EllyNoralive sex stripping with hd cam


42 thoughts on “EllyNoralive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. So lesson learned, don’t be bloody annoying. I give people a second chance, it only happened once, now you know better.

  2. Hello /u/gritbiddy90,

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  3. I get the feeling this is the kind of person you could spend your entire life joined to at the hip and she would still accuse you of cheating. Is this really how you want your life to be? She might be insecure because of the age difference, but that's not your fault.

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  5. Get a lawyer NOW!

    Make clear you want parental rights and maybe try to go for full custody.

    Pay her as litle as you can and focus on your son!!

  6. Hello /u/ThowAway38790,

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  9. Your spouse doesn’t seem to understand the concept of compromise. Her “my way or the highway” method of conflict resolution is designed to have you be in the wrong no matter what.

    Given what has happened I think it’s more important that you stick with your child. Your spouse doesn’t seem like they will ever be satisfied in part because they manage to hold you responsible for everything that doesn’t work in their life.

    So why don’t you do what is best for you and your child and allow her to do what she feels she must. Perhaps you guys will find each other again in another 10 or so years when neither of you have kids at home. Maybe you’ll find someone else to love (I don’t believe this person is your soulmate because isn’t one of the big things with soulmates that you’ll be insync)?

    Good luck

  10. Yep, on-line gambling is my bet. I know someone who got hooked and spent his family's entire savings. Not cool.

  11. Yea, that's me. I absolutely don't mind sex. I'm not sex repulsed. I enjoy sex. But I could go the rest of my life without sex (because I can take care of my own needs just fine and it suits me enough) if I had to. I consider myself on the ace spectrum, leaning towards demisexual. But I can basically be in a relationship with any libido needs (okay maybe not more than once a day but you get the idea lol).

    But tbh OPs gf does sound sex repulsed. It doesn't seem like OP is okay with it, since he asks twice in one day and then asks again the next day if he gets a no. Asking 1-3 times a week vs getting 0-2 a month are huge differences, and she doesn't even like the small amount she does do.

    Ironically, this exact scenario with OP happened with me. At the time, I knew I was not going to be enough. Honestly I was basically pressured into a relationship to begin with. So I offered to open the relationship on my end so he could sleep with other people (I was young). He insisted I was the only one he wanted, I was enough, etc. So we kept it closed. And he cheated on me (and yes it was considered cheating because of how he went about it).

  12. You sound like you need therapy. Part of being an adult is dealing with your problems, so stop feeling sorry for yourself and start working towards something better for yourself.

    Your parents fucked up raising you. But you're 22 now, you get to decide who you are going to be. Focusing on them not doing things for you, although it's valid to believe that, is not constructive to your own personal growth. You could easily be poor, but are now middle class, they have done some things for you… But they also grew up poor so you may want to cut them some slack about how they raised you.

    Now the tough pill to swallow: it's their house. You don't like their wild, vocal sex – move out.

  13. I've got some bad news then….

    Most accidents occur in a 10km radius of your home, neighbourhood streets are actually quite dangerous.

    Your brain becomes familiar with the area and lists it as a “safe” place so it's just not quite as alert.

  14. Yeah no worries. I can understand that.

    I don't have much advice regarding those norms, I'm not familiar.

  15. My first thought was photography, in general. Maybe because I have I have about $20k worth of gear (purchase price, not current value) literally within arms reach.

  16. What would her reaction be if you said you wanted to go along, too? I think that would be very telling.

    Second, I don't see any special State Department advisories on Bulgaria in terms or crime or human trafficking. However, if this guy is a “survivalist” and your wife is into camping, then there is the possibility that they will be off the beaten path and if this guy has bad motives, and she will be isolated without anyone to help her.

    Third, my wife and I would not be okay with either of us going alone on a trip like this with someone we've been following on-line. However, we have pretty common interests and would not be likely to go on a separate trip that the other person is not interested in.

