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29 thoughts on “kylie_blcklive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. YTA….You NEED therapy for your body image issues and your controlling, entitled behaviors. As a psychologist, I recommend that you see someone soon to get help with working on that. Your BF is 100% correct and in the right here. If you don't change, you WILL eventually lose him.

  2. It's a good thing you're seperating. At least you won't be stuck in an unhappy marriage. I would do it before the holidays though. Why wait?

  3. It actually wasnt, or at least not to the extent that people think it was. It happened, but it wasnt very common. Most marriages between people that young were unconsummated for years because of the age. In Romeo and Juliet, which is often used as an ‘example’ part of the tragedy of the play is that they are so young. At 14-16, theyre the equivalent of 18 year olds now, teenagers who are making impulsive choices that lead to their doom.

    Henry viii married catherine parr when she was about 18, and that was considered weird/unreasonable of him at the time because of how young she was, even with him being king.

    Its a very common misconception, but even in the olden days people were able to recognise that having children young could be a health risk, and those who did often had older nurse maids to do the actual raising for them.

  4. u/RubbaDubNub, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. Your bf needs to understand that women are still breaking out of being pigeonholed into certain jobs. It's getting better, sure. But we're not quite there.

    You still have women who think that they (bc of parenting, community, society, etc) should become nurses and homemakers, etc when they could very well be doctors, scientists, etc (I'm not knocking any careers. I'll get to my point).

    He is in STEM, so his vacuum has more men than women. Not bc men are smarter but bc of the above.

    I'd sit him down and have a conversation with him. Tell him the above and see how he reacts. If you feel like doing this, have at it. Then, decide where to go from there.

    I would also take into consideration if he has shown any other misogynistic views or is this the only that had been ingrained in him. How often does he bring it up, or was it only once bc it came up in conversation? This is all assuming you care enough to spend more time with him since this is such a short relationship.

  6. u/rouxrach, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. Hello /u/ladder22,

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  8. “Listen, I am not some delicate china that needs to be kept in a display case for my safety. I am more than able to handle sex, and frankly, I am extremely horny. I want to be intimate again, I miss it, and it is extremely unfair that you are withholding sex with me with no valid reason. Am I unattractive to you now? Am I gross to you now? What is keeping you from giving me the intimacy that I want?”

  9. Did you not read where it says she would constantly Harass him for years while he did the exact behavior she’s now doing?

  10. Please don't dwell on your insecurity and overreact.

    If you don't like that method, tell her that sometimes that method doesn't work well because some guy would actually type in her number in his phone on the spot and try to connect with her right there and then.

    How do I know? It's happened before. So yeah, don't feel like she's trying to be flirty, she's not. And sometimes it's easier to just appease strangers rather than directly rejecting them. Like many, I've been harassed by men when I said 'no.' Sometimes it's easier to go along with whatever to appease them.

  11. Also, it may cause him to escalate to the point where he gets a response and then he learns that he needs to start at that level to get an interaction with you.

  12. Friendships can change as relationships can. They're the same thing and should be treated in the same way.

    They can be broken beyond repair as well. Only you know if you want to pursue it and try and make it up with him.

  13. You can't fix her issue. You have been giving her support for the last 5 years. She should have been using it to go to therapy and help herself. You can't fix other people !!!

  14. By that logic…wouldn't he just marry someone else and have kids with them down the line? And probably cheat there too. The other woman is rarely believed by the gf, much less a newly engaged woman who hasn't caught on in all these years.

  15. Yes thank you!! This is what I think is a normal healthy response. I told him i think his request is unreasonable but he just can’t understand why I don’t understand… we are at a standstill

  16. You did the right thing. You were your sister's caregiver and did what you needed to do. If your now ex-gf couldn't understand that, then bullet dodged, my friend. Chin up, you did right.

  17. Tell your husband to grow a whole human being for 9 months push it out of his a****** and then come back and say something to you how you look before during and after you are pregnant it's none of his freaking business my mother always told me if you don't have nothing nice to say don't say s***

  18. OP,

    Our daughter has CP. 95% of families that have a child end up divorced.

    Your Husband is a cowered. Tell him to get the hell out after you have filed for divorce.

    “Men” like that drive me crazy. My daughter turned 25 a couple of weeks ago. Never did I ever think of leaving. Kick that SOB to the curb . Change the locks and the phone number and set some very strict rules.

  19. Sadly this is the only good advice in this comments section.

    My take is that it was extremely rude and inconsiderate what she did, but also, OP isn't even in an “official” relationship with her yet. Not to excuse her actions in any way, of course. But I think OP could give her another chance if they both want to start an exclusive relationship with each other. And if she sincerely apologizes, of course.

  20. Please let the housemates know what’s going on. This sounds really scary for you. He doesn’t sound like he’s above raping you if the self loathing gets out of hand. At least one of them should know or let friends/family know you’re in an unsafe situation. I’m sorry you’re going through this.

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