Mady online webcams for YOU!


6 thoughts on “Mady online webcams for YOU!

  1. Also, I want to say that it’s clear that you don’t have any ill intent when it comes to telling your boyfriend. So I would just try your best to communicate that to him

  2. Women often do things more than once because they feel pressured. You’re treating her like an object. I also think your age difference here is interesting. She’s 23, an age when women are just now getting their footing on how to establish boundaries. And you’re in your 30s…

  3. This one is very easy: Get a brand new girlfriend. She is still hung up on her ex and right now, you are a placeholder.

  4. Just be honest. Tell her you're looking for a relationship, not a roommate. 2 months in and intimacy is dropping to about 2 weeks on, 1 week off instead of increasing between you.

    Actually voicing a plan of spacing sex out across multiple weeks at a time is either her not-quite-explaining that she's asexual and throwing you a bone every so often(with you, at least), or an incredibly ocd form of mapping out a friends with benefits scenario.

  5. I agree you should never buy a house with someone to whom you are not married (that is smart). However, she's right that not getting any input from her sends a very clear message that you have no intention of getting married to her anytime soon (i.e. within the next 5 years). Essentially you are telling her that her opinions and wishes about your future do not matter to you. That's fine, but I certainly wouldn't stay with someone who doesn't care what I think about where we live together after fasting for 2.5 years.

    Obviously buy the house you want since this relationship might be over soon anyway. However, if you really think she might be the one then it wouldn't hurt to bring her to see the place and get her opinions. You don't have to consider any of them, just get her thoughts. It might actually highlight some bigger incompatibility issues and help you decide if she's right for you.

  6. You can’t “make her understand” anything, because that’s not the issue. The issue is that she has some deep insecurities and nothing you do will ever fix them. Her going to therapy might help, but that’s a long process.

    Actually, her behavior is extreme enough that she might even be cheating on you and projecting her cheating on you.

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