husband has a very clear alcohol problem. All the signs you mentioned: agreeing to cut back but sneaking drinks, lying about how many drinks he’s had that day, etc are classic signs of alcoholism in a relationship. There’s not a ton you can do honestly, until he admits he has a problem and agrees to get help. You can certainly encourage him to do so and I would suggest you do, but he has to be ready to admit he has a problem and take action to treat it.

  86. Hell what university or college that gives matters degrees also does associates degrees?

    I've only ever heard of people getting associates degrees from community/junior colleges or trade schools

  87. Hmm, I think the closest comparison would be like paying for a pornsite? Though I think it being like a trashy romance novel (think 50 shades of grey) is the better comparison. Or better yet, a sexual visual novel, since that also has an interactive element.

    Sure, you pay for it, but I don't think that an issue unless you spent all your money on it. It's just an innocent way to get off when your horny and alone.

    Either way, not something to get this upset about unless it strongly violates personal agreements made between the pair.

  88. what an ignorant statement

    chronic illnesses are often misdiagnosed – combine that with the inherent misogyny in healthcare and women are often ignored, dismissed or just not believed

    Try learning a bit more about the issue before commenting and I hope you never find yourself in this situation

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