I AM SAMMY live! webcams for YOU!


FUCK ME !!, ??❤️

Date: November 7, 2022

12 thoughts on “I AM SAMMY live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Hey OP, make sure he deleted those pics even from his delete folder! You don't know what he is doing with these pics. In the best case he just jerks off on them, but he can use them to pressure you to not leave him or to have sex with him idk. When you say your relationship is otherwise healthy but he gets passive aggressive when you don't want sex, that is not good. I would leave him after I made sure there are no videos and pics of me. I would also record the conversation where I tell him, that I didn't consent to any pics being taken and that he has the chance to delete them all, but if he doesn't, I will press charges. Please stay safe!

    Not a native speaker so sorry for any mistakes

  2. Just move on. He's not interested in dating, so you don't have to tell him you want to only be friends. Be friendly (if you want) and stop acting interested.

    “Crush” is middle schoolish. For adults it's very unserious or even humorous.

  3. Haha I did the test and you’re right, thank you for this advice:) I can’t pay for therapy rn either so I’ll defo try YouTube! I hope you’re doing okay now 🙂

  4. You can’t. There is no way to say it that will not result in him being hurt and offended.

    Beyond that, it would be extremely difficult for someone to be in a sexless relationship long-term especially since you have been with him for a while, it’s not sexless right from the start.

    Have you had therapy for this? Going back and forth between the two extremes is not healthy. It has an impact on your partner and you can’t really expect him to just suck it up, especially if it’s important to him. If you really decide you do not ever want to have sex again, you would do well to search for a partner who isn’t into it either. That way no one would have hurt feelings and everyone’s needs would be met.

  5. Nightmares is the minds way of dealing with horrible stuff, think, analyze and confront it trust me it will go away. You're processing things like a lot of things, so it takes time.

  6. How the hell did she even do that without asking you?? No man in his right mind would agree to this, she could've told you at least! If they went this far without telling you, I think there is much more to it as no one would just ask his friend's wife “hey, how about let's do a nude/porn photoshoot?”

  7. Your original comment that I replied to implies boudoir as a whole is tasteless. Please reread my response. I said the way OP went about it was tasteless, but boudoir in general is not. This is essentially what you’re saying in your second reply…so it feels like we are arguing the same point here. However, if they were “complicit” in something malicious, why would the wife literally hand over the evidence? It sounds like the wife is just really naive or really dumb. However, we don’t know her like OP does so it’s hot to determine her intent.

  8. Because I choose not to raise another woman's brat?

    Nope, not my journey in life. I have my own kids to worry about and there's no scenario that makes them my problem.

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