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Katy_Alive sex stripping with hd cam


12 thoughts on “Katy_Alive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. u/QuietAccountant1168, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Exactly. I think OP just doesn’t maintain good hygiene to start with and probably doesn’t shower as frequently as they should.

  3. So, you've been with him for 7 years and only recently asked him a one liner about marriage and he gave a one word answer???

    You guys need to communicate more. I don't understand this reluctance on so many redditors parts to have aerious conversations with their partner. Just ask him directly seriously what's the time frame you are getting married, since you're getting older and you need to know whether you're wasting your time.

    If he doesn't give you a satisfactory answer, let him know that clearly you are not on the same page about your relationship, and it's better to go your separate ways.

  4. They both were an agreement, and she is definitely not wanting to be apparent this early.The only reason she's reconsidering is she feels guilty. That is not a good reason to create a baby.

  5. Guys just don't go the extra mile to constantly put themselves places where their friends are. If a friend of mine was going to a Syria lecture that I don't have a specific reason to be at, I'd say “uh ok, have fun with that”. I wouldn't sign up for it just for more time with my friend.

    That is often what guys do when trying to date or hook up with a girl though.

  6. If you want this relationship, you gonna have to confront her about what she is doing.

    She has cheated, she betrayed your trust and for the relationship to work again she is gonna have to work up that trust back. In the beginning, you will have doubts, anxiety, and question if she can be trusted again, but if you really want to be with her you need to open the possibilities for her to work and she is the one who has to choose to put down her will into fixing the damage she has cost.

    Be firm on boundaries. She crossed a line here, now she has to make sure to not do it again. You can't force her to do anything, but communication is key. She has to be honest about everything too. If they have met? Was it only text? Has it been phone calls? She needs to come clean, if not she is holding back on you and reconciliation won't happen.

    I wish you luck

  7. The “left her for being sick” is slippery and probably subject to interpretation. Lying about having been married before is not. Get out now before you find yourself in a lifetime of lies.

  8. Just a little update, I spoke to her about it and how I think now of all times it’s paramount she goes forward with getting help. I also explained how I was scared for her, and that the question was terrifying. She told me that she doesn’t actually remember saying it, and is also scared because she remembers disassociating (she does this pretty often) but never to a point where she forgets what she says/does.

    She’s also scared of what she said because she doesn’t recall it at all. She was hesitant to go forward with a psyche but I basically told her that she has to because there’s only so much I can tolerate, which she said “I’d never leave you” and I came back saying that everyone has their limits. I hope it gets sorted soon, I just want her to be better.

  9. Thats definitely something we’re talking about because this did highlight a lot of stuff that we both need to address.

    I mean, obviously, I don’t exactly feel soothed by how our conversation went, but I do understand why he reacted the way he did, especially given the history he has with his ex. She was with him for 2 years, cheated on him the entire time, and when it started to get serious, she left him with a baby. I think getting put in a situation where you start seeing the flags that popped up in that previous situation, it triggers something in you and he’s always been a little bit scrappy.

    I don’t want to sound like I’m excusing what he did, because he definitely did hurt me and this is going to take time to recover from, but I guess things just look different when you’re actually in the marriage.

  10. Thank you for your answer!

    I know I can't fix it for him, but I want to try. I'm trying to be very careful around his feelings but he needs to understand that he's hurting me with what he does.

    Everytime after it's over we agree to not let that happen again and that he'll talk to me next time but he never does. It makes me sad.

  11. Just because you love someone doesn't mean they are the partner to commit to. You have a lot of life left to live, to gain the wisdom to properly choose a partner to settle down with.

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