The boss is an asshole, and I trust OP to handle her work situation in the way that makes the most sense to her. She told him to stop, and he stopped. She took steps to be unreachable via Snapchat, and if he uses her number for any non-work related texts, she will have documentation and can decide from there – if he repeats the behavior – what she wants to do. She told her BF, likely bc it's a sucky and inappropriate thing her boss did, and when shitty things happen to us, we generally tell people who love us. You know, for support.
I think the BF has every right to be angry at the boss. Hell, I'm angry at the boss. Somehow, though, he has turned this into an insult against him, and OP isn't trustworthy (?!?!?) if she doesn't do what her BF says? That's bananas! If this boss is as popular and powerful as he seems, her doing what her BF suggests could end her ability to get work in her profession. That's a shitty fact and a fact nonetheless.
Another shitty fact is making it all about himself, undermining her trustworthiness, and harassing her regularly doesn't make for a good BF. She'd be better off without both these jerks.
I would not believe a word he says. He is a liar and a cheat. Leave him and sue him for support for the baby.
Good luck, OP. I am sending you hugs.
Break up with her
The boss is an asshole, and I trust OP to handle her work situation in the way that makes the most sense to her. She told him to stop, and he stopped. She took steps to be unreachable via Snapchat, and if he uses her number for any non-work related texts, she will have documentation and can decide from there – if he repeats the behavior – what she wants to do. She told her BF, likely bc it's a sucky and inappropriate thing her boss did, and when shitty things happen to us, we generally tell people who love us. You know, for support.
I think the BF has every right to be angry at the boss. Hell, I'm angry at the boss. Somehow, though, he has turned this into an insult against him, and OP isn't trustworthy (?!?!?) if she doesn't do what her BF says? That's bananas! If this boss is as popular and powerful as he seems, her doing what her BF suggests could end her ability to get work in her profession. That's a shitty fact and a fact nonetheless.
Another shitty fact is making it all about himself, undermining her trustworthiness, and harassing her regularly doesn't make for a good BF. She'd be better off without both these jerks.
Thanks, I don’t know any of these.