Eli Grey live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 8, 2022

25 thoughts on “Eli Grey live webcams for YOU!

  1. Your mom is the worst. That ring symbolizes an unpleasant time in your life, and it's a reminder that both family heirlooms were refashioned and gifted to your sister even though she has no immediate prospect of engagement. Like how does she justify any of that in her mind?

    Definitely tell her you've reconsidered, and see if she'll still give it to you. And 100% get it appraised and sell it online somewhere so you can get your soon to be fiance something that actually celebrates your life together … not some ill fated hand me down after though.. the nerve of some people.

  2. Tbh, sounds like you were better matched with your ex, and now your current fiancé just happens to be the woman you are marrying because now you’re ready to settle down. Unfortunately I have seen this trend with men. They get married to the wrong woman because they want to be married and start a family, but still pine for “the one that got away.”

    Honestly? You need to let Sarah go. This isn’t me telling you to confess to Amy, but to mourn what could have been and then find someone better suited for you. This isnt me saying Sarah is a bad person, or has glaring flaws, we all have our own history. This is me saying that you both deserve to be with people you are madly in love with and that also are madly in love with you/Sarah.

  3. Hello /u/ReptilianEmpress,

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  4. I’m responding as a father and I’m not going to sugar coat it.

    You aren’t listening to him.

    I made parenting mistakes, you did too. Figure out the things that hurt him the most by talking to him and sincerely apologize.

    All that discipline means very, very little if he isn’t seen. What you paid attention to were rules, experts, not him.

    Find a family therapist and do the work with him.

  5. thank you and I appreciate your comment honestly I probably should’ve said that because I really would never get rid of the cat I do love him I just really hate the annoying behaviour. I’ve had a cat before it meowed It was no issue but this one literally does not stop every bite I take off my food it meows that’s just one example every time I lift up my head it meows. and the cat is not that annoying to him and his reasoning for that is the cat knows him better knows what he’s like knows that he don’t like to be annoyed with his meows so he shuts up.

  6. I'm really having a hot time believing this post is real. “Her sister said it's my responsibility so it must be true” is basically what he said in another comment thread.

    We share a world with people like this…

  7. Nope. Do not apologise to her.

    She told you what the relationship was – basically FWB. So you decided that you were going to enjoy yourself with someone else.

    You probably should formally tell her that as she’s too immature for a relationship, that you are not interested in being FWB anymore. And for her to stop contacting you.

    Then block her on everything.

    Hope the new girl works out.

  8. 21-1½ = 19~20, depending on how long he's into his 21st year.

    OP mentions that they didn't use protection because she didn't think it was neccessary. It could've well been that they met when he was 19, and she got pregnant within their first few times of having sex, and they both felt like marrying would be “the right thing to do.” – at least, if they're in the US, that's how a lot of young boys are brought up.

  9. She replied with brutal honesty – “You're not a friend yet.”

    She doesnt even consider you a friend? Wtf? This doesnt sound like a healthy relationship or a partnership.

  10. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    For full content, my girlfriend of 4 1/2 years is in pretty poor physical health and often can’t have sex. I have a somewhat high sex drive and the lack of us getting to have sex is really the one conflict we have in our relationship. I truly love her and want to stay with her, so this is not a veiled attempt to get out of our relationship.

    We get along really well and don’t fight and overall we click very well together as a pair. Over the last couple of years, her physical health has really declined and it has greatly affected the frequency that we have sex. We have talked many times before about the idea of having a non-monogamous relationship where I am able to seek sex outside of relationship, and she has said multiple times before that she would be ok with it.

    The plan is now to actually move forward with that, however my major concern is making sure not to do anything that would hurt or potentially destroy our relationship. We have talked about it at length and believe it might be best to not just take some of the burden off of her to feel like she has to provide, but also so I can meet my needs as well.

    I am hoping to get some advice and feedback on what some ground rules for this can be, and what might be a best way to proceed where we are both not just OK, but happy with the result.

    TL;DR Looking to have a non-monogamous relationship, wanting tips on how to make it work best.

  11. Thank you for your comment! I did actually ask myself this exact same thing in the past as well. Maybe she also isn't happy, maybe the gap between us is felt on both sides.. So I ask her about it about a month ago.

