EMILY on-line sex chats for YOU!


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Date: November 6, 2022

25 thoughts on “EMILY on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. No we’re really insulated and broke. Counseling sounds like the way to go, but right now she won’t talk to me so Im not sure how to bring it up

  2. I think what you’re struggling with is the notion that your husbands attraction to you is contingent upon the style of clothing you wear.

    I think you’re mature enough to have that conversation and open dialogue with him and just express that you’ve noticed his attitude to you is different pending the style of the clothes you wear. If you can express that you’re not always going to be able to wear these clothes and you shouldn’t feel that he is going to treat you better or worse pending the type of shoes or type of pants you are wearing.

    His response should be, honey I love you even in sweat pants and a sports bra.

    If it’s not, and his actions are still the same, then maybe counseling? Get to the bottom of this before it becomes a greater rift in your marriage.

    Counseling will help you two understand the motive behind his actions. Maybe he has a kink for platform heels? Maybe he is just proud to show off his beautiful wife and doesn’t understand or see his own actions.

    Best of luck.

  3. This is a good and kind response but it also kind of leaves her in the same place you were, which is that she doesn’t know what you want. If I were you I would also say (either now in an additional text or immediately when you talk again) that “If you are willing, though, I do want to try. I do want to be with you.”

    One of you needs to take more of a decisive leap or this might just slowly end because you’re both waiting for the other person to make a decision. Be the one who decides.

  4. What other intention could be? Unless she is testing him but that's just messed up. She could have chosen any other girl that was not her sister

  5. honestly? i think you could’ve communicated better. it sounds like she wants someone who’s more available than you.

    you could’ve said “hey, i really enjoyed our date yesterday. just letting you know, i’ll be pretty busy with ___ but i’ll text you whenever i get the chance!”

  6. I get youade some mistakes but you haven't learned because your behaviour is still toxic towards this man. Staying together for the sake of being “a family” is never a good idea. He is still in a relationship with someone else and although it sounds like he's trying to do the right thing it also sounds like he's not 100% certain being with you is the right decision. From what you've said so far it probably isn't the right decision. He's either going to come back single and try again with you or he's going to choose her and end things with you….or day he ended things and still stay with her anyway. Quite frankly this is a very messy situation that's probably going to go quite badly. You and he shouldn't be getting back together without at least doing some serious therapy and reflection apart.

  7. Hello /u/ThrowRA423622,

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  8. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been through a traumatic experience like that. You are right that it’s not something I can imagine, but I do think that ultimately it has to be the choice of the person carrying the pregnancy.

  9. You are sexually incompatible. Unfortunately he’s not willing to compromise so just like with any issue where there cannot be a compromise then there cannot be a solution. I say all this because I myself cannot be on a birth control without it completely screwing me up so I understand exactly where you’re coming from.

    However, you are right to refuse birth control. Your boyfriend doesn’t get to ask you to do something that clearly harms you for the sake of his own pleasure. My advise is to lay down the options on the table and have no sex at all until a choice is made.

    And the choices are pretty clear here – use conforms, get a vasectomy or practice no penetrative sex. Last one probably would mean a break up eventually but if he’s not willing to use a condom then that’s probably for the best.

    Under no circumstances have unprotected sex with this man.

  10. hi,

    your girlfriend seems to be an utter psychopath, please refrain from any further action to strengthen your ties to her.

    best regards

  11. Girl, come on. He's playing you. How late at night are these dates? Is he spending the night or leaving after sex?

  12. I’m a therapist. I’m still not certain she wasn’t abused by the dad even if she never spent a night with him. Her mom was married to her dad but they never lived together?

    Even if she wasn’t abused… growing up as the golden child is extremely damaging for all children, including the golden child. I’m not comparing her trauma to her sisters’ but she was clearly groomed too and learning the truth about her father so suddenly and it being so disgusting… her reaction is bizarre and yea, maybe, narcissistic… it may hide something more too. You fiancée needs therapy.

  13. This makes me feel so much more sane, thank you! It’s a good idea to add a little bit of direction after telling him to stop doing something. Like, “I love your humor and personality, but when it comes to initiating sex, you would have a much higher success rate if you’d kiss me and tell me I look pretty that day instead of talking about ‘your hotdog’.”

  14. She's not in love with OP, if she was she wouldn't be doing all of this to him. Including having sex with her bf in public but not even hugging op in the same space. Also allowing her bf to grope her at her own ENGAGEMENT PARTY.

  15. She was invited, she just didn't go.

    For what started it:

    what actually started it was that my girlfriend thought my mom was talking shit about her. My mom was talking about something completely different, but that completely tarnished any future relationship of theirs because after that incident, my mom did not like my girlfriend, vice versa.

    I don't care whether or not her parents like me, as long as their good with my son that's what I care about. I don't engage in any type of arguments with them. It's much more smooth sailing that way.

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