Hana-hill live webcams for YOU!


6 thoughts on “Hana-hill live webcams for YOU!

  1. There was one a few weeks ago written by someone purporting to be the stepdad of a teenage (I think) stepdaughter who was in an abusive relationship with a boyfriend. The boyfriend was being aggressive or something, can't remember all the details, and the OP dragged him out of the car and claimed to have landed several blows to him that ended up with him landing on his head on the ground and being knocked out cold, wherein the OP then, if I remember correctly, claimed to have dragged him back into the house.

    Idk if that's the one, but this is actually far from the only post I've seen this sub specifically where a guy and a girl get mugged or attacked and the male poster mentions beating up the attacker(s) very violently while his girlfriend watches and then afterwards she exhibits a fear response around him.

  2. This whole situation is exactly as bad as it feels. Your gut feeling is bang on, and I bet this isn’t the first time you’ve had doubts. When you break up with him he’ll try to make it seem like it’s all your fault. That’s called gaslighting. Obviously, this guy is not husband material. You’re young and awesome and have everything to look forward to. Walk away and don’t look back.

  3. Here's a crazy idea, maybe SHE should be the bigger person? She's the one leading him on and then pulling the rug out from under him if she doesn't like him that much. If she does like him that much that's even worse.

    I'm not saying he should blow up his whole social circle, I'm saying he shouldn't bend over backwards to appease her. If she cares about them remaining friends, she is the one with something to say.

    Lying about why he isn't replying just to appease her is dumb as fuck idea.

  4. Don’t give him the opportunity to spread lies about what happened. Make sure to set the record straight so he doesn’t try and vilify you

  5. Sorry I'm confused are u replying to me? I'm pretty sure i was agreeing with u that he was trying something lol

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