I tried googling it too! Nothing makes sense? I feel like it only makes sense if he’s deleted stuff in between because it’s like the convo has gaps? Thank you for trying to find out what it means!!
He definitely has the app on his phone. Apps will send you useless notifications to try and get you to engage. It doesn't necessarily mean anything. I don't really bother deleting and redownloading apps all the time. If I enter a relationship I just deactivate my account/kill notifications to it. If the relationship lasts long enough then sure I'll go and delete it.
He still has the app on his phone for sure. If he's lying about having it that's unfortunate. Maybe he just hasn't deleted it yet and worries you'll jump to conclusions. Or maybe he's a piece of shit who knows. Not really enough to go on I think.
Why are you even thinking of marrying this person? And what planet of delusion are you living on, that you really think she won’t pull the same favoritism crap with any kids you have?
OP, you are a catch and your friends are rightly calling out that you are not compatible at a deep values level.
If you are not comfortable raising children in a religious home and I would guess that’s a deal breaker for him, you will not stay together.
Also you don’t seem compatible at an ambition or intellectual stimulation level. I believe finances are the number one reason couples fight and break up so money management should not be a taboo topic.
I suppose you can enjoy the ride in the meantime if you really want to. But why stay with someone when you already see the end date? Tbh you could be out dating, meeting all types of interesting, dynamic and ambitious partners who can actually afford to take you out (please tell me you’re not paying for everything so he can pay off debt) and are probably much more your equal.
I’m guessing he doesn’t fit in with your friends and he’s boring af.
Of course he glows when he sees you, he sits home unemployed all day with his pastor parents. He has nothing else to do but practice his witty and enticing lines to keep you hooked while talking about abstinence with them – and then being good in bed with you. He’s also a hypocrite and not a man of his word. (I’m not religious so not shaming, just using logic.)
I would probably be annoyed as your friend and you would in their shoes too.
There are many posts on Reddit where the wife will say “so the other day my husband ate my piece of cheese for my sandwich…” and the whole crowd is “divorce!!!!” And then there are the posts where someone says their wife ran them over with their car, and it's “maybe she was just having a bad day… did you try talking to her?”
This post it seems the punishment justly fits the crime. Divorce.
So what she's saying is she knew she was helping someone cheat and has no problem with it. This means she would have no problem doing it again. I would not want to be in a relationship with someone like that. Kinks aside, this is a moral issue I don't agree with. Smeagol did it once, he can do it again.
If adultery factors into the divorce in your jurisdiction, then consider hiring a PI or see if you can get into her phone (or see the messages synced to a computer).
I mean a 3 second phone call a year ago just sounds like she butt dialed or something on accident and hung up real quick. Y'all need to chill lol
I tried googling it too! Nothing makes sense? I feel like it only makes sense if he’s deleted stuff in between because it’s like the convo has gaps? Thank you for trying to find out what it means!!
He definitely has the app on his phone. Apps will send you useless notifications to try and get you to engage. It doesn't necessarily mean anything. I don't really bother deleting and redownloading apps all the time. If I enter a relationship I just deactivate my account/kill notifications to it. If the relationship lasts long enough then sure I'll go and delete it.
He still has the app on his phone for sure. If he's lying about having it that's unfortunate. Maybe he just hasn't deleted it yet and worries you'll jump to conclusions. Or maybe he's a piece of shit who knows. Not really enough to go on I think.
Why are you even thinking of marrying this person? And what planet of delusion are you living on, that you really think she won’t pull the same favoritism crap with any kids you have?
OP, you are a catch and your friends are rightly calling out that you are not compatible at a deep values level.
If you are not comfortable raising children in a religious home and I would guess that’s a deal breaker for him, you will not stay together.
Also you don’t seem compatible at an ambition or intellectual stimulation level. I believe finances are the number one reason couples fight and break up so money management should not be a taboo topic.
I suppose you can enjoy the ride in the meantime if you really want to. But why stay with someone when you already see the end date? Tbh you could be out dating, meeting all types of interesting, dynamic and ambitious partners who can actually afford to take you out (please tell me you’re not paying for everything so he can pay off debt) and are probably much more your equal.
I’m guessing he doesn’t fit in with your friends and he’s boring af.
Of course he glows when he sees you, he sits home unemployed all day with his pastor parents. He has nothing else to do but practice his witty and enticing lines to keep you hooked while talking about abstinence with them – and then being good in bed with you. He’s also a hypocrite and not a man of his word. (I’m not religious so not shaming, just using logic.)
I would probably be annoyed as your friend and you would in their shoes too.
There are many posts on Reddit where the wife will say “so the other day my husband ate my piece of cheese for my sandwich…” and the whole crowd is “divorce!!!!” And then there are the posts where someone says their wife ran them over with their car, and it's “maybe she was just having a bad day… did you try talking to her?”
This post it seems the punishment justly fits the crime. Divorce.
So what she's saying is she knew she was helping someone cheat and has no problem with it. This means she would have no problem doing it again. I would not want to be in a relationship with someone like that. Kinks aside, this is a moral issue I don't agree with. Smeagol did it once, he can do it again.
Unfortunately, you already know the answer here.
If adultery factors into the divorce in your jurisdiction, then consider hiring a PI or see if you can get into her phone (or see the messages synced to a computer).
Time to see a lawyer.
Sending strength!