Dorisbest online sex cams for YOU!


7 thoughts on “Dorisbest online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I understand. I guess I just feel bad because he did it, I thought we connected/began trusting on a deeper level, and then took it back. I won’t push it if he’s not comfortable, but you don’t think I should bring it up to get more clarity?

  2. I’m sorry, but I’m so glad your real friend showed up!

    I always say, if they wanted to, they would. Meaning if they cared enough about you, they would have made an effort. I know that’s harsh, but they totally disregarded you, and that pisses me off. If it had been 1 or 2, that would be understandable, but almost all of them? They don’t deserve anymore if your energy, time or attention. Personally, I wouldn’t listen to their pathetic excuses. I would simply block them all and move on. You deserve better.

  3. You say your very successful, I assume you have a few bucks.. of course she “wants to make it work with u” if your loaded. I ain't saying she a gold digger, but…..

  4. I have issues like that but I still wash my ass and vagina daily.

    She probably just grew up like this and had parents who didn't make her wash properly. She needs to wash her butt daily like wtf.

  5. When he walks away from you, he is clearly saying he no longer wants to be with you.

    So accommodate him. Don't chase after him. Don't call after him.

    Go home, or go somewhere else.

    If he drove and you are relying on him for transportation, stop putting yourself in that situation. Both of you should drive.

    This is very tiresome, childish behavior. He's already told you he will do it again.

    What about him is so wonderful that you are putting up with his disrespect?

  6. Dude, you need to move on. You know what you're doing isn't healthy and now you're speculating about why she may have unliked someone's photos. It's really not your business and this is giving me major stalker vibes. Imagine how she would feel if she knew what you were doing. It's a bit creepy.

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