Lola-fantassy on-line sex cams for YOU!


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Date: February 12, 2023

5 thoughts on “Lola-fantassy on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. There’s no winning here, dislike myself for catching feelings at work. I don’t even get paid for that. Dammit.

  2. is this the same man that prefers porn and masterbation to sex with you. If so I would not marry him – cheating while dating and porn addiction- you can do better.

  3. “Listen, I’m a grown-ass woman and I can see who I want, when I want. You are my HUSBAND; not my parent. If you have a problem with it, that’s on YOU and something that YOU need to work through on your own. If you can’t deal with me having a life outside of the house, I suggest you re-evaluate being married altogether. If I can’t be trusted to be away from you to enjoy my life at – heaven forbid… a NAIL SALON – then let me know right now so we can end this amicably and I can get back to the life I knew and lived for decades before you were ever even in the picture.”

  4. Are you sure he's not bi he seems to want to spend an inordinate amount of time in your back door this is not your fault so there is absolutely no reason why you have to f****** fix it. The only way you can fix this is to get rid of his f****** ass

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