Ginger-lane online sex chats for YOU!


ass … shake.. twerkin [Multi Goal]

Date: November 9, 2022

35 thoughts on “Ginger-lane online sex chats for YOU!

  1. It wouldn’t bother you for your partner to date a co worker and then continue working with him like nothing happened? I don’t believe she can be trusted

  2. I say this lovingly, but don't be such a door mat. This guy doesn't care about your pleasure, says it's “too much work,” he's scared of a vibrator, and is generally shitty.

    Do not bend over backwards for a dude who clearly doesn't care about you. At 45 years old he has absolutely NO excuse for his lazy and selfish behavior in the bedroom.

    No foreplay? No warning up? Just his magical dick and you doing all the work? Hell no.

    You deserve better than some baby of a man who only cares about his own nut. He did you a favor by leaving. Drop him and move on with your life.

  3. Hello /u/ThrowRApcw,

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  4. A person can’t apologize for Covid. Even with vaccinations, chronically ill people can die from it as you know but apparently he doesn’t. And you have to quarantine and miss work until you know you don’t have it. What he did was selfish and he proved he can’t be trusted. He is not the guy someone in your line of work should date. He will reallize their are consequences to his actions.

  5. You need a support system outside of your wife and kids. You deserve to have that. You travel, you've moved around a lot, your life is a constant state of chaos and change. I think it would be really beneficial to have a therapist that you trust on the side to offer perspective.

  6. Imo no one should make their partner choose between them and family. It’s a shitty ultimatum with no winners.

    Is there ANY other living arrangement that you guys can figure out? I cannot believe you’ve exhausted every single option, there must be other options you guys could look at

  7. what is a vulnerable narcissist?

    and hes very sweet with pets and would often send me cute cat videos. he loves my dog and would always melt lol.

    he would treat people normally i guess. kind and respectful and smiley. i did notice he would always tell me he yelled at someone bc he couldn’t control his anger or he was scared he would yell at me or get bored of me bc at the time he really liked me.

    he says this always happens to him. my abandonment issues really kicked in but at the time he was treating me so well coming to my place and treating me kindly and would always call….

  8. I understand what you mean the only issue is I am a part of a study group AND have a part time job, the times I am home is when I need rest that’s the only times I spend at home. As well as I know he needs to have his own social connections the only issue is I have found out right after he says he’s far too tired for me to hang out with him he was actually getting drunk at a small party with his friends

  9. Yeah, you all made me realize that I've been enabling him and I really need to stop and see if he can pull his weight and make me feel valued and appreciated without me having to constantly ask him to do that. It's really not good.

    I will have a very serious talk with him and I'll update this post in about two months, in case anyone is interested. To everyone: Thank you, this has been eye-opening and I will stop being a pushover.

  10. you know he's not great for you- that should be enough.

    the co-worker thing is brutal though. I never dated anybody I worked with if it was a place I planned to work as long as possible because I didn't want to feel forced to leave to avoid things. You're in quite a pickle.

    I suspect if you back off and you both do your own thing, eventually the two of you will find others and this thing will blow over.

  11. Perhaps at first but the idea that someone would stay in a 17 year friendship where the other party has shown no interest in it becoming more than friends just for the chance that maybe they’ll change their mind is absolutely asinine.

  12. All the stuff about your relationship aside – you’re focusing on the wrong thing here. You’re all caught up in what’s fair or not and you’re completely missing the issue of consent. Consent is a two way street and can be revoked at any time. Your husband has revoked his consent. You cannot continue sleeping with others after your husband has revoked consent. You shouldn’t be trying to convince him to keep the relationship open after he revoked consent.

    The only decent options are to divorce or to close the relationship back up. Healthy relationships respect their partners and take consent seriously. Neither of you seem to respect one another but that’s a problem for therapy assuming you close the relationship and stay with him.

  13. *so he is allowed to cheat. Because (if this is actually a true story), let's face it, he didn't actually want OP to sleep with anyone else. Just him.

  14. That's my question. Neither one of my best friends would even consider “flirting” with my husband, like you said your best friend did, much less actually sleeping with it even eating to sleep with. The fact that she was flirting to begin with should make you wonder.

  15. What the frigg is your problem? How are they forced to take into account that the children they both raised were too undereducated to understand that their parents being in a relationship …

    doesn't make any of their entiteled brats into siblings of any kind?

    Right answer would have been: “Hey, you guys be happy together.”

    You just married! Don't you have anything else to do than frothing about your parents being happy together? What's wrong with you?


  16. If he gives up his dream it will most likely become a strain on your relationship in the long run. Giving up long time dreams for short time relationships makes the risk of resentment really high. Because all relationships will go through rough periods. Have the best time now with him and then cross that bridge of him leaving when you get to it. Discuss when it’s like two weeks away what you want to do in-terms of your relationship.

  17. You’ve only been married for 3 months…why would you ever think that the marriage is strong and solid enough to bring in a third party? And honestly, even the most solid of marriages wouldn’t be able to survive this. And your reasoning being that you just moved to a new state…GET A FRIEND! Not a side piece. From what I’ve read, you two probably should never have gotten married at this stage in your lives anyway, and it would be for the best if you separated.

  18. We date people to get to know them better and learn how we work together as a couple. It's not a shocking or abnormal outcome when what you learn is you're not compatible in the long run.

    You can keep hanging around in a miserable relationship because you used to be happy, or you can actually use what you've learned over the last several months to make a decision going forward.

  19. It sounds like you buy him things while also feeling like he owes you for it, scoreboards on who does more in a relationship is always a bad idea, when that happens one or both will always feel they're getting the short end of the stick even if the partner is doing more.

    “He should always be thinking of me”, no he shouldn't, no one should hesitate on every single decision worrying their SO will get grumpy. Also people making their SO their entire sounds nice on paper, but in practice it just means they have nothing going on outside their SO, it means they need somone else to complete them, SO's only enhance us not complete us.

    One more thing it's happy meal, it's a first world problem compared to first world problems.

  20. Well I'd prefer it would be said directly like you just did. I kind of see it more as gossip the way she phrased “let me know if you sleep with someone else”

  21. If a report was made and the examination done, the police would definitely have questioned this guy by now. If this hasn't happened then your gf admitted to them that it wasn't SA as as soon as you left the room.

  22. Life happens. Relationships change everyone to some degree and your own relationship with that person either adapts or fades away. I suggest you learn to adapt.

    There are so many reasons why the situation may now feel uncomfortable and you will end up chasing a rabbit down a whole if you go the route of trying to figure out what caused the change. Instead I recommend you accept a change has occurred for whatever unknown reason and just roll with it. Ask him if there are aspects of your relationship that he's uncomfortable with now he has a partner. Be okay with the fact he will have a lot less time for everyone in his life because partners take up a lot of time. Be yourself around his partner and don't try foolish stunts to either impress her or convey she has nothing to worry about. Just let the dice land where they may and work with the roll you get.

  23. Seems reasonable. He has the chance for a 9 day vacation or a 7 day vacation based on his work requirements. He chose the 9 day vacation

  24. I am also an identical twin. You guys share your birthday but remember you are still separate people. I got the impression that you are not friends with the girl who is throwing a party. Why would someone who isn’t close to you throw you a party? My sister and I would occasionally throw separate parties for ourselves and it’s nice to be the spot light instead of having to share it. Maybe you should do that this year? If you are really upset to be excluded then shoot a text to the girl.

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