Lorry (small boobs) & Maya (big boobs) = FRIENDS with benefits the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Lorry (small boobs) & Maya (big boobs) = FRIENDS with benefits, y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Lorry (small boobs) & Maya (big boobs) = FRIENDS with benefits

Lorry (small boobs) & Maya (big boobs) = FRIENDS with benefits on-line sex chat

Date: October 3, 2022

40 thoughts on “Lorry (small boobs) & Maya (big boobs) = FRIENDS with benefits the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Oh yea it’s ok, I had one foot out the door and am now married to an awesome man. Who treats me like a person who he wants to be around. It’s weird but it’s grown on me 😉 Tell her. It’s her choice what to do afterward, but she deserves to know. Just her, not blasting him on SM or anything. Just her.

  2. This is something the has to figure out for herself. She needs to be the one to decide what to do with her future.

  3. Tell her and make sure that the relationship stays over for both of your sakes. You don’t love her enough to stay faithful towards her, and she is the same. You are hurting each other and just staying in a relationship just because it is comfortable for you both. You need to make sure you break the toxic cycle and not be together again.

  4. LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE. You are only 4 months in, do not make it 4 years. There are sooooooo many posts on here with girls coming back 5 years later being like “I ignored the signs because I thought I could get him to love me enough to want to change, he hasn’t changed at all, what do I do?” And those girls get the same answers here that you’re getting. Please put yourself first and drop this basket case. He’s not your victim to save.

  5. If someone bites me, I’m punching them in the face. The laws governing self defense are on my side. Your comment is a bad take. This is applies to friends, coworkers, bosses, Jesus, etc. i don’t care, you bite my ass it’s on.

  6. Uhhh, you can leave a relationship for any arbitrary reason. You obviously dont want advance. I promise you will regret every minute you stay will her. Your ridiculous concept of how “society” functions is delusional, antiquated and false.

  7. And then maybe she leaves him for accusing her and going through this charade. Trying to “prove” you didn't cheat only works against you and then makes that person feel like shit that their partner accused them in the first place. I know now that accusing someone of cheating to the point of this level can be a sign of the cheater projecting. I'm so glad that my small actions aren't being scrutinized anymore as “cheating” by someone who was actually cheating. It was so horrible. If you have to drive that person to a location to prove they aren't cheating then you don't need to be in that relationship.

  8. Hello /u/Master-Technology-21,

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  11. This might be the biggest reason why I want to on-line alone forever. I had a houseguest for a few weeks recently. I keep two emergency rolls of TP under the bathroom sink, and then a larger stash in a cabinet. Well, the guest happened to be the person who used up the last of the roll a couple of times, replacing it with the ones from under the sink. I don’t go under there often so I didn’t notice they were gone. Only when both rolls were gone AND the one on the holder was empty did they ask if there was any more TP on hand. Thank god I did, since it was like 9 at night and I would not have wanted to make a special trip to the store. It just blew my mind that they didn’t bother to say anything when they took what they perceived to be the last roll. ??‍♀️

  12. You are paying him in toys to be an awful person. He’s going to grow up and scream and hit his wife when he doesn’t get what he wants because you all are training him to be a little sociopath.

  13. I would have no issue with the crossdressing and the toys. I could even excuse the posting a video on-line (v much understanding that other people would draw the line earlier). But sending pics to specific men is cheating, kink or no kink.

  14. And I hold a more conservative view of nudity. I won’t allow anyone who isn’t my wife or a medical professional to see me hot, and I expect the same in return. I don’t think you’re inherently wrong, but if I had a partner who had your opinion I would explain my feelings to them and hope they would at least consider them without dismissing them outright. If we can’t agree then I would leave. But it’s not inherently wrong to view nudity as something to not share with everyone.

  15. He never said he condones cheating. In fact in all of his comments he has mentioned that it was a TERRIBLE thing to do and that his dad should have been less cowardly in his approach to breaking off the marriage.

    This is not his friend. This is father. If it was just his friend that may be different but this is his dad, the man who raised him.

    If she is taking her son trying to have a relationship with his FATHER as a personal insult then I feel sorry for her because she is about to lose him too. It’s a sad situation and the dad definitely deserves karma for what he’s wrought on this woman. But it is wrong to drag your child into a situation like this. I’m sure having his family torn apart by his fathers actions were just as damaging to him. But he is here trying to pick up the pieces because, despite his dads shortcomings, he still loves him.

