Jana Banana the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Jana Banana, y.o.

Location: eu

Room subject: Hi Im Jana, small boobs, big heart, wam pussy

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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Jana Banana

Jana Banana online sex chat

Date: September 25, 2022

6 thoughts on “Jana Banana the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I've read your replies and that's not coming across in any of them. You're coming across as immature, gullible, and ridiculous. You have to make good choices for yourself and your baby, I'd suggest you start making them.

  2. At least we can agree on “wacky”.

    That's an improvement.

    You might want to ask your girlfriend why she is not thrilled about your “overuse” of the words “unstable” and “unpredictable”.

    Have you told her parents how much you want to control her decisions?

    That she has to have your “consent” for doing stuff?

    That them getting a pet was “against your will”?

    I'd love to see their faces, to be honest.

  3. It’s not normal or healthy to be having arguments like that in a relationship. I mean seriously….I can think of like 2 arguments in 5 years and they were about big things like—me being pissed his ex wife dropped their Covid positive child off at our house without telling us and I’m immune compromised. And I wasn’t even mad at my partner really, I was just mad and he wasn’t as mad which made me mad at him. LOL

    This doesn’t sound like a good relationship for you. Sounds to me that she needs to be working with a therapist and not dating at this time.

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