LadyRebecca on-line sex cams for YOU!


LadyRebecca Public Chat Channel

Date: November 12, 2022

6 thoughts on “LadyRebecca on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Sorry to hear about the loss of libido. My understanding is that it can ebb and flow based on the chapter in your life, so hoping the best for you! I think couples counseling is healthy for anyone, so I like that idea in general.

  2. There isnt alot you can do.

    In the end, you can set a boundary of “I dont want to be with you if you take weed” and he can choose between the weed and you. If he chooses the weed then it shows you arent a priority and you should find someone better.

  3. Sooner rather than later. Our trauma does have a huge impact on our behaviour and our partners need to know what they are in for so they can make an informed choice about whether or not they are up for it. I always disclose my diagnosis (all of them) before entering a relationship but don't share the details of the trauma, the diagnosis is what's important and that information divulges the behaviours they can expect to see.

  4. I don't know one single couple. Never have through my adult years and travel through Europe. guess I didn't travel in those circles.

    Ultimately it's up to you two. I don't want that type of relationship for me. Mentally and emotionally I'm not built that way. To each his own.

  5. No I dont think so… I just thought it was weird cuz he has clearly been into casual sex before with fwb's and having a decent bodycount number…

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