    I would pose this question to you? Do you think all children, no matter their age, should never get to speak or have any positive feelings about their parent who cheated? Do you think the courts should have rules in place that if a spouse cheats, they should not get access to their children as a punishment for their actions? Because that’s the point your making right now.

    Being an adult does not make HIS relationship with his father less meaningful or important.

  16. I have read a similar story and talking helped a lot, even counseling with someone to explore the fears.

    You are likely correct that his fears stem from his father, all the more reason to talk it through.

    You spent a lot of money getting pregnant and abortions if possible come with risks to any future pregnancy, they are not easy options at all.

    At this point you would be best to have the child.

  17. That's the reality of more and more people though. Most will never own and it's not necessarily the end of the world.

    You do you, but yeah, this is a step back for most. Furthermore, you clearly aren't able to save more, most likely less than if you were able to on-line with your partner… this can cause resentment easily… and especially if you end up parting ways in the future. He has nothing to lose

  18. You know what will get punched next? You. Dump the trash before the thing that's broken is you. If your closest friend or family told you that he was their boyfriend and all his nasty, abusive behaviours, what advice would you give them?

  19. I don’t understand why everyone jumps to me being a porn addict. I haven’t watched porn in the almost year I’ve been with her. I’m just lost.

  20. Also plan B really messes with your hormones. I would not recommend taking it as a main form of contraception. Seriously girl, run far and fast. That guy is selfish and is putting you at risk, not just for pregnancy but also STIs

  21. Yeah this is the comment OP would actually respond to. My ex threw things all the time and it ramped up during our marriage before we divorced. The only thing my now fiance throws at me is a pillow after I beaned him good in the butt with one first lol

  22. I don’t necessarily feel uncomfortable, I found the two examples noted to be odd and just wanted to see what others thought.

  23. 100% should of told you, and the thing that would bother me is they had some dirty secret with each other and never planned to tell you, why not right at beginning tell you, doesn't make sense, that alone would be enough to end the relationships and friendship.

  24. People are being very harsh in the comments, but I personally agree with you. I wouldn't end a close friendships because they cheated on someone while they were in an unhappy marriage, and my partner wouldn't either. If this is something you and your wife can't overcome on your own, then I suggest going for some counselling so that you can get help by a third party to clear up your respective feelings.

  25. I don't struggle financially at all.

    Sure, I can't finance a BMW, update all my electronics to the most recent gadgets every year and pay half a mortgage on a decent house in Berlin.

    But I do have savings to replace my current salary for 3 years and can easily fund my modest material lifestyle including extensive travel – after an already upgraded pension scheme and health care is paid for.

    Concerning boredom:

    I work for money, not an occupation. I can occupy myself on my own quite well, thank you very much.

  26. This. and in this situation, it feels just as cruel to the future baby to kick it out into the adoption system where it’ll feel abandoned and alone most likely (statistically speaking only; not a reflection on happily adopted kids). then what happens if the child grows up and tries to find their birth parents and discovers that they’re a child of rape? that’s so horrific

    at this stage, it is literally a cluster of cells. there’s nothing “pro-life” about keeping it at this point. religion is a hell of a drug.

  27. According to traditional etiquette, it's the polite thing to do, except that it shouldn't have anything, specifically, to do with your ass. I hope that part of the discussion was just a bad joke.

  28. If he wanted to marry you, I'd think you'd at least be engaged by now. Sounds like you're not really on the same page. Some people wait for everything else to be in place before marriage, while others want to get married and work together towards a better life. You should have a conversation about it, rather than just briefly touching upon the subject. I've been in two long term relationships where my partner knew I wanted marriage and a family, but never proposed. In retrospect I knew we were going nowhere and should have ended it way sooner.

  29. All you can do is own up to violating his trust and tell him what you heard and talk it out. Likely, you should still go through with the abortion but it's time you had a real discussion about both of your feelings around this and the future of the relationship.

  30. This is beyond the kind of help you're going to get here. Your husband needs therapy to work this out. Both for his own benefit and for his son.

  31. i will agree then, it's definitely weird. i wouldn't automatically assume she's cheating/ going to cheat, but it does seem like she has some issues with codependency that should probably be addressed

  32. Wow, seriously, you plan on going on a date with another man just to see what he's like? Are you gonna sleep with him just to see what it's like?

    BOTH of them deserve better and I hope you get caught.

  33. Does it make you feel desired or secure?

    If he’s not attracted it means, the moment he connects with someone that he does find it. He will leave.

    He will just use you until better comes. The same way you are using him, to avoid doing the work.

    You can’t fake a relationship because you want it. You are burning time.

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