Dynasty_girllive sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “Dynasty_girllive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Why wait to break up? Sounds like he might be projecting but even if he is not, he doesn’t trust you. Have you given him reason not to? If not, you’ve done all you can. Break up now as his behavior will only get worse. Why give your power away? You can only control yourself.

  2. Yeah, you can’t unsay that. She goofed. I think it’s a good rule of thumb not to marry anyone who tells you to die.

  3. The only behavior of his you have a right to chime in on is what affects you. He is an independent adult who you don’t and shouldn’t attempt to control.

    If his late nights are causing you to be late to work, that is the issue — and it’s an issue that can be solved with a conversation, not a command. Try to brainstorm different solutions so that you’re not affected by his late nights (he sets a second alarm? he takes an Uber on those days?).

    Similarly, if he were neglecting you by always spending time with his friends and not you, or ignoring his household responsibilities, or waking you up when he climbs into bed at 3 am, or otherwise affecting you in any way, then you would again be well within your rights to specifically discuss his impact on you and ways that should change. That’s not the case, though, is it?

    If it just bothers you and you don’t like it, so what? Those are your feelings to manage. He’s his own person, and you don’t get to sculpt him into the version of himself you’d prefer him to be. That impulse is entitled and controlling.

    If you don’t understand the appeal of his late-night carousing, then ask him like an adult. Ask him what he and his friends get up to and what he likes about it. Practice your empathy. Then figure out how to let it go. When he has late nights, go out with your own friends or treat yourself to time alone doing whatever it is you like to do. Be a healthy person.

  4. Listen to your gut. You KNOW there are a buttload of red flags here.

    3 months. 3 months. And he wants to make a lifetime commitment? After you already feel he doesn't put enough effort in?

    Hon, he doesn't love you. He is trying to pin down a wife to make his life better. He has zero consideration for what you want.

    Do yourself a favour and opt out, yesterday. Tell him to lose your number.

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