Ela the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Ela, 23 y.o.


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Ela on-line sex chat

Date: September 19, 2022

6 thoughts on “Ela the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. dont say anything.

    when everything was fine with her, you were quite happy to not tell him about her and her attitudes.

    now that you are no longer interested you want to get some kind of retribution, masked as concern for the guy you were helping her cheat on.

    Best thing… leave her/ it alone

  2. I've had to interact with plenty of people that need to be precisely and factually correct in the micro; often while ignoring the broader topic or issue. For my personality type, I find them exhausting. But, in the example you provided, it doesn't sound like that. It sounds more like you're a planner and like to have contingencies.

    In your case, it sounds more like you have a communication issue to work through. You're both bringing your past, your temperament, and your biases into the relationship. And, you both need to work to find a communication style that works.

    One thing I've found that helps me in situations like the example you provided is to reframe it. For example,

    “I think we should go by coach.”

    “I'd rather take the train.”

    “I understand. I know you find taking the train to be more relaxing. I guess I'm just concerned that the strikes won't be resolved by our trip and I don't like our travel plans to be up in the air like that”

    By reframing it, you give yourself space to get to the root of what your actual concern is. You make sure your partner is heard. And you redirect the dialog towards what you actually see as the problem. It also steers clear of making the other person feel smaller for overlooking something that you think is obvious.

  3. Honestly, the ring thing may or may not have any significance whatsoever. People who cheat don't care about the ring and people picking up women for a one night stand don't care what their real life entanglements are. The ring is irrelevant.

    That said, you sound VERY controlling. She goes to the bar twice and you loose it like this? How is her going to the bar going to make her “lose our interests of being successful and building a family.” Honestly, that is just nonsense speak that you're using to justify who her friends are. Lot's of successful people go the bar and socialize regularly and lot's of parents (the happy ones) might do the same.

    It sounds like you made her cut off contact with all of her friends, are isolating her at home, and are using the fact that you out earn her to to bully her into this position. Because, why else bring up your incomes? Why else bring up the relative income of the area (poor)?

    What specific thing did she do that's so bad? That merits you blowing up her phone and berating her? Simply have a night or two out is not a big deal, even in a short timespan. She shouldn't need to be some kind of stay at home stepford wife just to prove to you that she's interested in having a child.

    I find your post very disturbing. And, I hope she finds a less manipulative partner if you divorce her.

  4. I didn't exactly walk away. It's my house. Took almost a year to have her removed because she wasn't technically a tenant, couldn't evict. She didn't have enough money to move, just enough to buy weed and toys for “her new place.”

    She finally left last week, today would be our four year anniversary.

  5. Skanky wife 100% knew EXACTLY what she was doing. Unless she has the IQ of a turnip, SHE KNEW!

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