Harleyquinn-1 on-line webcams for YOU!


harleyquinn-1 Public Chat Channel

Date: October 20, 2022

13 thoughts on “Harleyquinn-1 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Wether it’s nothing or not, you need to think about if it’s a deal breaker for you. Can you see yourself happy with this situation for the rest of your life?

    This stuff can be really touchy and different per person. Some relationships are completely open with their phone, others don’t touch the others, seeing it as their own personal thing. But if someone wasn’t loyal via their phone, it will cause issues and it won’t be so easy.

    Explain what you would like from him and how it would help build that trust back and why. Then see if he will understand that and be willing to do so for the sake of keeping the relationship.

  2. as well as contribute to my physical attractiveness to him

    don’t want him to think that I won’t love him or be attracted to him if he does bald

    You won't be attracted to him, but are trying to mask this by shifting it onto him and his confidence.

  3. Maybe it's not common, but it's definitely a thing. I shared a room with an opposite gender colleague at a conference in Miami once. I don't remember why we got paired together, but it was in the conference hotel, which always sells out far in advance. It definitely didn't seem like a big deal at the time. We got along pretty well, so it was better than being paired with a stranger or enemy.

    I know that this particular sub thinks it's impossible for opposite gender people to be friends, or inhabit the same space without one wanting sex. But it was exactly the same as sharing a room with any other colleague – slightly annoying because you don't have your own space. But while conferencing, I was so busy, and so exhausted at the end of the day, that I don't think we really even saw each other.

  4. What advice are you asking for?

    It sounds like she took you at your word and now you're not sure what you think.

  5. You are not wrong for breaking up with her. She took away your choice.

    Yes, it's common, and it creates a health risk for you and for any future partner you may have. If YOU choose not to risk getting it, it's YOUR choice. She took that choice away from you.

    She is dishonest. If she is ready to be intimate with you, she should be ready to disclose anything that she could spread to you. It doesn't matter WHAT.

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