  17. I think you need to re-evaluate your moral compass if this isn't a deal breaker for you. That is just fucked up.

  18. You appear to have very, very bad insecurities and come across as pretty controlling.

    So is she not allowed to have male coworkers as friends? What if she meets a lesbian, can she not have them as a friend because they might be into her? (And if you say it's not the same, you're 100% missing the point)

    The implication here is you don't trust your girlfriend and that if any guy shows interest, she'll cheat. If you believe this, you need to break up. It's unhealthy, and you can't maintain a relationship like this.

  19. Thank you for that ❤️ yeah she got really pissy in the end and said if I ever want to have children she will remember this. So I will DEFINITELY be taking a step back

  20. PTSD presents in a variety of ways. He needs to see a professional to get evaluated and receive help.

    I have CPTSD but through years of therapy, it’s pretty well managed. I certainly pulled back from certain people when I was in the thick of it but mostly I just had to be aware of triggers to minimize my anxiety over some things that are totally “normal” to other people.

  21. It seems like you think you have a “claim” to her. She doesn’t want a relationship with you. If you can’t handle a friendship and the fact that she doesn’t want to be with you, exit the relationship.

  22. Breaks don't exist with her. She will message me nonstop from various email addresses or on-line, wherever possible, until I get back to her. She's done it to me already. She may not be that way again, but it's really very hot not to think it wouldn't just be the same thing. Plus, she's going to say I want a break so I can go fuck someone else because I'd slept with someone after we first broke up but started to talk again. That was infidelity to her because we were working on things despite we hadn't quite gotten back together.

  23. Well now your friend gave you a choice. It's either her or him. You can't have both. So which will it be?

  24. Sketchy is an understatement. But let’s focus on the real meat here:

    You don’t trust him and he doesn’t trust you and he doesn’t do the things that build trust and quite the contrary protects his privacy from you.

    My wife and I are huge believers in privacy. But not secrecy. We know each other’s passcodes and we routinely hand our phones over to each other for small tasks.

    We discuss what’s on there: we have privacy but not secrets. We’ve done it other ways with other partners but decided together we were not making those old mistakes.

    Your guy has secrets.

    Your call what to do about it. My experience is it will rot out the relationship in two years, max.

  25. 15kg is enough for anyone to notice, especially someone who is getting naked with you and touching your body. Does that mean he cares or is bothered? No. I don't know what's to bring up with him based on this post? You just want to announce to him that you gained weight? If you don't mind the extra weight, buy some new clothing that fits you and get on with life. If you dislike the extra weight, change your eating habits and increase physical activity.

  26. I would wake her up in the morning and tell her that she called you a loser in a black out drunk. I don’t even know why somebody wants to be with somebody like that.

  27. We didn’t have a plan to save but we don’t work outside of summers, so most of it should’ve been reserved for living expenses/tuition.

    He will have to take out loans for school now as well, which kind of means 3 years of working is thrown away

  28. I don't comment on parenting posts because I don't have kids and and don't feel I have the right/perspecrive, but I've gotta admit that I'm a bit weirded out by your mom's behaviour. If you aren't comfortable with it, are you able to find other plans? Could she babysit once a week instead?

  29. How long has he been friends with her? My best friend is male and we have been best friends since we were little kids (well over 30 years now). When I dated and then married the man I did, he always knew my best friend came first and would always be in my life. He finally married the most amazing woman a few years back and my daughters even call her auntie. I would never ever give up a friendship, especially a longterm one for a relationship

  30. Never had this issue with an adult but, she sounds like a child… so… what I did for my kids was to build up cleaning for her. Everyday,

    Clean for 1 min. Do at the same time everyday for 1 week. No fucking around. You both clean naked and fast. After the time is done, you can continue to clean or just get back to what you were doing. Week 2-15: 2min – 15min cleaning burst build up. Week 16: Add a second 15min cleaning burst at another time of the day if you need it… and a third one if you still need more the next.

    Progress was slow but, you should have a good idea of how much do you need to clean a day now. 15mins, everyday, for two people, is usually enough to have your house looking respectable.

    30mins times 2? Or 45mins times 2?

    You'll have a spotless house if you really, really want.

  31. Maybe, and I know this sounds crazy, he could decide not to give a fuck who she slept with in high school, or decide not to give any credence to clearly unreliable narrators.

  32. Read OPs other comments. The photog was part of the gag. I hadn’t seen that before my comment

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