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happycouple95live sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “happycouple95live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Relationships mean BOTH parties are invested 100% into each other, if she wants to give even 5% to other people, she's not your gf and you deserve to find someone who wants to be only with you

  2. I wanna give this 100 upvotes. She should get to decide. OP talking about what looks good on women and his wife having no clue gave me a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. He can have his opinion and give respectful input, but what she likes to wear is ultimately up to her.

    Your advice is wonderful.

  3. I don't know how you can build trust again. I know it would take me a lot of work simply because imo that should have been revealed before you were intimate.

  4. you got roasted because yes, your relationship is atypical and its just plain ass weird in terms of grooming.

    1) what are you doing with a man almost double your age? AND FOR 3 YEARS?! YOU WERE 17 AND HE WAS 35 WHEN YOU MET??? thats disgusting, predatory and gross.

    2) what is HE doing with a woman half his age? with kids? thats also disgusting, predatory, and gross. Probably because women his own age are absolutely creeped out by this man.

    When you got roasted in another sub “endlessly”, it's because everyone is absolutely DISGUSTED by this relationship.

    When you got roasted in another sub “endlessly”, it's because everyone is absolutely DISGUSTED by this relationship.

    The kid is 8 years younger than you. Do you want to play mommy? When you KNOW you dont like kids? And he wants you to accustom yourself? Do you not hear how disgusting and insane that sounds?

    Yeah, you got roasted for the right reasons. you wont get better here.

  5. I used to date a woman who would take her clothes off for semi hot photography. However, it took her yesrs to build a relationship with a photographer. We even did a photo shoot together. This seems pervy

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