    I told her I'm not happy with the way things are, asked her whether she is Happy..? If she wants anything from our relationship, there currently isn't.. She said no. I was unsure and asked a few times more, but she is insisting that she has everything that she needs, she knows I'm here for her if she ever needs me and she feels loved. Thats all she wants and she couldn't wish for more.. Honestly this answer made me lose hope even more, because it would have made more sense, to not be the only one unhappy in the relationship.

    She said she will try to spend more time, and actually does try, even if it doesn't amount to much, since all her job related things still are in the way.

  12. He certainly has an unhealthy view on work relationships/team support.

    As a former program manager, I met quarterly with the team and account leads to make sure everyone was being recognized or rewarded some way or another if they were doing well or going above and beyond. Sometimes it was a small gift, sometimes points to buy something, whatever. If a team member came back and said no thank you, that we embarrassed them, I wouldn't want to recognize them again (because they were uncomfortable) and then I would reconsider moving them up on the team because would they then recognize others below them? Are they not mature enough to for the next position up?

    And my former mentor, close friend, was my program manager. One of my best friends I oversaw and managed. Not everyone has to be best friends, but it's completely possible to have a healthy work relationship without the us vs them mentality.

  13. You got friendzoned and couldn't handle it. She told you straight out that she was not interested in you in a romantic way and yet you pushed the issue instead of accepting the reality. You can't get mad now as you could have removed yourself for the situation multiple times.

  14. I’m sorry but nothing about this situation is normal, so it’s hot to give you advice on how to act normal other than don’t show them your feelings and go speak to a professional about it? Whether a rebound will help or not depends on how actually emotionally invested in him you are (sounds like – quite much).

  15. Can you please help me understand?

    My best friend (f27) and I (m31) have known each other 13 years and her and i shouldn't be hanging out one on one because it's disrespectful to her partner? Or if I was dating it would be disrespectful to my partner?

  16. I've been with my man for 16yrs…I never used to go down on him for the same reason. If you ever do, make sure he's had a shower first…it tastes and smells better and makes it easier, for one. For two, and this is the big thing; I started going down on him, he stopped going down on me. I really don't care, like you…fingers are better than tongues in my opinion, but I do enjoy going down on him every once in a while now. However, neither, NEITHER of us would EVER consider ANY type of sexual favor from another. It's just not even on the table. Any committed relationship, really…sexual favors should NEVER be said to be wanted with someone else…not only was he trying to guilt you, but he showed his hand right there. “Don't fulfill my sexual needs, I'll think about getting it somewhere else.” That's what he just told you.

  17. We’ve talked a good couple of times, not argued but talked about how we can solve the issues we’re facing, why we’re facing them etc. In them moments communication is great but when it comes to bringing our communication issues into play I think she struggles. I’ve had insecurities over being cheated on which she is well aware of, I’ve noticed tiny things that made me panic. Instead of letting it build up and panicking that I’m being cheated on again I’ll talk to her and say “look I noticed this, my brains being a nobhead again, I trust you but a bit of reassurance would be nice.”

    It took me a few months to realise I needed to communicate about my insecurities to make our relationship work. I feel like I try so hot with communication but then she tends to just get heated up whenever I’ve done something wrong. For example, last week I realised I had a ton of holidays left in work and thought I’d take a week off to surprise her as I work quite a bit. I told her I was gonna surprise her with it but I can’t keep a surprise and she was annoyed at me because I wasn’t going to tell her.

    It felt like something I tried to do as a nice gesture, since we could go out and do something or she’d be able to stay at mine for a couple of days, it all just went in the bin. She could’ve easily said to me “I’d prefer if I knew so I could take days off, I don’t like surprises so please tell me these things.” Which I’d understand, but instead we argued for a solid hour or two.

  18. It's entirely possible you are over thinking it. Was she standing beside you when the picture was suggested and went running over to your friend? Or did she just happen to be standing next to him ? A lot of people like others Instagrams when they meet them. I wouldn't overthink it. Time will tell…things are pretty early on still it sounds like.

  19. This time has already been wasted. Look how he treats you. Why would you want to spend another day with that loser?

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