Elimoon live! webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 7, 2022

6 thoughts on “Elimoon live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Just messaged him back:

    I find it really sweet that you asked, I've never been asked on a date. But it doesn't feel right for me to go on a date right now. If I do go, then it feels like I'm stringing you along, as I'm not certain about what I want right now.

  2. Has he explained how his exes were abusive? Usually the guys who claim all their exes are crazy, are actually the abusive one, and soon enough you will be the one being called a crazy ex

  3. The minute he starts in on you about moving there, you say “Hey! how about you move HERE to be with me?”

    Repeat as necessary.

    You're right, he's being inflexible. He knows what he wants and what he's willing to give up to get it (not much). You don't have to go along with it, though.

    Could be time for you two to go your separate ways. That's an option you weren't considering.

  4. I dont know I'm obviously in the minority but why does her kissing someone else make your kiss less special? She is obviously remorseful, people make stupid mistakes all the time in New ans shockingly stupid ways. If you have been friends for this long inwouldntbdrop everything over this without at least hearing her out.

  5. “It’s making it difficult to be around my sister now” Your sister did NOTHING wrong, she is real as fuck and deserves all the loyalty in return .

  6. He gave *one* compromise idea, which was hyphenating or the like, and she's within her rights not to want that. I personally hate the idea, and I know I'm in good company with that opinion. He's paying, so that gives him the right to give their children his surname? Yikes. It's not even remotely about his not being good enough. She has plenty of good reasons to want her surname (not the least of which is that they're not married). His ego and some outdated patriarchal standard are his very subpar reasons for wanting his. I think women are right sick of this unreasonable default. I think it's partly why he feels slighted though–he expected the default to happen here. If you take the historical precedent away, OP isn't really left with any good reasons why his surname should have more right than hers to be given to the children.

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