LunaPrincex online sex chats for YOU!


LunaPrincex Public Chat Channel

Date: November 13, 2022

4 thoughts on “LunaPrincex online sex chats for YOU!

  1. So normally, in your relationship, he changes things when you ask him to, but that's when you're on equal footing, right? If he'd treated you like the way he did on this trip for your whole relationship, it wouldn't have lasted very long, would it?

    I honestly have a lot of conflicting thoughts about this, about his ambitions for the trip, how he thinks it should have gone, if he had a lot of pressure (either put on him by himself or by his family) for how it should have gone. I don't think he's an evil person or anything like that. But it sounds like other people in his life know he can be a real “my way or the highway” kind of person. And maybe (consciously or unconsciously) he's not normally like that with you, because you'd walk.

    I definitely don't think that you should let this slide. I think you should talk to him about it, how it made you feel, how it really ruined your trust in him and see what he does/says. I think if he gets annoyed that you don't just “get over it”, then that's a bad sign that he doesn't think he's done anything wrong, which means he'd probably do it again.

    And you're right; crying doesn't mean much. Being willing to talk about it, take ownership for it, and explain himself – not as an excuse, but as a way of outlining where he was coming from so that you BOTH understand how he needs to change his thinking so that he DOESN'T come at it that way again – and do better, those are all the things that mean a lot.

  2. This belongs in r/sadcringe

    I can only speak to your part in this, because you’re the one that’s posting and all you can do is look at the situation (any situation) from your part in order to identify where you need to learn and grow. So the main thing you need to admit to yourself is that you were never really her friend. Everything you were doing was because you were trying to get with her. Then you threw a tantrum because you felt all the things you were doing entitled you to her and she picked someone else. Now you feel like a fool because everything you did didn’t work and you’re taking it out on her. Overall, regardless of how you’re doing tying yo spin it, she never betrayed the friendship she thought she had with you. You betrayed it in the sense that you never really were her friend.

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